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Garden Cities of tomorrow 1902

Building Services Engineering Science

School of built and Natural environment |
university of central Lancashire
Title Assignment 2: Building services systems

Module NT1030
Module Title Building Services Engineering Science
Module Tutor John Upton
Level 3
Wednesday 8th December 2010

Tutor information

Module learning outcomes addressed by the brief:

5. Identify the basic principles of light

7. Evaluate the basic methods employed when taking measurements and acceptable

General Instructions

 This assignment paper is the property of Burnley College and should be

returned with your submission.
Assignment Brief

Together with your assigned colleague you are to undertake an investigation and
prepare a PowerPoint presentation lasting approximately 10 minutes discussing
natural light and day lighting techniques used within the college premises, canteen,
reception, sports hall etc. and how these can impact on student performance.

Include in your work reference to materials such as CIBSE and BSEN12464

Marking Scheme

The weighting of this assignment towards your total grade is 20%, and you must
pass this particular assignment with a minimum mark of 40%
School of Built and Natural Environment


Submission instructions - This assignment is to be submitted by not later than

4pm on the date specified in the assignment brief. You must ensure that you keep
another copy of what you submit. Your submitted original will not be returned to you
until after the end of year Assessment Board. When you submit your work, please
note that it must be submitted via the allocated pigeon hole in the School of Built and
Natural Environment only. You must not, under any circumstances, hand it directly to
your tutor or another member of staff.
Feedback - The module tutor/assessor will normally provide you with generic
feedback on any formative or summative aspects of the assessment within 15
working days of the date of submission. This may be either posted on a website, or
sent to you electronically, or provided in a class-based session.
Individual written feedback - will be provided on a proforma feedback Assessed
Work Submission sheet which will address the extent to which you have met the
learning outcomes of the assignment and indicate the mark or grade attained in
accordance with the original marking criteria shown on the assignment brief. It will
also provide you with an indication of areas for improvement.
Deadlines - It is essential that you assist your tutor by complying with submission
deadlines so that you can benefit from the generic feedback process. Note that work
offered for submission within 10 working days after the date/time specified without an
authorised extension will obtain a maximum mark of 40% for that element of
assessment. Work submitted after 5 working days of the date/time specified will be
awarded grade 0. The Head of Department or nominee is authorised to give
permission for one extension period of between 1 and 5 working days. (See
Academic Regulation G6.2)
Extenuating circumstances - If you are prevented from submitting work for reasons
which could not be disclosed prior to the required submission date/time eg. illness or
accident you must use the ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ procedure so that your claim
may be dealt with prior to the end of year Assessment Board. Details of the
procedure can be found in your Student Handbook and the Students Guide to the
Pass grades – in order to pass the module you need to pass each main element of
the module with a minimum mark of 40%. If you fail the module and subsequently
obtain the required 40% mark after reassessment then the maximum mark for the
module is 40%.
Retrieval - In certain cases you may be allowed to resubmit components of
assignment work which you have failed before the end of Semester 2. Retrieval will
only be available for those assignments which can be reassessed before the end of
Semester 2. The maximum grade awarded for resubmitted components of
assignment work carried out under the retrieval system is 40%.
Plagiarism - Plagiarism is regarded by the University as a very serious offence.
Please ensure that you read the relevant academic regulations (G10) concerning
what constitutes plagiarism and ensure that what you submit as an individual or as a
group is clearly all your own work and that the source of any information or material
is fully identified and properly acknowledged/referenced.

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