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ENC 1102 Research Map

Name: Yesenia Velez-Figueroa

Research Questions

 What genres do physical therapist use to communicate with patients?

 What kind of technology do physical therapist use to communicate?

Keywords: “health literacy”, “communication”, “physical therapist communication”, “different

applied science”, “Electrotherapy”.

Kinds of research:

I will be using the internet and scholarly articles, these will be my main sources. I will also try and find
some good source in our UCF library (database). Hopefully by sing these three research methods I will
find more information on my research question. I will also try and look for a PT and possibly interview

Research Schedule


Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13: Research map 14 15: week 6 16


17: PSY 18 19 20: Digital Paper 21 22: Reading 23

ch.5 Trail response

Week 7

24 25: 26 27: Peer review 28 1: reading 2

Workshop workshop 1 response 14
research Week 8
dossier discussion


Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

3 4: Final draft 5 6: reading 7 8: PSY test 2 9

research dossier response 16

10 11 Spring 12 …… 13 ………….. 14 ……… 15 ………… 16 …


17 18: reading 19 20: reading 21 22: Reading 23

response 17 response 18 response 19

24 25: workshop 26 27: Peer review 28 29 30

draft rhetorical workshop 2


Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

31 1: Pitch ted talk 2 3: Final draft 4 5 6

rhetorical analysis

7 8 9 10: Workshop draft 11 12: Peer review 13

1 workshop draft

14 15: workshop 16 17: workshop draft 18 19: Final draft 20

draft 2 3 TED student
Peer review
workshop draft 3

21 22: workshop 23 24: extra credit 25 26: course 27

draft, self- evaluation

28 30: TED talks

E portfolios


Preliminary research:

Oxford Academic Physical Therapy

Wikipedia (Physical Therapy)

Advancements in PT Tech/Emerging Trends

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