Module 10

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Module 10:

1. How well is the class doing as a whole group?

 The class as whole appears to have struggled on this test, as the average came out

to be 67% and most students scored in the 50-60 percentile.

 Students did well as a class on question 4, 12, and 13 with the percentage correct

being greater than 80%.

 Students struggled as a class on question 5 and 11 with the percentage correct

being just above 30%.

2. Which individuals are doing well and in what topics?

 Juan

o Got a perfect score on the test and did well in all topics

 Cody

o Received a 93% on the test and did well on Subtraction, getting 100% of

the questions correct for that topic

 Hugh

o Received a 80% on the test and did well on Addition, getting 100% of

those questions correct for that topic

3. Who may need extra support and on what topics?

 Luke

o Received a 40% on the test and struggled the same in both Addition and


 Molly
o Received a 43% on the test and struggled the most on Subtraction, only

getting 20% of those types of questions correct.

 Nathan

o Received a 47% on the test and struggled the most on Subtraction, only

getting 20% of those types of questions correct.

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