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The Story About Oryza , Sativa and Craza

One day, there lived a turtle named Oryza. He has a brother named Sativa. They live happily,
whenever and wherever they are always together.

When they were enjoying dinner, Oryza planned that tomorrow he wanted to go to the market.
Oryza wanted to buy something that very important for him.

"Sativa, tomorrow let's go to the market" Said Oryza.

"What do you want?" Asked Sativa.

"I want to buy a new shell" Oryza answered.

"Why is it with your shell?" Asked Sativa.

"Yesterday I was hit by a train until the shell was cracked" Oryza replied.

After Sativa heard the explanation from Oryza, Sativa said "Okay, tomorrow we go to the market"

The next day, they went to the market at 3 AM because they were walking very slowly. While on
the way they met a snail named Rhizopus.

"How are you guys" Said Rhizopus.

"Eh ... how are you?" Sativa asked

"Alhamdulillah, I'm fine, where are you going?" Said Rhizopus

"We want to go to the market, if you?" Asked them both.

But when they were cool they joked, suddenly the rabbit came and ran quickly. The flying dust
certainly made the three friends cough. the rabbit was named Neurospora Craza.

"Hey Craza !! We know that you can run fast, but can you also appreciate friends around you?"
Oryza shouted out of annoyance.

Hearing the words from Oryza, Craza stopped and approached them.

"What for ? Why do I have to listen to the words of the slow animal community like you ? Definitely
because you are jealous that you can't run as fast as me, and can only crawl slowly. Hahahaha ..." Craza
said mockingly.
Hearing the rabbit's taunts, the turtle growled. He did not accept if he and his friends were abused
like that.

"Don't be arrogant, Craza. If you dare, let's run a race. I'm sure I can beat you" Challenge Sativa.

Hearing the challenge, the Craza burst out laughing in an insulting manner.

"You ?! Beat me ?! Hahahaha ... You haven't slept, but you've been delirious. You stupid turtle.
Well, to keep my good name because of your impudence, I'll give you a lesson about the meaning of victory
and speed". Craza answered.

Finally, they decided to compete. The Snail served as a judge at the start line, while Oryza was at
the finish line to watch who arrived first. And the race was started. Craza easily led the race, running away
in front of a slow crawling Sativa. This made Craza laugh even more insulting, but Sativa still tried and
never gave up. He still ran with all his might for his pride and friends.

Seeing the persistence of Sativa, arousing intentions in the hearts of Craza nosy. Actually, a few
steps away Craza arrived at the finish line. But he wanted to mock Sativa more than that. So, he decided to
rest under a tree near the finish line. When the Sativa was just a few steps away from the finish line, he
would quickly precede it. Of course that will definitely make Sativa despair and he can taunt him at will.

In the distance, the Sativa was still trying to run as hard as he can. His sweat was running down,
but he didn't care. What's more when from a distance he saw a rabbit resting under a tree as if mocking him,
making the Sativa even more excited and kept trying. Meanwhile, Craza who is waiting for the Sativa under
the tree gets very bored. Because the Sativa step is quite slow, it takes a long time for the turtle to arrive at
the finish line.

"Ah... so sleepy. It's better that I take a nap to wait for the Sativa to arrive here. With such a slow
pace, it takes a long time for him to chase me" Craza said then fell asleep.

But, the air beneath the trees is quite cool, plus the breeze is quite fresh, making Craza asleep quite
soundly. Even he did not realize when Sativa walked past him.

“ Come on Sativa !! fast !! before the Craza comes before you, come on !! ” Yelled Oryza.

" Quickly Sativa !! Speed up your pace !! Come on !! " Yelled Rhizopus.

“ Hooray, you win Sativa !! “ Yelled Rhizopus and Oryza

When he woke up, it was too late. Sativa has put the final step right at the finish line so that Craza
can't precede it. Finally, the arrogant Craza was defeated by the tortoise Sativa.
"Don't feel like winning Sativa !! Just wait for my revenge !!" Said Craza.

"So don't be arrogant!" Said Sativa.

