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Worksheet from Teach Like a Champion Field Guide


Please provide your responses in the areas designated with red.

No matter how you are using the Field Guide, take a minute now to reflect on your strengths and
weaknesses. Identify one or two preliminary goals that address what you want to learn and improve –
for example, using questioning to be more rigorous or remaining calm and poised in the face of
nonproductive behavior.

1. In a recent informal observation it was made apparent that I need to increase my ratio of positive
comments and feedback. I tend to be a bit more on the negative interaction side and do not use as
much praise as I should.

2. I also need to spend more time increasing my wait time and ensuring that other kids answer
questions, not just the one or two kids that love to volunteer information.

Now flip through the and, at closer range, note some specific techniques that could help you
address these topics. Your goal is ultimately to master these and a variety of related content, including
that related to your strengths.

Technique: Page 17 has a technique called "Targeted Questioning" which I believe would help with my
second goal.

Technique: I would also like to learn more about the technique on page 105, "Culture of Error" which
would assist reluctant students in answering questions without fear of making mistakes.

Technique: "Precise Praise", on page 605, would greatly assist me in finding ways to praise my students
sincerely and meaningfully to increase the positive interactions in my class.

Next, considering your strengths and weaknesses, your interests and style, the needs of your
students, consider which techniques in this guide look like the best places for you to start. Choose three
or four. Then glance through those techniques, noting one single, focused idea from within each that
you’re excited to master. Record the technique names and smaller ideas here:

Technique and idea: I think that the entirety of Chapter 12 needs to be my starting point. Essentially the
chapter is about building relationships in your classroom. I have a great class culture but there is no
doubt that it could be better. Thus, my first interest is technique 58: "Positive Framing". This technique
uses positive tones to motivate and inspire students. I tend to be dry in class.

Technique and idea: The next technique I'd like to work on is technique 59: "Precise Praise". This
technique differentiates between acknowledgement and praise. I tend to acknowledge answers but not
praise them one way or the other.
Technique and idea: It is also very important that I work on technique 61: "Emotional COnsistency". I
have definitely gotten better at this during the year, at the expense of conveying positive emotion too.
However I still have a log way to go to perfect this technique. I let my frustration get out of hand

From among the ones you’ve listed here, choose your starting point. If you’re new to this,
starting with one technique (or even part of one!) may be sufficient. Working on it may lead you to you
starting point when we being your work on your techniques.

I am going to start with technique 61: "Emotional consistency" and then add the other techniques from
chapter 12 in as I go.

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