Project Report On NTPC Training and Development

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Submitted by : Ritesh Kumar Prasad 3nd year,6th semester

Registration no. 63324UT16081

Specialization : Human Resource

Under the guidance of

Industry Guide: Mr. Anurag Sinha

Senior Manager: HR NTPC LTD. Patna

Faculty Guide: Priyanka Priyadarshini

Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of degree of



Title of project report is Training and development in NTPC Ltd.

I declare that this declare that The work submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of degree BACHELOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN
HUMAN RESOURCE assessment in this Semester report is my own; it has not previously
been presented for another assessment.

This semester report is my original work. I had got this data from

Table of contents
1. Executive
Summary................................................................................................................. 4 2.
CHAPTER 1..............................................................................................................................
5 2.1. Introduction ...................................................................

2.2. Definition and objective of training

2.3.Methods of training

2.4. Introduction to development

2.5. Objective of development and methods


3.1. Organizational Profile of the Company

3.2. Introduction to the organization

3.3. Vision

3.4. Mission

3.5 Rewards and Recognition


4.1. Training and development at NTPC


NTPC is India’s largest power utility with an installed capacity of 53,651 MW, plans to become a
130 GW company by 2032. Established in 1975, NTPC aims to be the world’s largest and best
power major .NTPC has comprehensive Rehabilitation & Resettlement and CSR policies well
integrated with its core business of setting up power projects and generating electricity. The
company is committed to generating reliable power at competitive prices in a sustainable manner by
optimizing the use of multiple energy sources with innovative eco-friendly technologies thereby
NTPC is contributing to the economic development of the nation and upliftment of the society.

NTPC Ltd. a MAHARATNA Company of the Government of India is the largest power
generation in India. . The headquarters of the company is situated at New Delhi. NTPC's
core business is generation and sale of electricity to state-owned power distribution
companies and State Electricity Boards in India aim to be the world’s largest and best
power major. NTPC works beyond power and profit and it is an organization filled with so
many knowledgeable and experienced workforce , who works very hard to maintain the
performance of the company.

NTPC is involved in a variety of innovative training techniques So as to make

NTPC learning organization. This project talks about how NTPC train the
employee, through which method and procedure they follow, what are the
techniques they are using. In nutshell the project is all about a training system
in NTPC Ltd.

During the period of summer training at NTPC Limited Patna, I tried to

understand the training and development system in hr department .


Introduction to training and development

a. Definition

❖ Training - a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees’

learning of job-related competencies.

Competencies include knowledge, skills or behavior critical for successful job


To use training to gain a competitive advantage, a company should view training

broadly as a way to create intellectual capital.

Intellectual capital includes basic skills advanced skills an understanding of

the customer or manufacturing system, and self-motivated creativity.

Training is process to enhance knowledge , skills , attitude to complete a particular task. It is

a short term trailer made program to improve the performance of the employee.

Training is the systematic set of the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by an individual
to perform effectively a given task or work. • It refers to teaching or developing oneself or
other skills, knowledge that is related to their field.

Training is a systematic process through which an organization’s human

resources gain knowledge and develop skills by instruction and practical
activities that result in improved corporate performance .
Importance of Training

● Maintains qualified products / services

● Achieves high service standards
● Provides information for new comers
● Refreshes memory of old employees
● Achieves learning about new things; technology, products / service
● Reduces mistakes - minimizing costs
● Opportunity for staff to feedback / suggest improvements
● Improves communication & relationships - better teamwork
● Increased productivity and adherence to quality standards
● Increasing organizational stability and flexibility
● Reduced supervision and direction
● Economical use of resources & Heightened morale
● Increase in productivity & Better industrial relations
● Role & career flexibility & Reduced learning time
● Future manpower needs
● Reduced accidents at workplace
● Globalization & speed of change
● New appraisal techniques
● Reduction of errors & accidents
● Reduction of turnover and absenteeism

Difference between Training and Development

⬥ Training is short term, task oriented and targeted on achieving a change

of attitude, skills and knowledge in a specific area. It is usually job
⬥ Development is a long term investment in human resources.


Meaning Training is a learning process in which Development is an educational process

employees get an opportunity to develop which is concerned with the overall
skill, competency and knowledge as per the growth of the employees.
job requirement.

Term Short Term Long Term

Focus on Present Future

Orientation Job oriented Career oriented

Motivation Trainer Self

Objective To improve the work performances of the To prepare employees for future
employees. challenges.

Number of Many Only one


Aim Specific job related Conceptual and general knowledge

2.3 Methods of Training

Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary
purpose of helping new members of an organization .

There are various methods through which new employees could learn. There are two
methods through which employees can improve their knowledge and skills.

