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Materials :
 1kg paraffin wax  wipe
 15cm wick axis  spoon
 500ml of water  food clamp
 crayon  cut
 jar  cutter
 15cm wire  pan
 plastic  stove
 basin

Steps :
1. Firstly, cut paraffin wax into small pieces to make it melt quickly.
2. Second, add pieces of crayon adequately to give a colour wax. In the video I use a red colour
and white colour to make a soft pink colour.
3. Pour 500ml of water into a pan.
4. Turn on the stove on medium heat.
5. Next, insert a basin containing pieces of wax and crayon into the pan. Stir it until melt.
6. Tie the wick axis on the middle of the wire and place it across the jar.
7. Take a basin containing liquid wax with food clamp and wipe
8. Pour the liquid wax into a jar and wait until wax become solid.
9. Then, make a white wax with steps like before and pour it into a plastic. Wait until it
thickens slightly to create a mock cream.
10. Stir it until crumble.
11. Cut the plastic tip and whip the mock cream into a jar.
12. Make purple and cream wax to decorate with pour it above the mock cream.
13. Loose the wick axle ties on the wire.
14. Finally, cut the wick axis so it is not too long. The happy cake (jar cake candle) has done.

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