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1. Determine the number of Unkowns Quantities

3. Determine the number of Observed Quantities

Assumed That:
1. Forward Overlap is more
than 50%
2. Side Overlap is more
than 20%
3. Good minimum GCP
4. Using the same camera
5. All Pass Point is same
accuracy standards

The Unknown Quantities

1. Rotational of Camera Axis
There were 6 photos
Each photos has 3 Quantities of
rotational camera axis (Omega ω, Phi φ,
Kappa, k)
= 3 Quantities X 6 Photos = 18 Quantities

2. Coordinate of Exposure Stations

There were 6 Exposure Stations at 6 Photos.
Each photos has 3 Quantities of Exposure Station Coordinates (xo, yo, zo)
= 3 Quantities X 6 Photos = 18 Quantities

3. Photo Coordinates of Ground Control Point (GCP)

There were 4 GCPs. (A, B, C, D)
Each GCPs Coordinates have 2 Quantities (Xg, Yg)
= 2 Quantities X 4 GCPs
= 8 Quantities

4. Ground Coordinates of Pass Points

There were 15 Pass Point.
Each Pass Point Coordinate has 3 Quantities (x, y, z)
= 3 Quantities X 15 pass Points
= 45 Quantities

Total Unknown Quantities = 18 + 18 + 8 + 45

= 89 Quantities
The Observed Quantities
1. Photo Coordinates of Pass Point
4 Photos that have 6 Pass Points (Photo 1, Photo 3, Photo 4, Photo 6)
= 6 Pass Points X 4 Photos = 24 Pass Points
2 Photos that have 9 Pass Points (Photo 2, Photo 5)
= 9 Pass Points X 2 Photos = 18 Pass Points
= 24 + 18 = 42 Pass Points
Each Pass Point has 2 Quantities (x, y)
= 2 Quantities X 42 Pass Points
= 84 Quantities

2. Photo Coordinates of Ground Control

4 Photos that have 1 GCP (Photo 1, Photo 3, Photo 4, Photo 6)
= 1 GCPs X 4 Photos = 4 GCPs
2 Photos that have 2 GCPs (Photo 2, Photo 5)
= 2 GCPs X 2 Photos = 4 GCPs
= 4 + 4 GCPs = 8 GCPs
Each GCP has 2 Quantities (x, y)
= 2 Quantities X 8 GCPs
= 16 Quantities

3. Photo Coordinates of Check Point

Select 1 Point from each of 6 photos for checking.
= 1 Point X 6 Photos = 6 Check Points
Each Point has 2 Quantities (x, y)
= 2 Quantities X 6 Check Points
= 12 Quantities

4. Ground Control Points

After overlapped there were 4 GCPs of all photos (A, B,C, D)
Each GCPs has 3 Quantities (x, y, z)
= 3 Quantities x 4 GCPs
= 12 Quantities

5. Ground Coordinate of Check Points

Select 2 GCPs (or more) to make a Ground Control for Check Points
Each GCPs has 2 Quantities (x, y)
= 2 Quantities X 2 GCPs
= 4 Quantities

Total Observed Quantities = 84 + 16 + 12 + 12 + 4

= 128 Quantities

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