On-the-job Training (OJT) Methods:

This is the most common method of training in which a trainee is placed on a specific job
and taught the skills and knowledge necessary to perform it.

The advantages of OJT are as follows:

1. On the job method is a flexible method.

2. It is a less expensive method.

3. The trainee is highly motivated and encouraged to learn.

4. Much arrangement for the training is not required.

On-the-job training methods are as follows:

1. Job rotation:
This training method involves movement of trainee from one job to another gain knowledge
and experience from different job assignments. This method helps the trainee understand
the problems of other employees.

2. Coaching:
Under this method, the trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as a
coach in training and provides feedback to the trainee. Sometimes the trainee may not get
an opportunity to express his ideas.

3. Job instructions:
Also known as step-by-step training in which the trainer explains the way of doing the jobs
to the trainee and in case of mistakes, corrects the trainee.

4. Committee assignments:
A group of trainees are asked to solve a given organizational problem by discussing the
problem. This helps to improve team work.

5. Internship training:
Under this method, instructions through theoretical and practical aspects are provided to the
trainees. Usually, students from the engineering and commerce colleges receive this type of
training for a small stipend.

2. Off-the-job Methods:

On the job training methods have their own limitations, and in order to have the overall
development of employee’s off-the-job training can also be imparted. The methods of
training which are adopted for the development of employees away from the field of the job
are known as off-the-job methods.


The following are some of the off-the-job techniques:

1. Case study method:
Usually case study deals with any problem confronted by a business which can be solved by
an employee. The trainee is given an opportunity to analyse the case and come out with all
possible solutions. This method can enhance analytic and critical thinking of an employee.

2. Incident method:
Incidents are prepared on the basis of actual situations which happened in different
organizations and each employee in the training group is asked to make decisions as if it is
a real-life situation. Later on, the entire group discusses the incident and takes decisions
related to the incident on the basis of individual and group decisions.

3. Role play:
In this case also a problem situation is simulated asking the employee to assume the role of
a particular person in the situation. The participant interacts with other participants
assuming different roles. The whole play will be recorded and trainee gets an opportunity to
examine their own performance.

4. In-basket method:
The employees are given information about an imaginary company, its activities and
products, HR employed and all data related to the firm. The trainee (employee under
training) has to make notes, delegate tasks and prepare schedules within a specified time.
This can develop situational judgments and quick decision making skills of employees.
5. Business games:
According to this method the trainees are divided into groups and each group has to discuss
about various activities and functions of an imaginary organization. They will discuss and
decide about various subjects like production, promotion, pricing etc. This gives result in
co-operative decision making process.

6. Grid training:
It is a continuous and phased programme lasting for six years. It includes phases of
planning development, implementation and evaluation. The grid takes into consideration
parameters like concern for people and concern for people.

7. Lectures:
This will be a suitable method when the numbers of trainees are quite large. Lectures can be
very much helpful in explaining the concepts and principles very clearly, and face to face
interaction is very much possible.

8. Simulation:
Under this method an imaginary situation is created and trainees are asked to act on it. For
e.g., assuming the role of a marketing manager solving the marketing problems or creating
a new strategy etc.

9. Management education:
At present universities and management institutes gives great emphasis on management
education. For e.g., Mumbai University has started bachelors and postgraduate degree in
Management. Many management Institutes provide not only degrees but also hands on
experience having collaboration with business concerns.

10. Conferences:
A meeting of several people to discuss any subject is called conference. Each participant
contributes by analyzing and discussing various issues related to the topic. Everyone can
express their own view point.

2.4 Development

Development is another component of training and development which is less skill oriented
but stressed on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment , management
principles and techniques, human relations , specific industry analysis and it is useful for
better management of the company.This activity focuses upon the activities that the
organization employing the individual, or that the individual is part of, may partake in the
future, and is almost impossible to evaluate.

Objectives of Development is not different from the objective of training we could say that
the destination is same but with a different path .

1. Increased Productivity
2. Quality Improvement
3. Learning time Reduction
4. Safety First
5. Labour Turnover Reduction
6. Keeping yourself Updated with Technology
7. Effective Management

Other objectives of Development

● Individual Objectives – help employees in achieving their personal goals, which
in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization.
● Organizational Objectives – assist the organization with its primary objective by
bringing individual effectiveness.
● Functional Objectives – maintain the department’s contribution at a level suitable
to the organization’s needs.
● Societal Objectives – ensure that an organization is ethically and socially
responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.

