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The Smuggler – Script

Betzabé Ballesteros, Cynthia Cepeda, Michelle Camacho, Stephania

Guevara, Fernando Moreno, Miguel Velástegui.

At the hut
Miguel (Harker): I’m writing a letter to my friend John Samuel Fame.
Ezra comes with a police (Stephania)
Cynthia (Ezra): Destroy everything and look for the letter.

At the border
Fernando (Rolland): We should look for Mr. Fame. He’s accused of
Harker’s death.
Stephania (Policeman): We must look at the border. He’s intelligent and
he’ll try to scape.
Betzabé (Fame) Runs away with a suitcase and is observed.

At the hut
Fame comes and see Harker’s body.
Betzabé (Fame): OMG! My boss was killed. It wasn’t a suicide. This letter
is to me.
Betzabé (Fame): There is someone outside.

At the hotel
Rings the telephone
Betzabé (Fame): Hello Zara I need your help!
Michelle (Zara): What happened with you? Are you OK?
Betzabé (Fame): I want to hide in your hotel. Bye.
Fame turns on the radio and listen to it
Breaking news: The golden head of the Pharaoh was stolen.

At the Police department

Rolland and the Police interrogate Fame and Zara
Fernando (Rolland): Two policeman will come to interrogate you.
Stephania (Policeman): You are accused of murder.
Stephania (Policeman): If you don’t collaborate with us you’ll receive 20
years of prison.
Michelle (Zara): We tell you the truth.
Minutes later
Fernando (Rolland): I need you to decode the letter.

At the place of the treasure

Michelle (Zara): This is the correct location.
Betzabé (Fame): Apparently the golden head is near us.
Cynthia (Ezra): You’re right but we arrived first.
The police come and kill Ezra
Miguel (Policeman): Police! Don’t move!
Fernando (Rolland): Now we just have to return it to the museum.

The End!

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