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Eryn Calfee


Sound Connections, Chapter 1

Dr. Don Ester


Chapter 1 of Sound Connections by Don Ester prefaces the reader with foundational knowledge
that supports the philosophy of music education as it applies to music literacy. The definition
for music literacy is provided as the ability to internally hear notation or be masterful in the
area of audiation. Music literacy instruction throughout history is summarized. Music literacy
education was present as far back as colonial times and the Enlightenment. Methods for music
literacy pedagogy have since then evolved to what we know today and the research that
supports the methods discussed in Sound Connections. The issues with music literacy
instruction in today’s society are addressed. The main issue today is that most students are
unable to audiate simply because their own teachers are unable to do so. That being said, this
can be understood as music literacy is one of the most difficult topics to teach due to the lack of
concrete forms of assessment. Dr. Ester discusses this and how the Sound Connections
approach combats the difficulties presented by teaching music literacy.


Music literacy is one of the most important and fundamental skills that a student can learn at a
young age. It is often avoided by educators as it is viewed from a complex standpoint. It music
literacy can be viewed in simpler terms, this can be a highly achievable topic for any student to
learn. During my time in MUSED258, I have gained the skills to be able to teach music literacy to
any student through the Sound Connections approach. Organizing the pedagogy for music
literacy in such a way that is presented in chapter 1 of Sound Connections has completely
changed my outlook on teaching and ensuring that I go about this career in a methodical

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