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TEL Signature Assignment

Classroom Project Proposal
Bryan Perez
Arizona State University

In this paper I discuss all of the pieces that go into creating my project. This project is driven by

the question: How can we create change in our community? I looked at the community my

students are in, focusing on the demographics to see what they might want to discuss. Through

this project many different people will be impacted from the students completing the project, the

teacher facilitating the project, any collaborators brought in to help with project, and the

audience that sees the presentations the students give of their final project. A calendar has also

been created to understand what will need to be done and when it needs to be done to complete

the project. Also included is a budget table and narrative so the students can get all of the

material they will need in order to successfully complete this project and properly present their

final product.

Applicant and School Environment Narrative

I am Bryan Perez a second-year teacher at Mohave Middle School located in Scottsdale,

Arizona. I graduated from the Mary Lou Fulton School of Education at Arizona State University

in the Fall of 2020, but while I was there I also completed 3 semesters in the school of business

before I switched to an education major. While taking these business classes I learned how to

think in very practical, real world situations and how what we learned in class are important

topics that impact our society. So in the first part of my education at Arizona State University I

looked at problems that impacted a lot of different people, like taxes, technological

advancements, and financial crisis, then in the second part focused my attention to a smaller

scale looking at classrooms and individuals, and how I can best help them.

For my philosophy of teaching I believe it is best when students are active in the

classroom, whether it be asking questions during direct instruction, participating in discussions,

or being an active group member. I also think the social climate of a classroom has a large

impact on the success of students in and out of the classroom. Making an environment where

students can make friends and social bonds, are valued for expressing themselves and being who

they are, and valued for the ideas and opinions they bring to a discussion, will truly allow the

students to grow, not only as students but also as people who grow and go through changes in

life. I value seeing the teacher not as a disciplinary and authoritative figure, but as a facilitator

creating the environment necessary for growth; safe place to express oneself, valued for who

they are now, not what they can or might be, and perhaps what I value most is letting students

know they are loved as humans and capable of loving others as this is when people can grow in

all aspects of life, as a learner, friend, leader, teammate it all starts with being accepted and loved

as you are.

Project-based learning is one way were I believe we can accomplish much of these

aspects in my classroom, although through my internship and my first 2 years of teaching I have

struggled to grasp all the necessary aspects of project-based learning I am confident I know have

the knowledge and plan to carry out an effective project for my students. Through this project

my students will be able to create necessary social connections with their peers and community

members that will help them become confident in who they are facilitating an environment

where they can best grow in all aspects of life. This learning style will also allow for students to

build their knowledge in a way they are not used to and that will be more interesting as they are

now the active participant in the process of learning instead of having me give them instruction.

The final major important piece of project-based learning is that students are addressing an issue

in their community, so they have an investment in the outcome and are more attuned to the finer

details of it. Through this project I also hope to keep integrating technology in my students’

learning as they will continue to be technologically fluent as they progress in life. One of the

most valuable lessons I see my mentor teacher implementing, that I also plan on taking into my

future classroom, is having her students completing simple things with technology, like creating

PowerPoints, taking quizzes, or keeping track of assignments, as these simple tasks still have

profound effects as the students will become more familiar with technology, more willing to use

it, and less afraid of being tasked with a technology-based task in the future.

Looking at the demographics of Scottsdale Unified School District it easy to tell that the

community will most likely have particular needs and problems they want to be addressed.

Looking at the demographics of the community we see that out of the total population of

240,,032, 98.7 percent identify as “one-race”, of this 98.7 percent 90.9 percent identify as white,

1.9 percent as black or African-American, .8 percent as American Indian, 3 percent as Asian,


and of the total population 10.9 percent identify as Hispanic or Latino. So we can se through

these figures that race plays an interesting dynamic where a certain group may feel surrounded

by people different than them where race may be a big factor in their life compared to a large

group who may not pay attention to this dynamic or see race as a big factor in their life. This

same dynamic could also play out in families where about 10 percent of the families in district

are single parent homes. Another important aspect of the community is that 30.3 percent of the

over 25 population has a bachelor’s degree, and only about 20 percent of the population attended

no college, as college is often tough for first generation students these numbers bode well for a

large part of the community. Looking at the income of the community we see that the median

income is 66,743 and the mean income is 105,867, and also where only 7.5 percent of the total

population lives under the poverty line.