After that, Craza ran as fast as lightning, leaving those who were happy because they won this

One week after the match, Craza revenge against Oryza and Sativa. Craza tries to harm Sativa in
various ways, for example giving lubrication when the Sativa walks on the road, damaging the garden
belonging to the Oryza and Sativa, polluting the waterways leading to the house of Oryza and Sativa. but
the effort failed, but it was profitable for Oryza and Sativa.

At one time Craza heard rumors of hunters in the village next door ... Craza also had the idea to
harm Sativa through the hunter. One day, Craza visited the house of Oryza and Sativa.

"Assalamualaikum ..." Craza said.

"Waalaikumsalam ..." Answered Sativa from inside the house.

"Hi Sativa how are you?" Craza asked

"Thank God, I'm fine, is there a need for you to come here?" Sativa said

"Hey, Sativa, will you come with me?" Craza said.

"Where is Craza?" Asked Sativa.

"I want to invite you to go to the fruit party in the opposite village." Replied Craza.

"But what about my brother Craza? I don't want to leave him. "Sativa said.

"Do you not want Sativa, do you want to get big fruit in the opposite village?" Replied the rabbit

"Yes Craza, but ...?" Said the tortoise Sativa with a heavy heart.

"You don't want to boast your brother with big fruit?" Replied Craza.

Then Sativa answered. " You're right, Craza "

Craza was very happy because Sativa wanted to go with him.

The rabbit said to the Sativa and left the Tortoise. "Don't forget to bring a lot of lunch, Turtles .
Assalamualaikum Sativa "
" Waalaikumsalam ... " Answered Sativa

The next day, Craza and Sativa walk together to the fruit party without his brother, Oryza

"Yeah, today you will eat big fruits in Sativa bags, and harm Sativa "Craza muttered to himself.

Craza deliberately left the Sativa. "I was first Sativa, bye ..." Craza said.

Sativa replied, "Eh don't leave me!"

Craza stopped for a moment while eating bananas, waiting for the tortoise Sativa, The course was
very slow. was seen Sativa walking very tired. They rested for a while while eating the lunch they were
carrying. At that time, the Craza's provisions had run out. Craza tried to ask Sativa for food. "Sativa, can
you ask for your food a little?" Craza said.

"You can't, this is for the provision of my journey later." Sativa banned.

Sativa went on his journey. Craza was upset because Sativa gave no food. Then he deliberately looked for
ideas to trap the turtle Sativa. To take food that has ditasnya.

Craza has set a trap for Sativa. Sativa very patiently walked to the party even though she was tired. Monkey
the Monkey did not despair, she tried to trap the Sativa for the second time. Apparently the trap didn't work
either. Craza trapped himself in his trap.

Shortly thereafter, the walking tortoise Sativa was captured by an animal hunter because the flight was very
slow ... The Tortoise asked Craza for help to free himself. But Craza just laughed and followed the hunter's
path. Unexpectedly, the Sativa gets plenty of food there. Craza approached the Sativa and seduced it so that
it was bound in the catch of the hunter.

"Sativa the Tortoise." Craza said.

"What are you doing here? I'm eating a lot of this fruit. "Satva answered with annoyance.

"May I ask for a little?" Asked Craza back.

"I can't, it's mine! Why did you leave me? "Asked Sativa.

"Sorry sorry, the tortoise Sativa, I didn't know!" Craza the rabbit said on the grounds. Then Craza said
again. "Are you not sorry for your brother Oryza if he finds out you were arrested?"

the Sativa thought about his brother, then he answered. "But how can I escape this catch?"

"Take it easy, there is me. Just tie the rope to me, then you can escape. "Said the Craza
"Alright." Sativa replied.

Craza was happy because he could eat the fruits. Whereas Sativa left and left Craza. Shortly afterwards,
Craza accidentally fell asleep due to satiety. Then he woke up and was shocked, because he was taken by
the hunter for sale. And Craza did not have time to escape.

Finally, Craza the rabbit regretted his actions. Those who are always greedy, cunning, and don't want to
help each other with each other.

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