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The word literature is derived from the Latin term litera which m eans letter. It has been defined differently by various
Brother Azurin, said that “literature expresses the feelings of people to society, to the government, to his surroundings,
to his fellowmen and to his Divine Creator.” The expression of one’s feelings, according to him, may be through love,
sorrow, happiness, hatred, anger pity, contempt, or revenge.


*Subject in a sentence or clause is the person or thing doing, performing, or controlling the action of the verb. Only
thatwhich has the grammatical function of a noun can be the subject of a clause. This is because it is someone or
somethingthat is capable of performing or “controlling” the action of the verb.
* The form of a piece of writing is simply its structure, how it is constructed and organized. Literary forms are like the
roots of the literary family tree. A genre, which is a specific style or category of writing, is like a branch of the family tree.
* Point of view refers to who is telling a story, or who is narrating it. The narration of a story or novel can be told in
three main ways: first person, second person, and third person.


*Prose is writing that resembles everyday speech. The word prose is derived from the Latin prosa which literally
means straightforward. Prose is adopted for the discussion of facts and topical reading and does not adhere to any
particular formal structures other than simple grammar.
*Poetry is any writing in verse form. The word poetry is derived from the Greek poiesis which literally
means creating or creating. Poetry relies heavily on imagery, precise word choice and figures and speech.


*We study literature so that we can better appreciate our literary heritage. We cannot appreciate something that we do
not understand. Through a study of our literature, we can trace the rich heritage of ideas handed down to us from our
forefathers. Then we can understand ourselves better and take pride in being a Filipino.
*Through such a study, we will realize our literary limitations conditioned by certain historical factors and we can take
steps to overcome them.


A fiction is a deliberately fabricated account of something. It can also be a literarywork based on imagination rather than
on fact, like a novel or short story. The Latin word fictus means “to form,” which seems like a good source for the English
wordfiction, since fiction is formed in the imagination.


the branch of literature comprising works of narrative prose dealing with or offering opinions orconjectures upon facts a
nd reality, including biography, history, and the essay (opposed to fiction anddistinguished from poetry and drama).


*Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often employs rhyme and meter (a set of
rules governing the number and arrangement of syllables in each line). In poetry, words are strung together to form
sounds, images, and ideas that might be too complex or abstract to describe directly.



Whenever we look at a poem, the first thing we will probably notice is its form. In other words, poems have a given
FORM. One poem will look very different from another, and still another poem will look very distinct from the second
one, and so on. Each poet uses the "form" which will most effectively EXPRESS what he wants to convey to other human


After looking at a poem and seeing that it has some sort of FORM, we often notice that it also consists of LINES. These
are the vehicle of the authors thoughts and ideas. These are the building blocks with which to create a poem. The
WORDS of each line proceed as usual from left to right, but they curiously end where the poet wants them to stop.
Therefore, you may have some lines that are of equal length and others which are not.


The lines in a poem are most often divided into sections looking as some sort of paragraphing. These we call STANZAS. A
stanza, therefore, is the grouping of the lines, sort of like a paragraph.


Rhyme is the SONIC imitation usually of end syllables of words. There are basically two kinds of rhyme used in poetry.
The first is the most typical and best known by young people, END RHYME, in which the words at the end of a given line
rhyme. The second kind of rhyme is called INTERNAL RHYME. This kind of rhyming is different from end rhyme in that
the rhyming takes place somewhere within the line and not at the end. But most of us find it more natural to use
rhyming at the end and not in the middle of our poem's lines. Still, the most widely read and enjoyed poetry artfully
combines these and other patterns and techniques for the creation of the poems.


Rhyme contributes in creating a pattern when read appropriately. It creates a special effect which results in being
pleasant and motivating. Humans in general are susceptible to patterns. As a matter of fact, we live with all sorts of
patterns every day of our lives. Our very lives are patterns themselves. The human mind itself has an inherent (internal)
patterning force and capacity which allows the individual to perceive and create the patterns inherent in poems. And it
is rhyme which is one of the contributors to the pattern created in reading or writing a poem:


This brings us to the topic of RHYTHM, perhaps the pivot point of all the elements, because it is rhythm which creates
the pleasant gliding effect when we read a poem. It helps us as readers to travel along the lines of the poem with a
certain enjoyable tempo created by the components of rhythm.

EUPHONY is simply the combination of agreeable and melodious sounds which make a poem pleasant to listen to. It is
the nice sounding tone of a poem when read. This is the reason why a poem is never as effective as when read aloud
simply because poetry in general deals a lot with the euphonic sounds contained within it.

EUPHONY is perhaps one ultimate aim of poetry. It is poetry which allows mankind to express such beauty from within.
Poetry itself is beauty created.


