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Cortesa Harris

Phone: 4047712345


10,000 Black Women expected to Rally against Prenatal Care Racism

Atlanta, GA, February 12, 2019-- Mommy and Me will be joining Sistersong in a rally to bring awareness Commented [RH1]:
to the injustice to pregnant black women on June 15, 2019 at noon at the Georgia State Capitol.

The Centers for Disease control reports for every 100,000 live births in the US, there are 13 deaths in
white children compared to 44 deaths in black children. Tennis superstar Serena Williams is one woman
who shares her story of her near-death experience after giving birth to her daughter, Alexis Olympia in
2017. Unfortunately, there are millions of stories similar to this from black women. Black women often
do not receive the right medical care before and during birth, causing complications and avoiding
treating conditions that can be deadly for mom and baby, such as pre-eclampsia.

Sistersong executive Director, Monica Simpson at will be in attendance at the rally speaking to the
representatives in the State Capitol about the issue. The event will feature information booths set up in
the surrounding areas providing information for expectant mothers for doctors in the city that will give
them the proper care before birth. We will also have Dr. Elaine Henry from Northside hospital,
discussing post-natal care for mom and baby to stay healthy after birth. The event will begin at noon
until 5 pm. Sandwiches and waters from Publix will be provided for all in attendance.

Mommy and Me is dedicated to bringing awareness and change to the issue. Spokesperson, Cortesa
Harris says, “We are excited to talk about this issue because it has to change. So many people are
unaware that this happens in hospitals in the US every day. Pregnancy should be a time of joy and
excitement as you bring your little one into this world knowing that your doctors and nurses are there
for you and care about you and your baby.”

About Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me was founded in 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia by eight black women who lost their babies
during pregnancy due to not getting the proper prenatal care. These women came together to bring
awareness to the women about what they can do to fight this and help other women avoid going
through the same ordeal.

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