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Wednesday 27 June 2018

Academic Committee

First Meeting


Dipu George
George Jacob
Nirmal Chandy

2.00 PM

1) Discuss on how to improve and enhance the academic quality of the Institution with suggestions and advice
2) Discuss the dates on which the committee can meet every month and follow up


• It has been decided to set up an Academic Council comprising experts and also an Academic committee
comprising Faculty to coordinate the decisions and directions specified by the Council

• In the next meeting the members have decided to come up with ideas to help identify the philosophy and vision
which the Institution should focus on

• It has been decided that workshops be conducted in S1S2 studio for the Design Fundamental course with or
without interactive participation from the other semester batches

• To involve the SSA with regards to hosting relevant movies, Discussions and Product presentations and to make
Saturdays more active related to their academics.

• To integrate architectural criticism assignment with Studio project of the Semester VII Batch.

• To identify the prospects, resources and to prepare a preliminary project report on diversifying into Product
Design and Visual Communication Branches and identify the authoritative Bodies responsible for the courses .

• To prepare a revised Syllabus in order to implement in the Next Syllabus Revision of CUSAT.

• Proposed that companies be invited for a product demo after class hours during weekdays or on weekends.

• Next meeting to be held on 18th July 2018.

End of meeting 3.00 PM

Wednesday 27 June 2018

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