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Tugas Belajar Izin Belajar Umum Anova: Single Factor α = 5%

6 5 6
5 6 8 Groups Count
7 7 7 Tugas Belajar 12
7 5 8 Izin Belajar 12
6 5 9 Umum 12
6 5 6
8 6 6
7 5 9 ANOVA
6 6 8 Source of Variation SS
7 8 6 Between Groups 15.05556
8 7 8 Within Groups 38.16667

Total 53.22222

Anova: Single Factor α=1%

Groups Count
Tugas Belajar 12
Izin Belajar 12
Umum 12

Source of Variation SS
Between Groups 15.05556
Within Groups 38.16667

Total 53.22222
Sum Average Variance
81 6.75 0.931818
71 5.916667 0.992424
90 7.5 1.545455

df MS F P-value F crit
2 7.527778 6.508734 0.004142 3.284918
33 1.156566


Sum Average Variance

81 6.75 0.931818
71 5.916667 0.992424
90 7.5 1.545455

df MS F P-value F crit
2 7.527778 6.508734 0.004142 5.312029
33 1.156566


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