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Cooperative Games

Star Danfora
TLED 408

• This unit is for 7th grade PE, and the theme is cooperative games. Cooperative games teach
literacy by enabling students to communicate clearly and effectively with each other, practice
active listening with their peers, verbally express comprehension of learning objectives, and
reflect on individual and team performance. It is important to incorporate literacy in this
unit because it will enhance the learning, comprehending, and utilizing of this content and
encourage students to carry on this knowledge into other aspects of their lives. This benefits
the students to learn cooperative content because it develops student’s communication,
listening skills, comprehension, interpretation, and reflection skills as an individual and as a
• VA SOL Standard: 7.4 – The student will demonstrate and apply skills to work
independently and with others in physical activity settings.
• Day 1: Pre-reading Activity - “Locomotor Nascar”
• Day 2: Comprehension Activity - “The Hunger Games”
• Day 3: Vocabulary & Writing Activities - “Vocab Scramble”
• Day 4: Assessment & Reflection - “Investigation”
Interdisciplinary Connections and Technology

Connections: Technology:
• Life skills • Projector - Digital
• Science – Experiments • Wheel – Non-traditional
• Math – Problem Solving
• History – Leadership, Conflict
• Physical demonstrations
• Verbal/visual instructions
• Written assignments
• Roles
• 3 books – non fiction, adventure fiction, and mystery
• Cooperative Games for a Cooperative World
• The Hunger Games
• Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Pre-Reading Activities
• Knowledge Rating Method
• Locomotor Nascar
Vocabulary Activities
• List of vocab words and actions
• Modified Lover’s Leap
Comprehension Activity
• Hunger Games Text & Modified Game
• Teams, stations, and wheel
Reflection Activity
• A projected matching game of the vocabulary words
Writing Activity
• Teacher shows the physical demonstration, and students write the vocabulary
word down
• Describe what communication skills are being used and practiced in these
lessons and why they’re important
Performance Based Assessment
• Sherlock Holmes Team Investigation Game

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