After being in the classroom with my students and being in the community more I have

noticed that the contentment that can come from homogeneity of a large group might be the

greatest problem a community like the one I am in may face. So educating the kids on what

happens when a community stagnates is pertinent to creating a successful project where students

understand how important being active in the community is and the great things that can come

from working towards change.

Summary of Project (Project Impact)

My project is focused through the driving question: How can we create change in our

community? I chose this topic because the idea of activism and change can be impactful in any

environment and community. However looking closely at my community we see the


homogeneity that is present from race where around 90% identify as white, to economics where

only 7.5% of the population lives under the poverty line, and in education as only 20% of the

adult population had not attended college. In my community this homogeneity and no large

problems of poverty or lack of education can create a sense of contentment as the community is

seen as good enough, but change is an inevitable part of life and if we do not create change that

helps our community, the community will at best stagnate but more likely start a downfall.

To start this project I would like for my students to find and research a change they want

to see in their environment. They can discover this wanted change through reflection of past

experiences, discussion with others, or research of the community. Another activity would

involve them speaking with community members who have sought and created change in the

community, answering why they wanted this change to occur, how they started on their journey

of creating change, how it came to fruition, and why they see change as an important part of a

community. My students would also meet with community leaders, like a business owner, board

member, representative, department chief, or local politician to discuss with them how they

receive the ideas of change from the community, how they decide what is worth changing, then

how they create that change, and finally again discuss why they see change as important in our

community. After these discussion my students will start working to build a presentation arguing

for the change they want to see, as the final point in the project will be presenting what my

students have found to an audience of community members, who may be local business owners,

elected officials, members of local clubs or groups, or administration in local schools, interested

in making positive changes members of the community want to see. Working to build this

presentation would involve my students learning how to conduct proper research, one piece of

this being judging the credibility of a source. The students will also need support in writing

strong, clear, reasonable arguments by using the research they have gathered as evidence for

support. Finally being comfortable using technology and presentation tools will be crucial for the

students so they can build a presentation they are comfortable and confident to present.

Through these activities where students will look at real world implications and be able to

have discussions with people of the community they may not normally communicate with will

increase engagement through new experiences. Learning will also be positively impacted

through this project as students will be learning in ways not usually seen in the classroom like

real world experiences and by looking at a problem that interests them specifically instead of a

general idea that may lose interest of some students.

As the teacher facilitating this project perhaps the most profound impact this will have on

me, is that I might be able to see what things my students are attuned to in their community

outside of school. From this I will get a better sense of who my students are and what might be

affecting them or important to them in their personal, helping create a better relationship where I

understand my students and can create a dialogue around things are care for and are interested in.

Doing a project like this is going to force me to be a facilitator in the classroom instead of a

direct instructor, helping me to empower my students as learners and allowing them to discover,

grow, and collaborate at their own pace in the areas they need to. Also because of the nature of

this project I will need to collaborate with others in the school, like administrators with whom

my students my start a discussion with first as they are more readily available. Collaboration

with other teachers like social studies/history teachers or government teachers could also be

beneficial as history is showing students how change has happened in diverse contexts and

through a variety of strategies, the government teachers can look specifically at change through

the government and the steps that could be necessary to accomplish certain tasks or discussing

what officials may be best to reach out to for certain ideas.


