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Course Code : BCSE 1003 Course Name : Application OrientedProgramming Using Python

Semester : Winter 2018 Year : First

Faculty Instructor :
List of Programs

S. No. Program Date Faculty Signature Remarks

1 WAP ro display Hello world

2 WAP to find area of a circle

3 WAP Python Program to Exchange the Values of Two Numbers Without Using a Temporary Variable

4 WAP to convert temperature in Celcius to Farenheit

5 WAP to implement Bitwise Operators

6 WAP to implement Arithmetic Operators

7 WAP to find if the given no. is odd or even.

8 WAP to add digits of a given number.

9 WAP Find smallest of 3 number.

10 WAP Print Table of a Given Number

11 WAP to Find the maximum digit and second maximum digit in the integer

12 WAP to find factorial of a number using Loop

13 WAP to generate fibonacci series upto a give number.

14 WAP to create a function having a name "display" that prints the message

15 WAP maximum of three numbers using max function(built-in function)

16 WAP to Prepare a table of squares and cubes using format

17 WAP to format Numbers with padding for int and floats

18 write a program to swap two values using function with argument

19 WAP to differentiate local and global variable

20 WAP to find factorial of a number using recursive function

21 WAP Count no of Vowels in a string

22 WAP to read a string form user and then check whether the string is palindrome or not

23 WAP to demonstrate usage of inbuilt functions available for strings.

24 WAP to demonstrate slicing in strings.

25 Write a program to replace a string in a sentence.

26 WAP to check the string is having alphabet or not

27 WAP to print Local time

28 WAP to print Local time and add no. of days to it and display the future rime so obtianed.

29 WAP Python Program to Take in the Marks of 5 Subjects for 3 studnets and Display their Grade

30 WAP to Read a List of Words and Return the Length of the Longest One[ use List Datatype]

31 WAPto Find second max and second minimum value in an array of Ten integers

32 WAP to Get ten integers from user add the even no's and print the result

33 WAP to Get ten integers from user add the odd no's and print the result

34 WAP to Find the Largest Number in a List

35 WAP to Put Even and Odd elements in a List into Two Different Lists

36 WAP to Merge Two Lists and Sort it

37 WAP to demonstrate usage of Basic Operations in Tuples

38 WAP to Unpack a given tuple.

S. No. Program Date Faculty Signature Remarks

39 WAP to Concatenate Two Dictionaries Into One

40 WAP to Sum All the Items in a Dictionary

41 WAP to Multiply All the Items in a Dictionary

42 WAP to Remove the Given Key from a Dictionary

43 WAP to demonstrate usage of Basic Operations available for Dictionary.

44 WAP to Check if a Given Key Exists in a Dictionary or Not

45 WAP to create a text file and write content into that file.

46 WAP for Reading/Writing Numbers using text file.

47 WAP to Read a Text File and Print all the Numbers Present in the Text File

48 WAP to Read the Contents of a File

49 WAP to Read the Contents of a File in Reverse Order

50 WAP to Append the Contents of One File to Another File

51 WAP to Count the Number of Words in a Text File

52 WAP that Reads a Text File and Counts the Number of Times a Certain Letter Appears in the Text File

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