Independent Consulting Engineer Scope of Works: Comply Remarks

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Comply Remarks
i Construction  Contract
review  &  comment
on  completeness,  adequacyor  shortcomings

ii Construction  Work  Progran  (CWP)

review  &  evaluate
activity  &  work  schedule  is  viable  &  realistic
can  achieve  major  milestone  &  target  completion
review  &  evaluate  any  revisions
submit  CWP    in  Microsoft  Project  file

iii Selection  of  Contractors/Sub-­‐contractors

review  &  comment
on  delivery  capabilities  to  undertake  contract

iv Rate  of  Work

monitor  weekly  &  monthly
actual  against  planned  
advise  BPMB  on  its  performance
refer  to  CWP

v Risk  Factors
identify  &  highlight
current  issue  &  risk  factors
affecting  milestone  and  completion
propose  mitigation  resources

vi Statutory  Authority
check  &  verify
all  approvals  &  requirements
obtained  &  complied

vii Drawdown  Requests

review  &  verify
drawdown  requests  are  justified
with  supporting  documents  &  evidence
ensure  all  claims  are  compiant  to  :
requirements  of  Contract,  construction,  workmanship,  
fabrication,  installation,  procurement  &  supply,  equipment  
&  materials.
viii Monthly  Progress  Report  &  Project  Closure  Report
prepare  &  forward
on  construction  &  development
stringently  follow  BPMB  standard  Reporting  Format

advise  BPMB  on  the  issuance
conforms  to  due  process  &  standard  practise

x Project  Cost
diligently  monitor
no  untoward  cost  over-­‐runs,  over-­‐claims  and  leakages
to  avoid  adverse  impact  on  overall  project  budget  &  delivery

xi Interim  Claims
periodically  monitor  &  assess  
interim  claims  &  project  expenses
against  PDA,  project  budget  and  financial  S-­‐curve

xii Take  Up  Rate  for  Leasable  Area

provide  written  confirmation  to  BPMB
Attachment  I  -­‐  Disbursement  Stage

xiii Other  Scopes

as  and  when  required
limited  to  the  SoW  &  the  ToR

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