2.5 Methods of development

Employee Development Methods in HRM

1. On the Job Training

On the job training deals with the training of the employees which is delivered, directly, on
the job and is known so, because the tasks of the job are done live, either by an instructor or
the employee himself, under the instructor supervision. It is primarily used so that the
trainees understand the nature of the job and the correct and effective method of covering it
For the purpose of using the “On the Job” as the training method, the employee is giving an
overview of the job, the outcomes desired after its completion and the purpose of training in
the completion of the task. The trainee is given a copy to mimic as the instructor
demonstrates the job. The process is repeated until the employee feels satisfaction in his
own work.

0. Job Rotation
As the name suggests, job rotation deals with the continuous change of the employee
positions within the organization to expand their knowledge and improving their skills as
well as abilities. This rotation can either be vertical or horizontal, where horizontal rotation
involves the temporary transfer from one position to another, laterally, whereas, in the
vertical rotation, a worker is promoted to a new position. It is generally considered to be a
sub-type of on the job training.
Job rotation, as an employee development methods, is quite a great way of exposing an
individual to an even higher level of company operations, so that he prepares himself for
what is to come in his career. This leads to tremendous improvements in the abilities, thus
decreasing the difference in expected and actual skill levels.
It gives a huge boost to an employee’s confidence, his capability of absorbing new
information along with turning him into a genius, who can transform most of the ideas
designed for special cases and makes them implementable even in the general situations.
This simulation further leads to a rapid development of newer business ideas.

0. Coaching
Coaching can be done by an instructor, hired especially for the training purposes, or even a
more experienced employee or a number of employees. Most of the times, when coaching
is done in the job timings and that, too, in the workplace, then it is considered to be a type
of on the job training, and otherwise, it is generally supplemented to be an off the job
training generally based on the classrooms. In coaching, a manager can also play his role by
giving skills or useful advice or even both.

0. Training Courses
These are more of a traditional form of the employee Training and development
Process and focus on the analytical and concept grasping capabilities of the employees.
This method of developing the employee base usually revolves around seminars and
training courses followed by books or lectures. A lot of organizations organize these
courses either in-house or through the help of outsiders.
The main advantage of using the training courses as the means of development lies in its
cost-effectivity and the huge potential directed towards the tremendous improvements in
feedback and participation during the lecture process.

0. Vestibules

Using vestibules as the employee training means involves the usage of the same equipment
as for the on the job training. The primary difference in both of these is that the training can
be arranged anywhere and anytime. So, the employees can enjoy the training without any
external interruptions and disturbances. So, the transference of the skill takes place quickly
and easily.

0. Simulations
Simulations as a way of employee development involve the usage of an artificial
environment to mirror a real-life situation so that the participants could learn by actually
performing the job but under controlled conditions. Along with a virtual training ground, it
might include case analysis, role plays, experimental games, case by case studies as well as
group interactions.
Unlike vestibules, the feedback and performance measures are instantaneous and the
participants are made aware of their capabilities either during or at the end of a training
session. Moreover, the costs involved in the creation of an artificial environment with the
same opportunities is pretty low with fewer chances for poor results. The only difficulty
that lies on this pathway is that it is extremely difficult to create an exact duplicate of the
realities and pressures of the actual situations which can lead to misleading results.

0. Programmed Learning and Self-study

Self-study can be the most effective way towards the employee development, only if it is
done through proper planning. For the purpose of training, computer programs can be used
along with printed booklets to get a clear picture of different concepts, since it allows the
learners to observe a particular fact through different angles
Furthermore, the feedback process is quite fast and most of the times; the reader gets
feedback immediately, after he reads through the materials and answers the questions.
Thanks to the interactivity in the learning programs, the learning process is now faster than
ever and allows an even greater number of channels to participate, learn, improve and get
feedback. This method is extremely useful in the case when the employees belong to
different areas of the world.



3.1 Introduction to NTPC

NTPC is India’s largest energy conglomerate with roots planted way back in 1975 to accelerate
power development in India. Since then it has established itself as the dominant power major
with presence in the entire value chain of the power generation business. From fossil fuels it has
forayed into generating electricity via hydro, nuclear and renewable energy sources. This foray
will play a major role in lowering its carbon footprint by reducing green house gas emissions.
To strengthen its core business, the corporation has diversified into the fields of consultancy,
power trading, training of power professionals, rural electrification, ash utilisation and coal
mining as well.
NTPC became a Maharatna company in May 2010, one of the only four companies to be
awarded this status. NTPC was ranked 400th in the ‘2016, Forbes Global 2000’ ranking of the
World’s biggest companies. Growth of NTPC installed capacity and generation
The total installed capacity of the company is 53,651 MW (including JVs) with 21 coal based, 7 gas
based stations, 1 Hydro based station and 1 Wind based station. 9 Joint Venture stations are coal based
and 11 Solar PV projects. The capacity will have a diversified fuel mix and by 2032, non fossil fuel
based generation capacity shall make up nearly 30% of NTPC’s portfolio.

