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Brooke Saffire

Happy Valentine’s Day loves! Whether you’re celebrating with your loved one or with

your girlfriends over a glass of wine, I want to dig deep…so sit down, grab yourself some coffee

and let’s get started.

The topic I want to discuss today is self love baby! Loving yourself and being happy with

who you genuinely are as a person is one of the most important things we can master while we

are here on earth. I know, it seems like it should be such an easy concept to achieve…but as we

all know, it is hard work. In my opinion, in order to really fall in love someone else, you must

first learn how to fall in love with yourself! Spending time by yourself and truly listening to

yourself is when you start to learn yourself. You have to understand what you like/dislike, what

your goals and ambitions are, what makes you light up and what drains your energy. When you

truly know yourself, you know what boundaries you must set with people, and you will under-

stand your value and not let anyone take away that away from you. This comes with time! You

truly learn more things about yourself every single day and with every hardship that you encoun-

ter. Eventually, you will start to attract the right people that are meant to be in your life. Love

yourself first and everything else falls into place.

I wanted to give some tips on what has worked for me to maintain a healthy relationship

with myself! When I wake up each morning, I try to remember reasons why I am grateful to be

alive. Practicing abundance and putting that energy out into the universe truly does come back

into your life. So try each day from here on out to start each morning by telling yourself some-

thing really positive. How well you handled a situation, who in your life you feel grateful for.

Anything that will make you smile and shift you into a higher frequency. I also think it is so im-

portant to surround yourself with beautiful people! The people you hang out with and spend most

of your time with is really just a reflection on how you view yourself. Surround yourself with
Brooke Saffire

people who love, uplift and encourage you. You get to pick who you hang out with…so pick

people that are right for you. Pick people that remind you daily that you are special, and get rid

of anyone who doesn’t. Also, I think it is so important to truly embrace and love everything that

makes you unique. Your flaws, your imperfections…these are what make you special. These are

what make you, you. So celebrate that! Every day! Look in the mirror and learn to love those

“imperfections”. Changing your mindset to learn how to appreciate what makes you different

will be one of the biggest steps you can take to accomplishing self love. My last tip for you is to

step outside your comfort zone. Walk through the unknown! The unknown is where the most

beautiful things happen. It is such an incredible feeling when we realize that we have achieved

something we never thought we could. Experiencing change and surrendering to the unknown is

where you truly discover some many different layers of yourself that you probably never knew

you had! So on this Valentine’s day, make sure you give some of that love to YOURSELF. You

yourself, as much as anybody else, deserve your love and affection, never forget that.

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