Lessonplan1 Mat 32002368

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Mathew Taylor-Hawkins 32002368

LESSON ORGANISATION (based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Year Level: 7 Time: 2:00pm Date: 23/05/2019 Students’ Prior Knowledge:
- Students have done 6 weeks of previous basic
rugby work learning basic rules, strategies and
Learning Area: Health and Physical Education some skills

Strand: Movement and Physical Activity (MPA) Focus Area: Year 7 Touch Rugby – passing and
performing roll balls
• Active Play and Minor Games (AP)
Sub-strand: • Games and Sport (GS)
Moving our body (MB) (MPA Ss 2.1080) • Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)
Understanding movement (UM) (MPA Ss 2.2 84 )
Learning through movement (LM) (MPA Ss 2.3 88)
Content Descriptor: Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation:
• Use feedback to improve body control and
coordination when performing specialised - Correct working equipment
movement skills (Passing, roll ball) in a variety - List of KTP for each skill
of situations (ACPMP080 ) (MPA Ss 2.1 80) - Solid understanding of content
• Demonstrate and explain how the elements of
effort, space, time, objects and people Equipment List
can enhance movement - 32 cones
sequences (ACPMP084) (MPA Ss 2.2 84) - 6 hoops
• Modify rules and scoring systems to allow for - 8 rugby balls
fair play, safety and inclusive - 16 bibs
participation (ACPMP088) (MPA Ss 2.3 88)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Competence Critical and Ethical Personal and Social Intercultural
creative thinking behaviour competence understanding

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Assessment of Lesson Objectives and Suggestions for Improvement:
- Were the activities covering the appropriate level of difficulty for the student’s skill and age level?
- Did the activities covered in the class an appropriate level of difficulty for all members of the class?
- Were all students in the class able to actively participate and if not, what changes could be implemented?
- Were activities engaging and interesting for the class as a whole?
- Did students achieve the lesson objectives?

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

- Were the instructions given in an engaging and understandable way?
- Did the lesson flow and did I maintain organised?
- Was I able to change and adapt to variations, participation and unexpected changes?
- Were students engaged in the lesson? Why or why not
- Were the lesson objectives realistic and achievable?
- How can I improve my teaching for future?

HLTH2203 Jan 2019

Motivation and Introduction:
- Welcome students to class, asking them to sit down on the oval and face the teacher
2:00 - Touch on the fundamentals covered in the previous lesson on roll balls and taking the touch
- Explain the focus of the lesson being roll balls and passing and the importance of these two skills in the sport
- Briefly describe the lesson objectives and the importance of the selected focus skills
Student Lesson Content Class Organisation Resources/Equipment
Organisation (Content & KTP) (Position of teacher/students, setup/working area/grids for class, transitions)

(Individual task structure, KTP

Rules of a roll ball:
2:04 LEST
when is it played?
L- 2 taggers
- Ball cannot roll
E- 6 x marker cones to - Used in a game when a change
define playing area; 30 of possession or a touch is made
rugby balls
Roll Ball
S- Grid marked out in -Back bent and lean over ball
-communicating with dummy
T- 7 minutes half for efficient pickup
Drill Progressions:
-step forward over ball with
dominant leg
- Add more taggers -ensure ball does not move
- Make space smaller or even though it is somewhat
larger ridiculously called a roll ball
- Once the tagger
scoops up the ball, they
immediately pass it
back to the runner and
-Keep ball forward or lateral of
continue chasing (they body
don’t change places -wrists bent with fingers
with the runner). outstretched
-trunk bent to allow low centre of
à Higher ability
- Scoop with one hand -legs fairly straight but not locked
àLower ability -arms bent with fingers
- Scoop with two hands outstretched and wide
Warm-up: Scoop tag
Tips Instructions
1. Nominate 2 students to
- Remind
start as taggers without a
players to look
up to
2. All other players carry a
ball and run randomly in
where their
an area evading tagger.
opponent is
3. Taggers call out, ‘Touch!’
or ‘Yes!’ when they effect
scooping the
a touch on a runner.
ball off the
4. The tagged player must
ground to
immediately perform a roll
ball (place their ball on
the ground between their
feet and step over it) and
become a tagger.
5. The tagger scoops the
ball up and continues
playing as a runner.
Bridging organization
-Blow whistle twice to indicate the conclusion of the warm-up
-Have students collect the cones and sit down in front of the teacher for the next activities’ instructions
-Explain the first drill with a demonstration of good technique performed by a student who is competent
-Spilt class in half and have half play game 1 and the other half game 2
- Send students back out with a cone each to set up the grid