Project Narrative (Calendar)

Standards Activities Assessment Technology
Day 1: See Appendix Student will: Watch video Check the notes the Projector to show MLK
A about MLK; conduct students took to see what video to class;
Standard - 8.SL.1 research on their topic; they had to contribute and Individual computers
ISTE Educator - 6a Discuss with group their what they received from so students can conduct
ISTE Student - 3a findings; others research;
LO: Students will be Discuss with class what
able to discuss with they found;
their group and then in
a class discussion
what they found in
their research by
articulating new ideas
and making
connections to the
ideas of others.
Day 2: Student will: Write out the Move around ensuring Individual computers
Standard – 8.SL.1 changes they want to see, students notes and so students can
ISTE Educator – 6b their reasoning, and how discussion are focused on contribute to the padlet;
ISTE Student – 7b they might bring about the correct topics; Projector to display
LO: Students will be those changes; Checking padlet to see all padlet for the entire
able to discuss Discuss with small group students have contributed class
changes they, or other these topics; and that contributions are
community members Add ideas for these topics on topic
want to see, why they to the padlet I have set up
want these changes,
and how they can
bring about these
Day 3: Student will: Engage in a Using a checklist for each Projector to show the
Standard – 8.SL.1 discussion around the student when they speak to changes students want
ISTE Educator – changes students want to ensure they have to see, their reasoning,
ISTE Student – see, their reasoning, and appropriately questioned and how they might
LO: Students will be how they might bring and defended reasoning, bring about those
able to appropriately about those changes that I and have taken notes on changes
question the reasoning have presented new and relevant
of other students, and anonymously; information
defend reasoning by Take notes so they can use
using their own new information for their
evidence and the own change
evidence presented by
Day 4: Student will: Conduct Before students leave they Laptops to conduct
Standard – 8.W.7 research in pairs to will turn in a short answer research;

ISTE Educators – 7b discover and discuss on the topic of what they Google docs/slides so
ISTE Students – 6a changes that have would have done students can conduct
LO: Students will be occurred; differently synchronous work in
able to research what Note what could have been class;
changes have done differently Socrative where
happened in the students will write and
community, how these turn in their short
came about, and what answer online
they could have done
Day 5: Student will: Conduct Have students share their Laptops to conduct
Standard – 8.W.8 individual research on their LiveBinders with me so I individual research;
ISTE Educators – 3c chosen topic; can check that students LiveBinders so
ISTE Students – 3a Create a LiveBinder to have created a LiveBinder, students can store and
LO: Students will be have a place online they chosen a topic they will be access their work; and
able to research their can store materials, always researching, and have so I can check the work
topic (the change they have access to them, and looked at what has been my students are doing
want to create) finding appropriately cite their done in the past
what has been done research
before, what they can
do to be successful,
where they can find
support, and who is
best to contact to
create this change
(business owner,
elected official, etc.)
Day 6: Student will: Conduct Check students LiveBinder Laptops to conduct
Standard – 8.W.8 individual research on their to see that they have individual research;
ISTE Educators – 6b chosen topic; identified what they can do LiveBinders so
ISTE Students – 3a Use LiveBinder to store to be successful, where students can store and
LO: Students will be new and relevant they can find support, and access their work; and
able to identify what information they, making who is best to contact to so I can check the work
they can do to be sure to keep it organized, create their desired change my students are doing
successful, where they updated, and accessible to (business owner, elected
can find support, and me official, etc.)
who is best to contact
to create this change
(business owner,
elected official, etc.)

Day 7: Student will: Discuss in Move around looking for Projector connected to
Standard – 8.SL.3 small groups and make students to be sitting up, internet so we can
ISTE Educators – 4c note of questions they have facing the speaker, and Skype our speaker to
ISTE Students – 7b for community leaders on taking notes; make it easier to
contact them;

