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Kirsten Pollock

Tyson Riskas
Business 1010
April 28, 2019


What I learned from my signature assignment was the process it would take to become an

HR Director for Frito-Lay. It was really eye opening how much work I will have to go through to

reach this goal. I will have to go through multiple job position changes at work to get the

appropriate level to become an HR Director, as well as re-think what field I want to get my

degree in for my education. I feel though its 100% worth the challenge to get where I want to be

in my career. Not only was this eye opening but I learned that it’s going to take a lot of

communication skills to get to this point. I will be looking into more books and classes that

improve my communication skills, in order to have different conversations with managers and

employees that would be coming to me for certain issues they’re dealing with every day.

Overall, I think doing this assignment laid down the foundation for me. It showed me

what skills I need, education I should be looking into, and what questions I should be asking at

work. I feel that I now have a map to my success and more knowledge about the job than I had

before. I am excited to keep this paper and look back to where this started and see if I am staying

on track for my career path.

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