HLTH2203 Jan 2019

Roll Ball
2:14 LEST -Back bent and lean over ball
L- 4 groups of 8 -communicating with dummy
half for efficient pickup
E- 20 rugby balls, 48 -step forward over ball with
cones dominant leg
S- Grid 14x14 meter -ensure ball does not move
grid even though it is somewhat
ridiculously called a roll ball
T- 8 minutes
Drill Progressions:
Activity 1: Tic Tac roll ball
-Students must pass 1. Students will be divided
the ball at least twice evenly into two games
between group of connect four, with
members before they two teams on each
can complete the roll game
ball 2. One team must place
the rugby balls two at a
à Higher ability
time in the cones using
- Students who are a roll ball then tag the
finding the drill easy next team mate to do
can run around the the same whilst the
square prior to being other team must take
able to place the ball them out one by one
3. Each round last 2
à Lower ability
minutes, if 4 in a row
- Students struggling are placed that team
with the task can wins but if not the
simply place the ball defenders win
down in the squares 4. Teams can rotate
without worrying between the two
about correct roll ball games, so each team
technique or can just plays once against
walk to make it easier each opponent

-By devising
strategies about ball
placement with
teammates students
can increase their
chance of placing 4
balls in a row

Bridging organization
-The whistle is blown twice indicating the end of the activity, each student grabs one or two cones and a ball
-Students remain in the two groups of 16
-Teacher explains the rules, aims and skills in Chicken run
-Students take out the cones to set out the boundaries of the two games

HLTH2203 Jan 2019

2:25 LEST Spiral pass KTP
-One hand on each side of ball
L- 4 groups of 8
with thumbs above to generate
E- 6x balls per group, spin
4 cones each, -Ball released with its nose
slightly higher than the bottom
S- 2 x 5x15 meter
-power and spin generated with
back hand
T- 7 minutes
-ball stays low and fast for
Drill Progressions: efficiency
- Students increase
the width of the area
Flat pass KTP
to decrease the
-Opposite leg forward with
difficulty of getting
trunk turning toward lateral
past defenders or
increase the length
-Fingers spread on ball to
instead the increase maximise grip
difficulty -Wrist flexion prior to release to
à Higher ability generate speed
-Summation of movement from
- Students who are base all the way to fingers
finding the drill easy
can try using other
types of locomotion
Activity 2: Chicken Run
such as skipping or
1. Students divide in half
moving backwards
with 16 in game 1 and
à Lower ability the same in game 2
2. 10 students in each
- Students struggling game will be chickens
with the task may run and try to run to the
across after the other end without being hit
students 3. 6 students will be
nominated the foxes in
each game and they
Tips must perform a spiral
-Students could or flat pass and try to
spread out and stay hit the chickens who
in the centre of the will attempt to cross the
gauntlet to make it 15-meter gauntlet upon
harder to hit them hearing the whistle
4. If a student is hit below
. the shoulders they
become foxes and help
pass at the chickens
5. The last remaining
chicken is crowned the

Bridging organization
-The whistle will be blown twice to indicate the completion of the activity, students must grab the 4 cones
and ball from their group and put it away
-A brief discussion about the KTP of attacking will take place and students will be asked how and when
these skills and strategies are used effectively in a game
-Students will see and hear a demonstration and explanation of the carminative game
-Students will set up 2 modified game in 25x35 meter rectangles
-Each game will have 12 students (6 per side) plus 2 subs per team

HLTH2203 Jan 2019

2:34 LEST Attacking KTP
-Taking the touch deliberately as a
L- 2 teams of 12 + 8 strategic move
subs -Low centre of gravity to allow for
E- 30 cones, 2 rugby fast change of direction to dodge
balls and dummy
-Use of the pop pass by dummy
S- 2x 35x25 meter half for fast attacking plays after a
rectangles touch
T- 8 minutes -Step over the ball quickly and
without kicking it when performing
Drill Progressions: a roll ball
- Students can increase Running pass KTP
or decrease the size of -Fingers spread evenly across the
the game balls surface
-Centre of gravity low and back
-Students cannot stay in
their own half for more
-Eyes and end of the ball pointing
than a minute at a time
toward target
à Higher ability -Thumb on top of ball, allowing
- Students who are -Wrists cocked prior to release
finding the drill easy can
only pass backwards Culmination game: Sequence
like in a game Scorer
-Students are in groups of 12, with
àLower ability two teams of 6
- Students struggling -Each student in the team is
with the game can be allocated a different number
given a second chance between 1-6
if tagged -The team will then pick up the ball
and the teacher will call out a 6-
number sequence and the
Tips students must pass the ball in that
order to receive a point
-By having students in -The opposition will try to intercept
sequence order and and tag players with the ball to
close to each other force a turnover
passes can be made -Each team had 5 turns to try to
quickly and effectively score as many points as possible
-If all members of the sequence
touch the ball they can then
attempt a try for a bonus point
Extra players will be subs

2:42 Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)

-Bring students into a group and sit them down to reflect on the lesson
- Ask students individually about some different KTP of passing and the roll ball
-Ask students about which aspects they did and did not enjoy from the lesson and why/why not?
-Explain the lesson objectives once more and evaluate as a class if they were achieved
-Dismiss students to get changed or ready to get to form by 3pm

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

-Ask students to revise KTP learnt
-Research the 3 offensive strategies for next week
-Reflect on the lesson and what aspects were effective and engaging

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
-Have students demonstrate the lesson objectives and either give them a grade based on their ability
and effort in the activities and modified game

HLTH2203 Jan 2019

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