Engineers Report - Ycl

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1. Nature of project or business

YCL hotel in boracay offers various eco-tours and activities in Boracay.

2. Capacity
The Hotel operates 18 room, with average guest of 2 per unit and 90% average
Daily water requirement of the hotel is 14m3, used for cleaning, cooking, washing,
bathing and other maintenance works.
The hotel is classified under PSIC Code 55 with Industry Category Hotels, motels,
resorts, dormitories and other accommodation services.

3. The nature and character of the applicant’s wastewater and its physical and
chemical composition
YCL’s wastewater is domestic in nature, with the following physico-chemical
Item No Parameter Value Remarks
1. Flowrate, m3/day 10
2. BOD, mg/L 400
3. Ammonia, as NH3-N, mg/L 50
4. Nitrate as NO3-N, mg/L 20
5. Phosphates, mg/L 8
6. Surfactants (MBAS), mg/L 10
7. Oil and Grease, mg/L 20
8. Ph 6~9

4. Total daily volume of discharge of raw wastewater;

The volume of wastewater discharged to the drainage is 10m3/day.
5. Treatment process and estimated treatment efficiency
Wastewater from the septic is pumped into the equalization tank. The Equalization
tank serves as buffer to absorb shock loading and hydraulic loads. Sludge recycle from
the aeration tank mixes with raw sewage in this tank to start acclimatization and reduce
From the equalization tank sewage is pumped to the anoxic tank. In the anoxic tank,
denitrification happens where bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas by utilizing
carbonaceous BOD in the absence of oxygen. Nitrate rich stream from the aeration
tank enters this tank. Water overflows from the anoxic tank into the aeration tank.
The aeration tank is the heart of the process. In this tank happens the aerobic bio-
degradation of wastewater organic contents. BOD is utilized as food by helpful
bacteria; ammonia is converted to nitrates by nitrifiers; and phosphates are consumed
by phosphorus accumulating organisms. Aerobic condition is maintained by supplying
air thru fine bubble diffuser grid installed at the floor of the tank. Nitrate rich stream is
recycled from this tank back to the Anoxic tank.
Installed in the aeration tank is a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR). The MBR is a microfilter
that extracts the clean water from the aeration tank. Due to the small pore size of the
MBR, bacteria cannot pass thru the membrane. Thus, no clarifier and disinfection is
The final effluent can be discharged to the conveyance for disposal at bulabog beach
or can be reused/recycled for non-contact application.
The excess sludge is stored in an aerobic sludge digester for periodic disposal by a
third party desludging service.
The following table shows the treatment efficiency of the whole process. With effluent
standards in DAO 2016-08, for PSIC Code 55 Significant Parameters

Item No Parameter Influent Effluent, Removal

Class SB Efficiency
1. Flowrate, m3/day 10 10
2. BOD, mg/L 400 30 93%
3. Ammonia, as NH3-N, mg/L 50 0.5 99%
4. Nitrate as NO3-N, mg/L 20 20 --
5. Phosphates, mg/L 8 1 88%
6. Surfactants (MBAS), mg/L 10 3 70%
7. Oil and Grease, mg/L 20 5 75%
8. Ph 6~9 6.5 ~ 9 6.5 ~ 9
9. Fecal Coliform, MPN/100mL 200 99%

6. The name of receiving body of water and its official water classification
Treated water is discharged into the conveyance of BTSI where it will be pumped 1km
off Bulabog beach.The bay is classified as Class SB water: Fishery Water Class II,
Tourist Zones, Recreational Water Class I.
7. Information on flow measurement equipment and procedure
There is an effluent flowmeter installed to monitor the discharge volume. The flowmeter
is mechanical positive displacement type that measures volume of water that passes
through it.
8. Statement of cost incurred
The cost of building the STP is Php 1.3m, while operating cost is approximately Php
300.00 per day.

Prepared By:

Engr. Jerwin Aguiba

Chemical Engineer

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