LO: Students will be how to create change and Check students journals to Camera connected to
able to assess our their topic; see that they took note of internet so speaker can
speaker’s arguments Take notes in their journal relevant information see us and hear
for the best way to go on the points the speaker question/reactions we
about creating change (business owner/ manager) have
is making that are relevant
to their topic;
Ask the speaker
appropriate questions to
clarify or justify points
they made making note of
the answers
Day 8: Student will: Take notes in Move around looking for Projector connected to
Standard – 8.SL.3 their journal on the points students to be sitting up, internet so we can
ISTE Educators – 4c the speakers (elected facing the speaker, and Skype our speaker to
ISTE Students – 7b official and school taking notes; make it easier to
LO: Students will be administrator) are making Check students journals to contact them;
able to assess our that are relevant to their see that they took note of Camera connected to
speaker’s arguments topic; relevant information internet so speaker can
for the best way to go Ask the speaker see us and hear
about creating change appropriate questions to question/reactions we
clarify or justify points have
they made making note of
the answers
Day 9: Student will: Take notes on Call on groups to identify Whiteboard so I can
Standard – 8.W.1 what a claim and evidence what they decided were the write out what a claim
ISTE Educators – are; claims and evidence in the is and what evidence is
ISTE Students – Read an argumentative essay; so students can write it
LO: Students will be essay and in small groups Make sure everyone is too;
able to formulate a identify the claims and participating in the kahoot Projector where I can
claim and use evidence; Have students write in their display the kahoot I
evidence from the Reflect on of the journal a short answer created;
research they argumentative was with one claim and at least Computer where
conducted to support successful in what they one piece of evidence to students can participate
their claims were arguing and if so how support it in the kahoot
these same strategies can
be used by the student to
successfully argue for the
change they want to see
Play kahoot where they
identify claims and
Use the new knowledge to
write in their journal their
own claims with
supporting evidence

Day 10: Student will: Go through Check LiveBinder to see Computers where
Standard – 8.W.1 the argumentative essay that students have created students can access
ISTE Educators – 7b again to see how the claims logical paragraphs using their LiveBinder
ISTE Student – 1c and evidence were put into claims, evidence, and a
LO: Students will be a logical, flowing concluding statement
able to create paragraph;
paragraphs that clearly Look through their
states their claim and LiveBinder gathering the
evidence with correct evidence they want to use;
citations, and compose Write paragraphs about the
a concluding change they want to see
statement that ends that are logical and flow
and supports the well stating claims and
paragraph using the evidence they
have gathered in their
research to support those
claims and putting it in
Day 11: Student will: Read the Move around the room Projector to go over
Standard – 8.W.2 argumentative essay and checking if students have with students the
ISTE Educators – identify the hook, the correctly highlighted and correct identifications
ISTE Students – supporting details, and the identified the different for the introduction and
LO: Students will be thesis statement; parts of the introduction conclusion
able to identify the Identify what makes a and conclusion
different parts of an strong conclusion,
introduction and rewriting what you have
conclusion stated and leaving with a
strong final thought
Day 12: Student will: Write a Check LiveBinder to see Laptops so students can
Standard – 8.W.2 strong introduction that students have write their essay;
ISTE Educators – 7a focusing on introducing the submitted their essay with LiveBinder for
ISTE Students – 6a change they want to see a strong introduction and submitting final essay
LO: Students will be and conclusion to combine conclusion
able to compose an with their paragraphs
argumentative essay containing a claim and
supporting the change evidence and submit their
they want to see in the final essay into LiveBinder
Day 13: Student will: Use a Move around looking that Laptops to create a
Standard – 8.SL.4 presentation tool to create a the students are starting the presentation:
ISTE Educator – 7a presentation to argue their presentation by clearly LiveBinders so
ISTE Student – 6a topic using their essay as a introducing the topic and students can submit
LO: Students will be guideline on what to using clear arguments and their presentation
able to assemble a include and submit their evidence
presentation that presentation into their
clearly introduces LiveBinder

