My Quantum Jumping Notes

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The Exclusive

Quantum Jumping Exposed

Webinar Notes



3 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of

The Webinar
1) Print out these Webinar Notes so you can follow along as you listen to
the Quantum Jumping webinar.

2) Write down ALL the interesting new ideas and inspiration you get while
listening! That way you won’t forget the most relevant information to you.

4) Think of how you can quickly implement the information revealed in this
webinar to gain knowledge, skills and insights in many different areas of
your lives.

Foundational Understanding

Quantum Jumping is the process of “jumping” into ______________

________________, and gaining skills, knowledge, wisdom and inspiration
from ______________ versions of yourself.

The Quantum Jumping technique is based widely on what some of the finest
scientific minds, such as Stephen Hawking, Stephen Weinberg and Neil
Turok, have PROVEN to be true - and that is that ____________ ___________
DO exist.
Mankind has spent centuries speculating on the existence of alternate
universes. The earliest known idea of this is found in the _______________, an
ancient collection of Hindu texts, which speak of an infinite number of
universe. Each with its own _____________, inhabitants and _____________.

The Quantum Jumping Theory Explained

A scientist, by the name of, ___________________ explained that there are

hundreds of radios being broadcasted all around us at the same time from
different radio stations.

When we turn on our radio, we can only listen to ______________ at a time.

This is because these frequencies, or radio waves, are not in ______________

with each other. They all have a unique frequency or, to put it in a different
way, they all have a unique ______________ or energy.

✦ EVERYTHING is ______________.

In our universe, we are all tuned into only ONE frequency and that is the
frequency that corresponds to the _____________ reality.

BUT, there are an _____________ _____________ of parallel realities co-

existing with us at any given time.

Burt’s First Quantum Jumping Experience

Burt was in ____________________, the year was ___________ and he was

brought to the home of a man named _______________.

During the three months Burt was in Korea we visited Mr. Kim many times
and one of the things he learned was how to ________________ and leave his
body mentally.
He initially thought he had been ________________ during his daily
meditation but what he realizes now is that he had actually _______________
into parallel universe.

Have you ever experienced a similar phenomenon before?


Write down your additional thoughts and ideas:


Burt’s First Experience as a Healer

This is one of the first times where Burt _______________ Quantum Jumped.

He meditated until he was satisfied he was in ___________________ and then

jumped into a parallel and got an ________________ of his alternate self.

Burt received interesting information from his alternate self. Without a word,
he handed Burt a ______________ and told him to use it for healing.

A few days later, Burt successfully healed his friend Carolyn using
information he received from Quantum Jump.

As many of you may know, Burt has since then successfully healed
____________ of people and when he does, he always uses something that
he calls an ‘_____________ ____________’ or a _______________.
Burt’s First Public Quantum Jump

The first time Burt openly discussed the idea of Quantum Jumping was in
front of a group of people at a seminar Burt was holding in

He explained that if he could find the Burt Goldman who is successful at

whatever it is he wants to do, then he could channel his ______________ and
_______________ to pick up new skills and gain inspiration to help him on his

For proof, his students told him to jump into a reality where he was a

During his Quantum Jump, Burt heard some words very distinctly...

Those words were“_______________ ______________” and “__________ ____

___________ ______ _______________.”

Since that day, Burt has created many more of what he likes to call
“__________________”. In fact, 6 months after he finished that seminar in San
Diego, 24 of his montages were hanging in one of the most well-known
galleries in America!

How Exactly do You Quantum Jump?

The simplest answer is _______________.

Burt has developed a series of powerful meditations he calls _____________

_____________, that allow people to effortlessly find what he calls their
“jumping off place”.

Burt starts every Quantum Jump by guiding you into the alpha state of mind,
and have you totally _______________ on one _______________.
You then visualize a door that leads to another universe.

When you step through the door, it’s your _______________ that is most
important. That is knowing what you intend to get out of this particular
Quantum Jump.

✦ It not the _______________ that matters....

✦ It’s what you _______________ it.

What Does Quantum Jumping Have To Do With

The Greatest Inventors of all Time?

Thomas Edison, had a famous quote: “ _________________________________


He was notorious for taking _________________ __________ which was when

he came up with his best ideas.

✦ Thomas Edison was not the only one.

