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At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 enhance their entrepreneurial mindset and develop their functional skill sets to see and act
 set personal goals
 implement leadership systems
 increase team productivity
 raise the initiative of the team members
 understand business models, types of businesses that can be started
 identify and develop great ideas into great companies
 identify opportunities based on real customer needs
 create the company strategy
 promote the business
 develop a marketing campaign in order to appeal to consumers
 attract potential customers
 manage the client portfolio
 communicate with customers
 acquire and apply knowledge about staff management, organizational management,
performance management
 develop a human resources strategy
 define the business plan
 fund the business
 sell the idea to the investors
 develop solid business models
 create successful companies


Week One :

1.1. Welcome and introduction. Course overview

1.2. The entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

 What is entrepreneurship?
 Who is an entrepreneur?
 The factors influencing the development of entrepreneurship.
 Business ethics

1.3. Requirements for a successful entrepreneur. Skills, motivation and leadership.

 Personality styles and behavioral patterns
 The non-verbal (body language)

Each week will have 5 video lectures of around 30min, basically a video of me explaining the PowerPoint slides.
The slides converted in PDF and the transcript will be available to be downloaded. The slides will contain besides
the theoretical part, practical examples, case studies including and also some of my personal examples – from my
business life.
1.4. Setting personal goals. Steps for developing personal leadership.
 Positive attitude
 Ability to empathize with others
 Emotional intelligence. The ability to build positive interpersonal relationships.

1.5. High performance leadership system, tailored to your organization. Ways to increase team
productivity. Techniques for raising the initiative of the team members.

Week Two:

2.1. Entrepreneurial motivations and behaviors

2.2. Types of reactions and behaviors in difficult situations. Managing stressors in your life; strategies to
overcome the stressors;

2.3. Business models. Types of businesses that can be started

 Opportunity identification
 Partnerships
 Outsourcing

2.4. How to find a successful business idea. Understanding the constraints (individual constraints, group
constraints, organizational constraints industry & market constraints, societal constraints, technological
constraints )

2.5. Business project management. Monitoring the activities and projects.

Week Three:

3.1. The entrepreneur and creating the company strategy

 Understanding the customers.
 Understanding the industry
 Market needs
 Competitive advantage
 Strategic positioning
 Strategic planning

3.2. Promoting the business

 Positioning in the market. Marketing Strategy. Marketing policies
 Public relations and communication
 The role of the online environment for entrepreneurial success

3.3. Human resources development plan

 Human resources policies and programs
 Organizational management (structure, analysis and job description)
 Personnel workflow management
 Conflict management
3.4. High employee engagement.
 Recruitment and selection . Integrating new employees.

 Training and development plans.

 Evaluation of job satisfaction.
 Motivation, benefits and rewards. Wage policy
 Performance management. Employee performance evaluation

3.5. Communicating with the clients

 Attracting potential customers
 Retaining customers
 Managing the client portfolio
 Customer satisfaction
 Customer loyalty
 Customer service policies
 Customer care.
 Customer waits and queue management
 Managing complaints

Week Four:

4.1. Assessment of the business idea – the business plan.

 Defining the business plan
 Sales forecasting. Managing the sales pipeline
 Developing the marketing mix
 Pricing
 Building financial statements

4.2. Risk taking in entrepreneurial decision-making. Risk management.

4.3. Funding the business. Sources of financial capital.

4.4. Selling the idea to the investors

 Argumentation. Drafting clear and concise arguments
 Developing persuasive messages
 Delivering a high-impact presentation or speech

4.5. Introduction to commercial law


Week 1 – Reflection essay - The students will write an essay about the world's most innovative
companies (real business situations). Each student will chose a company and will comment why he/she
considers that this company is among the world's most innovative companies. Each student will give
feedback to an essay randomly assigned.

I will discuss also about croudsourcing
Week 2 – Analyzing constraints - The students will write an essay about a business idea, taking in
consideration all the constraint that refined the idea. Each student will give feedback to an essay
randomly assigned.

Week 3 - The social challenge - In this assignment, the students will create their own business page on
a social media platform (or improve it if the page already exists) and they receive feedback from their
peers on the social impression that they make.

Week 4 – Business Planning - The students will create a business plan. Each student will analyze a
business plan randomly assigned.

DISCUSSION FORUMS – There will be discussion forums available for the topics of this training. Each
student will be required to post at least one reflection/ comment per week.

SUPPLEMENTAL READING LIST – There will be a supplemental reading list made available each week
for the students that want to deepen the topics.

END OF WEEK QUIZES – Each week the students will be required to take a weekly quiz with question
from the videos of the respective week.

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