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Do you still have the heart to give money to beggars?

The beggar phenomenon is indeed not a strange or unusual thing, because since ancient times this
beggar phenomenon has existed in various parts of the world including Indonesia. As the 4th most
populous country in the world according to data that refers to The Spectator Index, making
unemployment in Indonesia high. Besides that, if the education owned is not high, it will be increasingly
difficult to get a decent job. These things make many people who ultimately choose to beg for the sake
of fulfilling their daily needs. From the moral side, it turns out the reality of life in Indonesia must force
everyone to destroy his own dignity in order to feed their family, then become a culture and tradition
that beggar is a proffesion. In addition, it must be admitted that the existence of beggars is one of the
social problems that are not easy to overcome.

Why does something like that happen? because people assume that giving is better than asking. people
who have such understanding are more likely to feel sorry for seeing beggars on begging streets. they
think that by giving money to beggars, they will get a reward. This is in line with the doctrine of our
religion to give alms, also the customs of the eastern people who have a considerable charity boost. Is
charity wrong? Obviously not, even religion requires that we set aside part of our money for those who
need it.

Indeed such an assumption is not wrong, but they do not know behind it all, they make beggars become
increasingly lazy to work, because beggars think that it's so easy to get money because many people
give money to them and feel sorry for them, so they will get richer . Behind it all, giving money to
beggars can damage the morale of beggars themselves. This makes them lazy to work hard. Besides
that, nowadays there are many beggars from among those who are quite capable to work but he is lazy
to work and prefers the profession as a beggar. He thinks being a beggar does not have to make job
applications and so on, but he can get money very easily. Many successful beggars collect loose purse
coffers into a lot of money bags, he turns into a milyonair but still chooses to be a beggar because he
feels comfortable with his current job. Therefore, we shouldn't give money to beggars.

Then what should we do to face this social phenomenon? In order to solve this, it's better to give our
money to people who are more in need. Then, if faced with beggars and buskers, do not act rude. Keep
politeness. Simply refuse by shaking your head and raising your palm towards him as a sign of refusing.
Never present money to beggars. With conflict we will create harsh words widely and broadly. Don't
give their reasons for being lazy to work. Don't get to what we do for others, self-esteem, and climax in
our own nation.

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