Napoleon Hill talked about something similar in his book, “Think and Grow

He used a technique where he _____________________ a group of imaginary

counselors in an boardroom.

He would imagine these counselors giving him ____________ on any topic he


This technique would actually give him ____________, ____________ and

______________ he’d never have been able to figure out on his own!
How Has Burt benefited from
Quantum Jumping?

Burt used Quantum Jumping to boost his _______________ and to pick up

new _______________ and abilities like painting, photography and even

He knows for a fact, this _______________ technique has changed his life for
the better.

Quantum Jumping will help you bring all these _________________ out, so
you can use them to _______________ your life, or even to __________
__________ doing something you love.

Now think about what you could do with the power of Quantum Jumping in
your life? Write down your thoughts and ideas:

Describe the kind of lifestyle you would have if you could gain the specific
knowledge and skills you have always wanted to have.
key concepts covered in the Original Quantum
Jumping Course
Source Foundations

A source foundation is a _________ ___ _______, or a ____________

____________, that opens you to a choice.

As there is _______________ involved, there are _______________ of your life

events that leave the main stream and have far reaching effects.

There are as many Source Foundations in one’s life as there are

_________________ for choice. Each time a choice presents itself, a Source
Foundation is created.

Can you think of any Source Foundations in your life that could have
influenced your current reality?

The Dawdle Technique

A Dwadle is a _______________ source foundation that, essentially, allows

you to control your future reality.

Octave Programming

An octave is usually looked at as a unit of ________ , the 8th unit being an

octave above the first.

As example in music, the middle C note is an octave above the 8th note
below it and an octave below the 8th note above it.
As __________, so __________, as __________, so __________, is an ancient
metaphysical axiom.

When we look at the frequencies that the brain sends out we see that the
_____________ of the individual is the determining factor in setting the hertz
value, and thus the octave of the thought.

A person can speak or sing in different octaves. As it is with ______________

vibrations, so it is with all ____________ vibrations, and so it is with
_____________ vibrations as well.

You can identify a person by the ___________________ they export although

you do not realize that’s one of the means of identification.

What is not commonly realized is that people _______________ in different

frequencies and octaves as well.

When you seem to ______________ the wrong things, or can’t seem to attract
the things you want, it is very often the case that your ________________
from the wrong _______________.

key concepts covered in the

Quantum Jumping II Course

The Quantum Jumping II course contains the most advanced Quantum

Jumping _______________ and _______________.

When Quantum Jumping, your _________________ is the single most

important thing to keep in mind.

After receiving countless emails from Quantum Jumpers, Burt realized that
many of his students needed help with TWO things:
✦ Setting their exact _______________.

✦ Improving their results in the areas of:

____________________________ and

So, Burt came up with an extremely _________________ set of Quantum

Jumping techniques and meditations that can each be used for each of
these different __________________.

What are your intentions for using Quantum Jumping?


The Wisdom Meditation

The Widsom Meditation consists of diving into an alternate universe and

______________ the secrets of your twin self who is as wise, successful and
happy as you want to be

The Goal Jumping Meditation

Helps you super-charge your _________________ abilities to help you attract

EXACTLY what it is you want in your life.

The Quantum Jumping Healing Meditation

_______________is probably the most popular usages of Quantum Jumping.

This is a technique that I’ve taught to professional health care providers for
many years. To ______________ a person so that all emotions are more or
less ________________ can be a valuable asset to both provider and patient
or client.

The Reverse Jump

In the reverse jump, you are the Doppelganger giving the advice!

The Reverse Jump will put you in the mode of _______________ and the
_______________ flow will be towards you. Then you think of helping a twin
self who has a problem.

You solve the _______________ by creating a ______________ image of the

solution and taking your twin self into the picture with your ________________
mechanism to work out the solution.

The Midas Jump

With this technique, Burt shows you how to Quantum Jump to find your
elusive ____________ _____________________.

The Midas Jump is designed for you to attract _______________ and money,
instead of _______________ and hardship.

The 4 Levels of Quantum Jumping

The _________________ Jumper.

The _________________ Jumper.
The _________________ Jumper.
The _________________ Jumper.

Moving from a Basic Jumper to a Quantum Jumper takes

Foundational Understanding

Are you skeptical of the idea to jump into parallel universes? If so, write
down why?

If you had to visit one of your twin selves in another universes, who would it
be? Why?




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