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Sanela Sakic

Process reflection

Econ 1740


I and Michelle decided to split the assignment. Although, we did help each other, in each

other’s part of the assignment. I mainly worked on top questions from 1-5 and occasionally

helped on her on number 6. Michelle mainly worked on number 6 and occasionally helped on the

other questions. We both really appreciate each other. We would say thank you and help each

other find a source that would work for a question we were working on. We started by picking a

site or a park. We both agreed to pick Women’s Rights National Historical Park, which is located

in New York. We both agreed that women’s rights is a good and very important to choose to

work on. Michelle made a table to organize the information, while I was answering the top 5

questions. For question one my thoughts were what is the best way to describe what the park is

about. Then I decided to just write about it and it flowed naturally. For the second question it was

a bit hard to write about. The reason why was due to the lots of information to write about

context of the site. I decided to write about the main concept. They were about the events that

happened mainly in New York. So I choose to pick an example or event that happened in New

York. The third question came easy to me. My thought is why is there museums, parks or sites?

The logical answer was to remind people of this historical event that changed the world or more

specifically America. For question four was on a scale of difficulty a medium. Throughout

history women were always know to be not include in jobs, leadership, and etc., which I

described in the question. For question five my thoughts were “oh great, how do I convince
people now.” So I tired the logical way of caring. I talked about rights, gender equality and etc.

The things I helped in question six was finding sources and photos. Michelle helped me by

suggestion what to write about or if I should add more in details on a certain part of the question.

Later on we did a Prezi presentation. Michelle decided to use her own voice for the presentation

due to me having allergies. Over all our team work was good! I enjoyed working with her!

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