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Contact: Matthew Lipovski

Tel: 512 810 0662

Diocese Announces Professional Conference for Teachers

Educators at the high school level are being given the opportunity to build their skill set

ARLINGTON, VA, February 13- The Catholic Diocese of Arlington announces there

will be a conference for high school educators at Paul VI Catholic High school in Fairfax taking

place on March 11. Teachers will have individual sessions where they can learn about multiple

skills and new classroom techniques.

The morning will be filled with a variety of events. There will be an optional mass

session at 7 a.m., followed by coffee and snacks in the cafeteria for a half-hour. Once everyone

has had their fill of food and drinks, the day will officially begin.

Teachers will also strengthen their bond with their religion in addition to being able to

learn effective ways to properly introduce education. The Bishop will be speaking to all of the

high school teachers at 8:30 a.m. for a keynote speech. Several mass services will be held on

campus at both the beginning of the day and the end of the event at 12:30 p.m.

There will be three breakout sessions throughout the day that each will last about

forty-five minutes. The first session will be focused on teaching human sexuality, while the

second session will be going over the theology of the body. After the first two breakout sessions,

there will be a chance for teachers to meet in their departments to discuss curriculum, testing and

student concerns. MORE

Teachers are encouraged to bring a laptop to take notes as some of the sessions are

technology driven. Sites such as Kahoot may be used in order to review key issues and concepts

covered during the session. There will multiple topics covered throughout the sessions that

would be more likely to be retained if written down on a computer.

Many of the issues being discussed during the sessions will cover how to speak to the

students in order to effectively educate them. Some examples include but are not limited to

working with students with anxiety, students that face sensory and emotional overload, and the

use of technology to educate such as virtual reality in the classroom.

For additional information regarding the event or the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, contact

Matthew Lipovski on phone at 512-810-0662 or by email at


The Catholic Diocese of Arnlington is an organization which hopes to spread the word of God

and the Catholic faith to as many people as possible. For more information, visit

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