their topic and clearly

states their arguments
with evidence

Day 14: Student will: Use a Check LiveBinder to see Laptops to finish the
Standard – 8.SL.4 presentation tool to finish that all students have presentation;
ISTE Educator – 7c their presentation and submitted a presentation LiveBinders so
ISTE Student – 6c submit their presentation that has a clear topic, students can submit
LO: Students will be into their LiveBinder; arguments with evidence, their presentation;
able to finish Use JING to create a and a strong conclusion; JING so students can
assembling their screencast of them Watch screencast of screencast their
presentation where presenting their finished presentation to see how presentation
they make clear, final product and put in well students understood
arguments with LiveBinder topic and were able to
evidence and have a articulate their ideas;
strong conclusion
Day 15: Student will: Use Buncee Look at the screencast of Laptops to use Buncee
Standard – 8.L.5 to create images on a flyer their flyer the students and create the flyer
ISTE Educator – 6d that relate to their topic and have made and assess online, a printer to print
ISTE Student – 6b will garner interest from whether it is appropriate to out the flyers to hang
LO: Students will be other people and print it their topic, contains some them up, access to
able to create a flyer out and hang up; of the main ideas, and has JING so students can
that generates interest These flyers will be used to differing images and screencast their flyer
in their topic inform what the topic designs to create interest
being discussed is and to
give a time and location as
to where the presentations
will be held so people can
show up if they are
Use JING to screencast
their flyer and explain what
each part of it means and
why it is important
Day 16: Student will: Travel to Use final checklist to Computer for access to
Standard – 8.SL.4 ASU where they will give ensure students have clear students presentations,
ISTE Educator – 4d a presentation to local claims with supporting projector to view the
ISTE Student – 6d community leaders and evidence, and are using presentations
LO: Students will be members, like local sound reasoning in their
able to give a business owners and presentation;
presentation to the managers, elected officials, Also check that students
public and answer members of local clubs or are making appropriate eye
groups, or administration contact with audience, are

questions from the in local schools who may using a good speaking
audience be interested in making volume, and clear
positive changes for the pronunciation

The goal my project and all of project-based learning is to transform the classroom and

help students learn in new ways that will support them now and in the future. The main way my

project will transform student learning is by having them look at issues in their community that

they care about. Integrating technology is also a large portion of my topic. Using different types

of technology to help students prepare for their future by making them more comfortable using

technology and giving them different tools to explore and use for their project. Also being able to

present their finished products to a public audience of community members who care about their

topics and could support them in making progress with creating change moving forward.

After my proposal period I would first get feedback from my one class of students that

participated in this project to see what they felt could be done during the entire project that could

help support them more in areas they struggled or wanted to further explore. Then getting

feedback from the audience of the presentations would be crucial as they are outsiders looking

only at the final product. After this, moving forward, I would hope to get more community

members interested in seeing the presentation and even helping to support the kids in creating

their project. Having this project include a larger number of kids and working in groups is a

future goal as well where students can raise more issues than just one class would, and

encouraging collaboration where students might be able to specialize more in certain areas and

create a more fulfilling project.


Budget Table and Narrative

For this project there is a list of items students will need to have in order to

successfully complete the project (See Appendix B). To start they will need laptops because of

the amount of research the students will be doing on their individual topics and so they can have

a place to submit and store items online. Being able to submit and store items online will help

students work at their own and pace and help the facilitator of the project more easily see where

students strengths are and where they may need extra support. The next three items on the list,

Socrative, LiveBinders, and Kahoot! are online tools that can be used to help assess the students

and where students can learn how to submit and store items online. The webcam will be used to

have a video conference with the community leaders the students have decided will be most

beneficial to converse with. Using the webcam will ease the burden of scheduling making the

meeting easier to come to fruition. Buncee and SnagIt are tools students will use to create a

product that can easily be assessed. Buncee will allow them to create a flyer towards the end of

the project to summarize their project and help garner interest in their presentation, and SnagIt

will allow them to create a screencast where they will explain the flyer, helping them gain

appropriate presentation skills. Finally the list concludes with the items that will be needed so the

students can present their final product in a professional space, allowing for an adequate number

of community members to attend the event.

