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52913 DHS safety flip chart 6/1/05 4:27 PM Page 47

Poisons may be inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin. Poisonous or toxic
chemicals, gases, plants, or non-food products can cause mild to severe illness.
Poisoning warning signs may be in combination or stand alone.

Syrup of Ipecac is used to induce (start) vomiting. Store Syrup of Ipecac out of the
reach of children at room temperature. Check the epiration date regularly and be sure
all staff are familiar with when and how it is used.

❏ For All Poisons

➔ Assess signs and symptoms which may include:

• Nausea and/or vomiting;
• Headache;
• Dizziness or loss of consciousness;
• Abdominal pain or cramping;
• Irritation or pain at the site of exposure, (skin, eyes, mouth, etc.);
• Unusual discoloration of the mouth, lips, nose, skin , etc.,from the poi-
sonous item, berry, dye, or chemical, etc.;
• Watery eyes, prolonged coughing or choking;
➔ Remove the victim (and others) from further exposure risks;

➔ Remove any visible items or substances from the mouth, nose, ear, etc.;

➔ Check for breathing; begin Rescue breathing, if needed;

( Activate emergency medical services (911);

➔ DO NOT induce vomiting or give Syrup of Ipecac, activated charcoal,

milk, etc. without instructions from Poison Control or medical personnel;

( Call POISON CONTROL for instructions. When possible, take the victim
and the poison to the phone with you;

• Maricopa County (Phoenix area): 602-253-3334

• Pima County (Tucson area): 520-626-6016

• Other ARIZONA areas 1-800-362-0101

Poison Emergencies

52913 DHS safety flip chart 6/1/05 4:27 PM Page 48

❏ Skin Contact Poisons

➔ Get the chemicals off of the skin surface as quickly as possible,

• Use cool, running water to flush the area for 10-15 minutes;
• Protect yourself from potential skin contact exposure;
• If no other emergency help is needed, cover the area with a clean
bandage, as appropriate to the exposure;

➔ EYES: If poisons or toxic substances are splashed into the eyes:

• Activate emergency medical services (911);
• Flush the eyes with cool, running water, flowing from the inside cor-
ner of the eye to the outside corner of the eye. Tilt the head, allow a
gently flowing stream of water from a cup, faucet or an outdoor hose
to flush the eye;

Document the event, actions taken, calls made and follow-up informa-
tion in the child’s file with a duplicate copy to the parent. Child care pro-
grams should notify their licensing or certifying agency of the event.

❏ Swallowed Poisons or Toxic Substances

➔ Try to identify the exposure source, but DO NOT waste time;

➔ Remove any visible substances or items from the mouth, nose, etc.;

➔ DO NOT leave the victim unattended. Call for help and/or take the vic-
tim with you to the phone;

( Call Poison Control and follow all instructions;

➔ DO NOT make the victim vomit unless directed told to do so by Poison

Control personnel or a Medical Doctor;

➔ If directed to induce vomiting, DO NOT give salt water solutions to make

a victim vomit. Use Syrup of Ipecac, if directed by Poison Control per-

Document the event, actions taken, calls made and follow-up informa-
tion in the child’s file with a duplicate copy to the parent. Child care pro-
grams should notify their licensing or certifying agency of the event.

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52913 DHS safety flip chart 6/1/05 4:27 PM Page 49

❏ Inhaled Poisons or Toxic Substances/Gases

( Activate the emergency medical system (911);

➔ Remove the victim from the exposure source, taking care to prevent fur-
ther exposure to the victim, yourself and others;

➔ Get victim to fresh air immediately!

➔ ALERT OTHERS of the emergency and EVACUATE, if needed;

➔ Identify the source of the exposure, if possible, but do not place yourself
or others in harm’s way;

➔ DO NOT give anything by mouth (food, drink, medications) without

instructions from Poison Control or medical personnel;

➔ Transport the victim for medical evaluation if emergency medical ser-

vices are not available to the site;

Document the event, actions taken, calls made and follow-up informa-
tion in the child’s file with a duplicate copy to the parent. Child care pro-
grams should notify their licensing or certifying agency of the event.


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