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Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken

English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures

Questions : 1 to 3.


A The baby strollers are on sale.
B. The basket needs to be refilled.
C. The shopping carts are stuck together.
D. The trolleys are being rented

Choice (C) ~ “The shopping carts are stuck together.” — best describes What is seen in the
picture. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Let’s begin with question number one.
Part II. Question — Responses
Questions : 4 to 7.

In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses,
also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in
your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the
best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear :
Woman : Shouldn’t We check in with the receptionist?
You will also hear :
Man :
Sample answer
Sample answer

(A) I didn’t bring my cheque book.

(B) Yes, we should check it out.
(C) Yes, I suppose so.
Choice (C) — “Yes, I suppose so” — is the best response to the question. ” Shouldn’t we check
in with the receptionist?” Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
check in with the receptionist?” Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III Short Conversations
Questions : 8 to 11.
Directions :

In this section of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations
TWICE. The conversations will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say.In your test book, you will read a question about each
conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to
each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.
You will hear :
Woman : Do you mind if I use your computer?
Man : No. Please shut it down after you finish.
Woman : I will. Thank you.
You will read : What will the man do?
A. Finish his work.
B. Lend his computer.
C. Borrow the computer.
D. Shut down the laptop.
Choice (B) ~ “Lend his computer.” — is the best answer to the question, “What will the man do?”
Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
8. What does the woman’s supervisor do?
A. Help her every time.
B. Keep the man working.
C. Make her busy.
D. Pay her 2 times a month.
9. What does the woman do?
A. Reserve a suite room.
B. Need a reservation code.
C. Arrive at night.
D. Check in at the hotel.
10. What does the woman want?
A. Keep the printer for 2 hours.
B. Put the printer on the man’s desk.
C. Lend her printer.
D. Borrow the printer.
11. Why does the man need more paper?
A. The paper supply is running out.
B. The woman doesn’t supply much paper.
C. The man did not order the right number.
D. The divisions used enough paper.
Part IV. Short Talks
Questions : 12 to 15.

In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.

In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your
answer sheet.
Questions 12 and 13 refer to on the following instruction.
12. What are the conditions to park bicycles for a resident?

A. Add more locks.

B. Park only one bicycle.

C. Lock the motorbike well.

D. Use only authorized motorized bicycle.

13. Who should be responsible if there is any damage or other loss while parking the bicycles?
A. All the residents.
B. The dormitory manager.
C. The University staff.
D. The owner of the bicycle.
14. What thing is not sold in the Bazaar?

A. Handbags.
B. Baby accessories.
C. Jewelry
D. Kitchen appliances.
15. What activity is the school organizing?
A. Help parents design clothes.
B. Invite customers to buy products.
C. Hold an Annual Holiday Bazaar.
D. Gather parents for a meeting.
This is the end of the listening section
Questions 16 to 18 refer to the following text.
Some years ago, Gordon Summer dropped out of teaching to risk all in the chancy world of
pop music. Two years later, he was struggling to pay the rent. Now, he is known as Sting, the
lead singer of one of today’s hottest bands, The Police. How did this ex-schoolmaster
manufacture the right sound, the right image, the right brand of sex appeal, to make himself
into a teenage idol?

Gordon Summer, an exceptionally good-looking man idolized by millions of people and so rich
that he can afford all he could ever wish for, better known as Sting, is the lead singer of The
Police. His naturally fair hair has replaced the dyed blond hair of his stage act. The face
magnetizes. His voice is low and husky, eyes bright and intelligent, yet wary.

Suddenly, he has become a superstar. “I can’t walk down a street anyone without feeling that
people are watching me. I can’t be anonymous any longer, and that’s a drag, “he says.

16. What is the main idea paragraph 2?

A. The change in Sting.

B. The popularity of Sting.

C. The lead singer of the Police.

D. Gordon Summer’s success and appearance.

17. What was Sting’s job before?
A. singer.
B. teacher.
C. musician.
D. An entertainer.
18. “Gordon Summer, an exceptionally good-looking man idolized by millions. “(Paragraph2)
What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. Wanted.
B. Hated.
C. Expected.
D. Respected.
Questions 19 to 21 refer to the following procedure.
1. Scan the image
2. Select the scan area in the scanner software
3. Press the scan button on the scanner
4. Connect the scanner to your PC
5. Set the options
6. Place the material to be scanned into the scanner
7. Save the image disk
8. Preview the scan

