Tutorial-Notes-Wk-1 Touch

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Notes: Week 1

Unit: HLTH2203 Physical Performance Lab Sport: Touch Rugby Week: 1

Activity 1 - Warm Up – Stuck in the mud

Learners: - Notre Dame students will be developing skills and abilities of
Equipment: - 1 x ball per student
Space: - 5x5m squares
Time: - 1-2 minutes per drill
Instructions - Students run around a grid, one half have a ball and the other
for Activity don’t
- 2 students are ‘it’ and aim to tag students
If tagged students will stand still with legs apart.
- To free tagged students peers can roll ball through their legs
- Swap roles
Variations - Use a bean bag instead of a ball
and - Make drill harder or easier for different skill levels of
Progressions students
KTP’s 1. Track, reach, give
2. Watch the ball
3. Stay on balls of your feet

Images created from Sportplan (2019)

Activity 2 – Warm up – React and Catch

Learners: - Notre Dame students will be developing skills and abilities of
Equipment: - 1 ball per pair
Space: - 10x10m squares
Time: - 10 minutes
Instructions - Students are in pairs and stand face to face
for Activity - One student has the ball and attempts to drop the ball
without the peer catching it
- Swap
Variations - Change bean bags to balls
and - Make multiple grids for bigger groups
Progressions - Implement a time limit
KTP’s 1. Step, stretch, swing
2. Lean forward and put weight on front foot
3. Quick reflexes

Images created from Sportplan (2019)

Activity 3 – Passing – Triangle Passing

Learners: - Notre Dame students will be developing skills and abilities of
Equipment: - 1 ball per 3 students
Space: - 10x10m
Time: - 10 minutes
Instructions - Students are split into groups of threes
for Activity - Each group set up into a triangle with one ball between then
- Pass the ball within the group
Variations - Increase or decrease distance between pairs depending on
and skill level
Progressions - Change direction
- Change length

KTP’s 1. Step, step and pass
2. Follow through

Images created from Sportplan (2019)

Activity 4 –Attacking– 2v1 keepy off

Learners: - Notre Dame students will be developing skills and abilities of
Equipment: - 1 x ball per three
Space: - 10x10m
Time: - 10 minutes

Instructions - Students work in pairs with one defender
for Activity - Offense aim to move the ball around the square
- Swap
Variations - Increase or decrease distance between groups depending on
and skill level
Progressions - Add a scoring system
KTP’s 1. Step, step throw
2. Face target
3. Follow through

Images created from Sportplan (2019)

Activity 5 – 2 on 1 touch down
Learners: - Notre Dame students will be developing skills and abilities of
cricket, specifically bowling
Equipment: - 1 x ball per three
Space: - 10x10m
Time: - 10 minutes
Instructions - 2 offense and 1 defence
for Activity - 2 offensive players start on the line
- Defensive player starts in middle
- Offense aim to get a try
Variations - Change distance between groups depending of skill level,
and more for advanced and less distance for weaker students
Progressions - Add scoring system
- Add offside
KTP’s - Side on, shoulder pointing towards target
- Follow through
- Initiate touch

Images created from Sportplan (2019)

Activity 6 – 2 on 1 touch down, loop
Learners: - Notre Dame students will be developing skills and abilities of
cricket, specifically bowling
Equipment: - 1 x ball per three
Space: - 10x10m
Time: - 10 minutes
Instructions - 2 offense and 1 defence
for Activity - 2 offensive players start on the line
- Defensive player starts opposite to offensive player
- Players loop around the grid and attempt to make touch
Variations - Add scoring system
and - Add offside
KTP’s - Push off back foot
- Follow through
- Initiate touch

Images created from
Sportplan (2019)

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