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A concept paper submitted to:

Ms. Maureen Casiano


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the subject

“English for Academics and Professional Purposes”



April 2019
When they don’t have time to eat a proper meal because of work and school they usually resort to

fast food or “comfort food” for they can be prepared and eaten quickly without considering their negative

effects. Most fast foods are not only overly processed and loaded with preservatives but are also packed

with sodium and high fat content.

(Laurence, (2003) While an incidental night of eating out fast food won’t hurt a propensity it

could also be very compelling to many. Evidence points to fast foods as being addictive as alcohol and

drugs. Fast food and processed foods can also harm the physical health, leading to diabetes and obesity, as

well as premature cardiac death, cancer and strokes.

(Fuhman, (n.d.) said that eating just one serving of French fries per week during adolescence

increases women’s breast cancer risk later in life by 27%. He also mentioned that a study published in

circulation found that eating fast food one time per week increases the risk of dying from coronary heart

disease by 20%, a risk that grew to 50% for people eating fast food two or three times per week. Other

documented impacts from these foods according to him include brain fog mood swings, anxiety, violence,

aggression and for kids who eat fast food and processed food the situation may be even worse.

(Public Health Nutrition, (2011) Aside for that, fast food can also alter the brain and mental

health fuelling depression, mental illness and other illness. According to a study entitled “Fast-food and

commercial baked goods consumption and the risk of depression” people who eat fast food are 51% more

likely to develop depression compared to those who eat little or no fast food a week.

(Isganaitis and Lustig, (2005) Among the lesser-known effects of fast food on the body is how it

affects the brain. Foods very high in fat, sugar and salt play havoc with the insulin levels – both the level

in the bloodstream regulated by the pancreas and in the brain's ability to produce it. Very high levels of

insulin are linked to the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. But, if there is an imbalance of essential fatty
acids due to poor diet, it can also increase your risk of depression. Many fast-food restaurants are

attempting to clean up its menus.

Aims or Objectives

The researchers conduct this study to know if students are aware on the effects of it. The

overall objective of the study was to know if they are aware in what they can get from fast foods. Some of

the researchers would always eat in fast foods and some are aware and some are not. The researchers also

want to know the factors influencing the consumption of fast foods among the adolescents.


The consumption of different types of fast food is increasingly growing in all parts of the world,

both in developed and developing countries. Because of the changes and transitions in the lifestyle and

dietary habits of people, an increasing number of people from different age groups, particularly adolescents

and young adults, are inclined toward consuming fast food. This is why we the researchers decided to study

the negative effects of fast-food to give awareness and precaution to consumers of fast-food.

Bibliography/ References




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