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Toa) Deen oN =el sf Roll Ball Drills Sot upthe cil blo for 0 msn ros ae reuters re Sm apart (on ba perf, US an aN “nyeang on vera nar). Ong eos payer tam Line Volon) ita race ha Sloe ony ail ae \pwah bt onehend plasadon op of alr undanath and wiht ue a tho ator ard wich can be bend ‘erbock One scotty me oun wh an place a eno! Bm aka, ctius on ada te pariar (1.2.8) ‘repeat same (Noe ue of alr alee neater flr Younger plyershse bt drat hands inte 4 2. Ball Transfer Drill Setup he it tow, markers re 50m apart. on al pe player —roups cn vary dereding en crea rere), no eae player te wal up and art hal re who, eer bl fom oe and to ‘heer and then move ovary avay ber ings back tte cate postion and repeating the oer de. The Drogrestion to then pact bal acon al sy, eecing te tuch an les oe bent. This may be ‘ne down the fld arta it ordesgrated area. te th soo mala balls is neces fr younger ayes). Drill (Quickies) ‘ited oocoe ote) The progress lor lenders to Be espace and tacer frost (tote deondrs need to push bade tp on each role tlw he alto ate, and groups ef sich les) Tip Abend austou PWM e ey Dynamic Roll Ball When & Why: “The dynamic rol ball ea ski ofthe game usually ppl when a team is rocking (Erving) the bal ‘advancing the play at speed provides your tam ‘wth advantage in atack and inorder to maintain his Speed of pay and contnuty of atack the dynamic rolbal is perormed, The advanage ofthe dynamic balincudes catching the defence offside and continual cing tne defence backwards ling back) Using the dynamic rol bal (ump) enables teams ‘make vauabo ground om isie thor own Ralf and athe moment which wl imately pace tern in beter tacking positon, The Problem: What has become mare prevalntin contemporary touch she ably of detenders to “contol the ruck" nd thereby disruptor thwart the momentum ofthe attackers and the 'dyaanc rol ball txecutn’ Hence iis extremely portant that takers who are contorted by astute defenders fa abe goto the side ofa defender in order to rol the ball vt ite no dsupton or loss of ‘The Solution: A players need ob abot rl ball wth both hands (neuding the non ~ dominant hand) andor affect the tou othe ide of a defender wih ether hand and with equal dexter. ZEST en ead Objectives: 1. Tobe able to vansfer the bal ito the pproprite hand for exec of the rol bal 2. Tobe able tock tothe ede of the defender in order to execute the ol tal effectively. 3, Tobe able tole the uch vith ether hand and ool he bal wth eter hand Key Coaching Points: 1. Werk on perfecting the gp ofthe ball Use ils to increasemprow fager svengt 2. Pracice transfering the ball fem one hand the oer 3. Star atwaking pace, crease to ajog, then a faster run and execu fe ol bal wih correct techique 4. Practice taking the ball way wih one hand 5 Practice geting tote "bend ofthe ral ball ‘eaty and before the defender dup Only nrodues defences when the players techniques good 7. Look ‘kicking (geting to the outside shoulder ofthe defender) apart of tis slat 8, Practice dit are essertal on a regular basis ‘every session wth younger layers 0 they become profelent an content 9, Atamare aavanced les Invoduce set plays thal requiea vansfertng ofthe bal from one hand tothe ater ~ 0.9. ics Cue words: GRIP, TRANSFER, AWAY, KCK, BEND ‘Common Errors + Tucking the bal + Slow or por transfer + nsbity use bth ands Boston tothe bend Not geting to resi ‘Ball placement or roltechnigue Not laring the ruck

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