19. What does the text mainly inform?

A. The steps to copy the document

B. The manual of scan the image
C. How to use a scanner
D. How to operate a PC
20. What should we do before saving the image disk?
A. Place the scanned material into the scanner
B. Select the software of the scanner
C. Connect the PC to the socket
D. Save the image disk
21. Select the scan area in the scanner software.” The underlined word has the closest
meaning to …
A. Decide
B. Classify
C. Choose
D. Appoint
Question 22 to 24 refer to the following text
Nelson Mandela
Born in the tiny village of Mvezo on the banks of the Mbashe River in Taranski on July
18,1918,Rolihahlah Mandela or Nelson Mandela grew up as a village child in South Africa. In
the Xhosa language, Rolihala means ”pulling the branch of a tree” but more commonly
translates as “troublemaker”.

During his twenties, Mandela actively took part in the anti-apherteid movement. He also
joined the African Nations Congress in 1942. He orchestrated a campingn of peaceful, non
violent defiance against The South African government and its racist policies for 20 years. In
1993, Mandela and South Africa and South African President

, Klerk, were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the efforts to dismantles the
country’s apartheid system. In 1994 Mandela became South Africa’s first black president.
Then, Mandela’s birthday was declared as “Mandela Day”. The purpose of this day to promote
global peace and celebrate to the south African leader’s legacy.

Mandela died on December 5,2013 at this house in Johannesburg,

22. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To give information about Nelson Mandela’s person life.
B. To persuade the readers to have Nelson Mandela’s spirit. Nelson Mandela’s story.
C. To amuse the readers with
D. To entertain the readers about Nelson Mandela’s job.
23. What happened to Nelson Mandela in 1993?
A. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Price.
B. He orchestrated a campaign of peaceful.
C. He against The South African government.
D. He became South Africa’s first black President.
24.” He orchestrated a campingn of peaceful,non violent defiance against”(paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word mean?

A. Guided
B. Motivated
C. Supported
D. Conducted
Question 25 – 27 refer to the following letter.
Jl. Proklamasi Blok J No.9

Maumere 301237

The Manager,
Achilles Footwear
Jalan Cemara No 39
Maumere 30245

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain a pair of shoes which I purchased last week from your shop.
Your sales assistant recommended these shoes for walking. Although she said they had non-
slip soles and were fully waterproof, my feet were soaked when I wore them in the rain

I enclose the receipt for Rp.185.000 and would appreciate a refund or pair of genuine water
proof walking shoes as replacement.

Yours Faithfully,

Anton Biroe
25. What is the letter talking about?
A. The compliment about a pair of shoes.
B. A refund or a pair of genuine waterproof.
C. The sales assistant recommended these shoes for walking.
D. They had non – slip soles and were fully waterproof.
Yours Faithfully,
26. Where is the letter delivered to?

A. Jl. Proklamasi.
B. Jl. Cemara Blok J No.9.
C. Achilles footwear.
D. Palembang.
27 ….and would appreciate is refund or a pair…. The underlined word has similar with…

A. Refuse
B. Repayment
C. Withdraw
D. Find out
Questions 28 - 30 refer to the following announcement:
A 35- year- old woman is reported missing from Park Street home. The missing person is Mrs.
Marry Siahaan. She is 165 cm tall, weight 45 kg and has long straight hair. She has a pale
complexion and blue eyes. When last seen, she was wearing a light red coat, a green scarf and
black shoes.

28. What is the purpose of the announcement?

A. To find contact with Mrs. Siahaan.

B. To ask people to find a woman.
C. To call Mrs. Siahaan.
D. To describe Mrs. Siahaan.
29. Which statement is NOT true about Mrs. Siahaan?

A. She’s reported missing.

B. She’s married.
C. She lives on Park Street.
D. She is overweight.
30. What is the synonym of the word “ missing “(line 1) ?

A. Found.
B. Lost.
C. Loving.
D. Hating.
The text is for numbers 31 to 33.
Dolphins are very intelligent animals and they are benign to humans. This water mammals
are able to fascinateus in many different ways. These mammals live in a group. They have been
known to help humans in a varietyof circumstances including rescue and fishing.

There are 36 species of dolphins that have been found. 32 species are dolphins the sea is
already well knownby the people and 4 species are river dolphins. It’s very interesting to see
and learn about the dolphin species.

Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can jump out of the water. Some of them can jump up
to 30 feet in theair. The dolphins are grayish blue and his skin is very sensitive to human touch
and other objects.

Although the dolphins have 100 teeth, they don’t use their teeth to eat. They use it to get fish
then they swallowthe fish. They can consume fish up to 15 kg per day. They always gather in a
group to hunt fish

31. What is the text about?

A. Water Mammals
B. Intelligent Animals
C. 32 species of dolphins
D. Dolphins
32. “They use it to get fish then they swallowthe fish”. The underlined word is closest in
meaning to...

A. discharge
B. save
C. resque
D. absorb
33. According to the text, dolphins always gather in a group in order to....

A. rescue the fish

B.consume fish up to 15 kg per day

C. pursue the fish

D. save the fish

34. Ratih : how often does Steven practice his English?

Tony : He practices English every day

Ratih : Oh, really? ...................
A. What do you do?
B. You are dilligent.
C. What a dilligent student!
D. I like English.
35. Waitress : Would you like a cup of tea?
Customer : .... I love tea. It’s good for our health.

A. No, thanks.
B. I don’t think so.
C. I’m sorry.
D. Sure.
36. Tia : What does Mr. Rahman do every week?

Marni : .... He makes sure that they won’t come late.

A. He loves cooking dinner for the family
B. He always gets up late.
C. He always drives his children to school.
D. He enjoys teaching them new concept.
37. Rico : You look unhealthy boy.
Rian : Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.
Rico : You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will accompany you.
Rian : Ok
The underlined sentence shows.........
A. Advice
B. Agreement
C. Disagreement
D. Necessity
38. Clarke : Dan Browns books are masterpiece.
John : … He must have gotten many awards for what he has written.

A. I’m not sure.

B. I have no idea.

C. That must be true.

D. I am doubt about it.

39. ”The stewardess is now serving coffee to the passengers.

”The passive form of the sentence is......

A. Coffee is now being served to the passengers. B. The passengers are serving coffee now.
B. The passengers are serving coffee now.
C. The passengers are now served coffee. D. Coffee is now served by the passengers.
D. Coffee is now served by the passengers.
40. My boss. . . . very pleased if I finished the Job

A. Would be

B. Will be

C. Won’t be

D. Wouldn’t be
41. Kadek : Does your mother like cooking?
Denies : No, ….

A. she isn’t

B. her hobby is fishing

C. she does not

D. my mother is cooking
42. Ria : What will the students perform?

Ina : . . . . . They want to preserve the cultural heritage

A. They just saw a modern dance

B. They are going to do traditional dance

C. The students performed” Break “ dance

D. The students are listening to a ‘ Rap “ music

43. Ira : I am having trouble with my computer again, I have done everything I can but it
doesn’t work properly.
Ita : Why don’t you have Darno … .it?
A. to fix
B. fixing
C. he fixed
D. fix
44. Andre : I have tried to fix my motorbike, but it is still not running well.

Dodi : Why don’t you have a mechanic …it?

A. check

B. checking

C. to checking

D. checked
45. The doctor : ‘Open your mouth!
Mother :’ What did the doctor tell you?
The doctor : ‘Told me ….
A. that I opened his mouth
B. if I opened my mouth
C. whether I opened my mouth
D. to open my mouth
46. Tommy : I’ll go rafting in the Citarik River next Sunday. Do you want to join us?

Chandra : Rafting? Sure, …

A. I like Sunday.
B. I love rafting.
C. I don’t have much time to do that.
D. I don’t like rafting.
47. Andre : Did you join the trip last holiday?
Firdaus : If my father had given me permission, I would have joined it.
From the dialog we know that …….

A. Firdaus joined the trip

B. Andre didn’t join the trip

C. Firdaus really wanted to join the trip but he didn’t

D. Andre wanted Firdaus to join the trip

48. “I saw him crossing the road “

The sentences means ……………

A. I saw him when he was crossing the road

B. I was seeing him when he crossed the road
C. I saw him when started to cross the road
D. I saw him when he finished crossing the road
49. Eman : How you spend your weekend
Sinta : … because I don’t Have enough time to do house hold in week days

A. I Like Listening to music

B. I prefer lying on the bad

C. I would rather do the laundry and cook

D. I would rather have fun with my friend

50. Andy : I am really out of shape.
Randi : Yes I see , I think . You …going to the gym regularly
A. Have to start

B. Must to start

C. Must be starting

D. Hasto start

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