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Classroom Management Philosophy Paper “I Believe Assignment”

As a future art educator, I dream of my future classroom and my future students. I

imagine an environment that is well organized, students have expectation and they are all

engaged in what they are doing. I believe my classroom to be a positive environment, where

students can try new things, express themselves and learn from their failures and their peers. Let

me describe through this paper my future classroom in which I believe to find value in well

organized classroom, specific rules, student engaged by relevant and meaningful lessons and an

inviting classroom, .

Imagine walking into an art classroom that is well organized. When a student walks in,

there is an inviting area rug for students to get instructions and see examples, separate from the

tables and away from materials and distractions. The tables in the room have the capacity for

four students, this encourages those students to collaborate with each other or notice different

techniques from their peers. The students are able to be self sufficient in the classroom by having

access to supplies and visible labels to help direct students where to find certain supplies. I

believe that an art classroom should be organized so that supplies can be easily accessed.

Another thing to notice in this future classroom, is the visible rule signs. A very

important aspect to manage a classroom are rules. Rules should be addressed in the very

beginning of the year giving student expectations for being in the classroom. A key rule that I

believe is important in a classroom should have respect for ourselves, others, the material and art.

All the rules, are important to be modeled by the teacher to give the students a good role model

to demonstrate their expectations and readdressed when the rules are not being followed. I
believe by having rules and making sure students know what those rules are make for a safer

environment for making art.

When it comes to the lessons being taught in this future classroom I imagine the class

being engaged because it is relevant and meaningful for the student. The students are not merely

creating cookie cutter projects, but are given a project that leaves room for artist interpretation

and or student choice. These lessons are relevant to other classes or things going on in the world.

For example, after students did a poetry lesson in english class, they bring their poems to art to

create an illustration for their writing. Students are also engaged because the artwork they are

making is meaningful to them. The lessons are allowing room for students to express themselves

and take ownership to their artwork. I believe by having relevant and meaningful lessons

students will stay engaged.

The last thing I imagine in this future classroom is a warm and inviting space for all

students to feel welcome. A place where the art teacher makes a point of welcoming students

into the classroom and saying goodbye on the way out the door. A place where students names

are address for good behaviour and not just bad. A place where the art teacher is energetic and

passionate to to teach art. A place where the art teacher really try to build a relationship with her

class. I believe a positive, inviting space will engage students and allow students to feel excited

about coming to art class.

This is what I imagine is a classroom that is well organized, has set rules and

expectations, is engaging through relevant and meaningful lessons and an inviting space for

everyone. These are the things that I believe would make a successful art classroom.

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