10-1 Discussion - Reflection 11

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Some of the most useful takeaways learned in this class include projecting

future performance based on past financial history and current, as well as

predicted events. I also learned about the uncertainties associated with these
types of projections and how to mitigate those uncertainties. One of the
most useful things gleaned from this class would be an understanding of the
time value of money, present, past, and future values.

With the knowledge I have gained from MBA 640, I feel much better
prepared to tackle the Marketing and Strategy Business Plan that I have been
developing throughout this program. The final capstone project seems a little
less daunting knowing that I have been through most of what will be required
to complete that final project.

Future professional work stands to benefit from the skills picked up in

this course since I can now use these to present product development ideas,
engineering improvements, as well as capital expenditure requests. Many
times in my line of work, we are expected to present future value of
investments made in the present. Typically this is done to secure funding for
a project and present a timeline in which the investment will pay for itself and
then begin to make the business money.

Good luck to everyone in all that you do, now and in the future.

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