A short story typically takes the form of a brief fictional work, usually written in prose


A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story or other literary
The setting of a short story is the time and place in which it happens. Authors often use descriptions of landscape,
scenery, buildings, seasons or weather to provide a strong sense of setting.
A plot is a series of events and character actions that relate to the central conflict.
The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a short story. The main character is usually on one side of the
central conflict.
The theme is the central idea or belief in a short story.


an invented prose narrative of considerable length and a certain complexity that deals imaginatively with human
experience, usually through a connected sequence of events involving a group of persons in a specific setting.

Covers the time, place, and the background. It involves not only geography but also the entire climates of beliefs, habits
and values of a particular region and historical period. Sometimes, it emphasizes a certain locality like Chinatown in Sta.
Cruz, Manila in Edgardo Reyes’ “Sa Mga Kuko Ng Liwanag”. It is essential that the setting be in keeping with the story
that is told.
• Skeleton or framework which give shape and proportion to the novel.
• Order of Events or happenings in the novel.
• Conflict is an important element of the plot.
• It may be caused by the physical environment like hostile nature, social environment like the conventions, customs or
traditions that exist in a cultural community, other characters, or it may be a physical , emotional and mental handicap
within the main character itself.
• Moving spirit of the novel.
• They do not only act but also manifest the moral, emotional and intellectual qualities endowed to them by the author.
 A theme is a main idea, moral, or message portrayed throughout a novel.
 Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas.
 There will be many themes in a novel.

Drama is a literary composition involving conflict, action crisis and atmosphere designed to be acted by players on a
stage before an audience.
Plot is the form and structure of the action and the arrangement of incidents of a story or play. Plot is only that aspect of
the story which takes place on stage and which is revealed to the audience through the dramatic actions and dialogue of
the characters.
character is a person, animal or entity in a story, scene or play with specific, distinguishing attributes. The hopes and
struggles of characters provide the principle material from which plots are made. Drama/theatre concerns itself with
characters in action, and characters carry out the action of the plot.
Setting identifies the time and place in which the events occur. It consists of the historical period, the moment, day and
season in which the incidents take place. It also includes the sceneries in the performance which are usually found in the
preliminary descriptions.
Theme is considered as the unifying element that defines the dramatized idea of the play. It is the over-all sense or
implication of the action. It defines the problem, emphasizes the ethical judgment and suggest attitude or course of
action that eliminates the crisis is an acceptable way.
Style refers to the mode of expression or presentation of the play which points out the playwright’s position or
viewpoint in life.


(Dr. Jose Rizal)
Unfold, oh timid flower!

Lift up your radiant brow,

This day, Youth of my native strand!
Your abounding talents show
Resplendently and grand,
Fair hope of my Motherland!

Soar high, oh genius great,

And with noble thoughts fill their mind;
The honor’s glorious seat,
May their virgin mind fly and find
More rapidly than the wind.

1st & 2nd stanza

 To have self- confidence
 Youth as the Hope of the Nation

 Asks the Filipino youth

 Raise your standards & aim high

Descend with the pleasing light

Of the arts and sciences to the plain,
Oh Youth, and break forthright
The links of the heavy chain
That your poetic genius enchain.

See that in the ardent zone,

The Spaniard, where shadows stand,
Doth offer a shining crown,
With wise and merciful hand
To the son of this Indian land.

3rd & 4th stanza

 humble yourselves
 Fight with knowledge

 free yourselves from Deception

 to see for yourselves how the Spaniards prosper in
our home land and see how the Filipinos suffer from it

You, who heavenward rise

On wings of your rich fantasy,
Seek in the Olympian skies
The tenderest poesy,
More sweet than divine honey;

You of heavenly harmony,

On a calm unperturbed night,
Philomel’s match in melody,
That in varied symphony
Dissipate man’s sorrow’s blight;

5th and 6th stanza

 Rise up and seek what your heart desires

 You are the voice of change and comfortYou at th’impulse of your mind

The hard rock animate

And your mind with great pow’r consigned
Transformed into immortal state
The pure mem’ry of genius great;

And you, who with magic brush

On canvas plain capture
The varied charm of Phoebus,
Loved by the divine Apelles,
And the mantle of Nature;

7th & 8th stanza

 You give hope and life.

 Your intelligence is for forever Pertains to

the Filipino youth who can make something

Run! For genius’ sacred flame

Awaits the artist’s crowning
Spreading far and wide the fame
Throughout the sphere proclaiming
With trumpet the mortal’s name

Oh, joyful, joyful day,

The Almighty blessed be
Who, with loving eagerness
Sends you luck and happiness.

9th and 10th stanza

 Go and spread to the world how great Filipinos are

 Thank your country for nurturing you

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