Then to help gather funding for the project some options could be using,, or where money is raised through donations so it does not

have to be paid back. All of these options are easy to setup and user friendly but DonorsChoose

and GoFundMe have a section where users can look at campaigns that are near them which can

help improve funding by making the campaign known in the community. GoFundMe is also

more popular than the other two sources so starting there might be a good route to take as it

might help get more exposure. All three of them however have a section where the users can

look at campaigns in the category of education creating a niche for donors who have special


Appendix A

Inquiry-Based Lesson Plan


Teachers: Bryan Perez Subject: English Grade: 8

Common Core State Standards:

 8.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one‐on‐one, in groups, and teacher‐
led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing
their own clearly.
Objective (Explicit):
 Students will be able to debate with their group and then the class by discussing what they found in
their research by articulating new ideas and making connections to the ideas of others.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
 Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
 Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
 Assign value to each portion of the response
Assessment: students will have notes showing their original findings, what they learned from group members, and the connections made to others
research during class discussion
Exemplar Student Response: Group Notes Connections
My Notes
My Notes=25%
Group Notes=30%

Sub-Objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex)

 How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
 What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
 How is this objective relative to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

SWBAT make a chart/table that clearly displays their notes

SWBAT conduct research that finds appropriate material
SWBAT make connections between their research and the research of others

Key vocabulary: connections, chart, table, group Materials: technology to show video to class,
discussion, class discussion, notes, articulate technology that allows students to conduct
independent research in class, paper to take notes
 How will you activate prior knowledge?
 How will you hook student attention?
 What question will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore?
Teacher Will: Show video “The Story of Martin Luther King Jr. by Kid Students Will: Pay attention to the video and answer my question,
President” noting specifically why he would focus on this
If MLK was alive today in Arizona what is a change he might for?

 How will you model your performance expectations? (Remember you are not modeling what you want students to discover but need to
model expected behavior or required procedures.)
 How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them answer the question posed in the
 What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are “exploring”?

Teacher Will: What did MLK see in his community that made him want Students Will: Write what they know about MLK, looking at what
to change something? he saw in his community, why he wanted change, the change he
What changes did MLK help bring and how did he do it? helped bring about, why he saw this as important.
Assign groups to do a quick research of different people in history to Then move on to other people and take notes of what they are
see what changes came from it, who helped spur these changes, why finding as they research, answering the questions I have asked
they did this, and how did they do it: Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Nelson them

Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
 How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered?
 How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations?
 How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives by answering the question from the
Engage before moving on?
Teacher Will: Students Will:
Tell students to discuss with their group what they have learned Discuss thoroughly with their group what they discovered about
through their research, focusing on the specific questions I asked. their topic
Ask students to make note of what questions they have about their Describe the strategies they used to research the topics and what
research pros/cons this strategy had
Walk around groups making sure they are staying in task and
answering questions
Ask students how they went about researching their topic

Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
 How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of this
learning at a deep level?
 How will students use higher order thinking at this stage (e.g. A common practice in this section is to pose a What If? Question)?
 How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified?

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Lead a class discussion about topics Participate in class discussion articulating their findings
Ask how the strategies used by the individuals we researched might be Describe with the class the strategies they used to research their
received today topic and take notes
Ask what strategies might be used to accomplish similar goals today Make connections to what their peers have said and to the
present day

Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
 How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the elaborate content)?
 How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the assessment)?

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Tell students to ensure they have taken thorough notes of what they Go through their notes checking that they have filled out each part
shared with others (my notes) and what they have learned from and that they are clear
others (group notes/ connections) Think about what they have learned today, pair with their elbow
Ask students to discuss what they have learned today partner to discuss what they came up with, then share with their
small group the big concepts they learned

Appendix B

Budget Table

Item Cost and Quantity Where to Purchase

ASUS Chromebook 35 @228.99 each Google for Education

Socrative Pro Subscription Yearly Subscription @59.99 Socrative Pro

LiveBinders Pro One-Month Subscription @19.95 LiveBinders Pro

Kahoot! Pro Yearly Subsription @36 Kahoot! Pro

Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam 1 @72.43 Amazon

Buncee Classroom Monthly Subscription @20 Buncee

SnagIt 35 @29.97 each TechSmith

Room Reservation @ ASU West 1 @900 ASU Room Reservation

Handheld Wireless Microphone 1 @40 ASU Room Resources

Projector 1 @250 ASU Room Resources

Slide Advancer 1 @10 ASU Room Resources

Stage 1 @15 ASU Room Resources

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