A01372734 Block Vocabulary Repository

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1. Armchair- a comfortable chair with sides thatsupport your arms:

After dinner, I ensconced myself in a deeparmchair with a book.

2. Autumn- the season of

the year betweensummer and winter, lasting fromSeptember to November north of
theequator and from March to May south of the equator,
when fruits and cropsbecome ready to eat and are picked, and leaves fall:
Last autumn we went to Germany.

3. Blouse- a shirt for a woman or girl:

A white silk blouse.
4. Bookshelf- a shelf in a bookcase:
The entire series ought to find a place on every country house bookshel

5. Chemist- a person who studies chemistry, or

a scientist who works with chemicalsor studies their reactions:
Chemist at pharmaceutical companies are wying to créate a cure for miragrine

6. Chess- a game played by two people on a square board, in which each player has
16 pieces that can be moved on the board in different ways:

I'm not conversant with the rules of chess.

7. Foreign- belonging or connected to a country that is not your own:
Spain was the first foreign country she had visited.

8. Granny- a grandmother:
Your granny is going to take care of you today.
9. Lorry- a truck:
The lorry chugged uo the hill.

10. Luggage- the bags, suitcases, etc. that contain yourpossessions and that you take with
you when you aretravelling:
We bought some new luggage for our trip.

11. Purse- change purse a small container for money, usually used by a woman:

She tipped the contents of her purse out onto the table.

12. Surfboard- a long, narrow board made of wood or plastic, used for ridingon waves as
they come in towards the beach:
We need a surfboard for the holidays in Miami.
13. Trousers- a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the bodyfrom the waist to
the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shapedparts, one for each leg, that are joined at
the top:
I need a new pair of trousers to go with this jacket.

14. Wheel- a circular object connected at the centre to abar, used for
making vehicles or parts of machinesmove:
I got my bag caught in the wheel of my bicycle.

15. Weeckly- happening once a week or every week:

The fire alarm has a weekly test/is tested weekly.
16. Serve- to provide food or drinks:

Both recipes serve four easily.

17. Receipt- sales slip something such as

a piece of paper or messageproving that money, goods, or information have
been received:
Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy.

18. Plate- a flat, usually round dish with a slightly raisededge that you eat from
or serve food from:
Stephen ate three plates of spaghetti.
19. Midday- twelve o'clock in the middle of the day:

The fog is expected to have cleared away by midday.

20. Lift- to move something from a lower to a higher position:

Could you help me lift this table, please?

21. Alike- similar to each other:
The children all look very alike
22. Aloud- a voice loud enough to be heard:
He read her letter aloud to the rest of the family.

23. Blind- unable to see:

She's been blind since birth.

24. Cave- a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground:
She was a crushed in a freak accident in a cave in France
25. Duvet-a large, soft, flat bag filled withfeathers or artificial material used as
acovering on a bed:
She pulled the duvet over her head to try to shut out the light.

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