NTPC has been operating its plants at high efficiency levels. Although the company has 17.73% of the
total national capacity, it contributes 24% of total power generation due to its focus on high efficiency.

In October 2004, NTPC launched its Initial Public Offering (IPO) consisting of 5.25% as fresh issue and
5.25% as offer for sale by the Government of India. NTPC thus became a listed company in November
2004 with the Government holding 89.5% of the equity share capital. In February 2010, the
Shareholding of Government of India was reduced from 89.5% to 84.5% through a further public offer.
Government of India has further divested 9.5% shares through OFS route in February 2013. With this,
GOI's holding in NTPC has reduced from 84.5% to 75%. The rest is held by Institutional Investors,
banks and Public. Presently, Government of India is holding in NTPC has reduced to 69.74%.








Diversification The old adage "don't put all your eggs in one basket" is the key
to the success of any organisation. The desire to fuel the company’s growth,
broad base its footprint and strengthen its competitive edge led NTPC to
diversify into sectors related to its core business of power generation such as
hydro power, distribution, trading, coal mining, equipment manufacturing
among others. It is now an integrated power major with presence across the
entire power value chain.

Diversification in these area are as follow:-

Hydro Power

Coal Mining

Power Trading

Ash Business

Power Distribution

Equipment Manufacturing
Diversification growth NTPC to be a 130 GW company by 2032 with
diversified fuel mix and a 600 BU company in terms of generation. Coal
would continue as predominant fuel with 65% share of coal based capacity in
the portfolio. Non-fossil fuel based capacity would achieve a share of 30% and
Thermal based generating capacity share would be 70%. Share of RE
(including hydro) would be 28% NTPC targets a market share of 25% in
ancillary services and storage NTPC aims to achieve 10% of the estimated
market share for supply of electricity in E-mobility business .

Future prospect
NTPC has formulated a long term Corporate Plan to become a 130 GW company upto
2032. In line with the Corporate Plan, the capacity addition under implementation

Corporate Social Responsibility

• As a responsible corporate citizen NTPC has taken up number of CSR initiatives.

• NTPC Foundation formed to address Social issues at national level

• The welfare of project affected persons and the local population around NTPC projects are taken
care of through well drawn Rehabilitation and Resettlement policies.

• The company has also taken up distributed generation for remote rural areas.

• Partnering government in various initiatives

• Consultant role to modernise and improvise several plants across the country.

• Disseminate technologies to other players in the sector.

• Rural Electrification work under Rajiv Gandhi Garmin Vidyutikaran.

Environment management
• All stations of NTPC are ISO 14001 certified.

• Various groups to care of environmental issues.

• The Environment Management Group.

• Ash utilisation Division.

• Afforestation Group.

• Centre for Power Efficiency & Environment Protection.

• NTPC is the second largest owner of trees in the country after the Forest department

Human Resources
At NTPC, it begins and ends with people. The company is deeply passionate about ensuring the
holistic development of all its employees as distinct individuals and good citizens. We currently
employ approximately 23,133 Employees including employees in JVs and subsidiary companies.
Competence building, Commitment building, Culture building and Systems building are the four
pillars on which our HR systems are based. Man MW ratio improved to 0.54 in FY 2015-16 from
0.59 in 2014-15.

Our HR Vision
"To enable our people to be a family of committed world class professionals,
making NTPC a learning organisation.” Recruitment We believe in the
philosophy of 'Grow your own timber'. Our 'Executive Trainee' programme
was introduced in 1977 with the objective of raising a cadre of home grown
professionals. First Division Post Graduates and Graduate Engineers are hired
through nation-wide open competitive examinations and campus recruitments.
Hiring is followed by 52 weeks of fully paid induction training consisting of
theoretical input, on job training, personality development & management

Career Advancement & Opportunities

We have a well established talent management system in place, to ensure that
we fulfill on our promise of meaningful growth and relevant challenges for our
employees. Our talent management system comprises PERFORMANCE


Innovate, Create, Compete

We have introduced numerous initiatives which seek to enhance the creativity, innovation,
functional aptitude and teamwork of our employees. These initiatives include the National
Open Competition for Executive Talent (NOCET), Professional Circles, Quality Circles,
Business Minds and Medha Pratiyogita (a quiz for our employees). A management journal
called “Horizon” is published quarterly to enable the employees to share their ideas and
experiences across the Company.
Quality of Work-Life

NTPC is committed to provide the best available work life for its employees.
In addition to ensuring safe and aesthetically pleasing work places, NTPC
actively encourages a culture of mutual respect and trust amongst peers,
superiors and subordinates. Far removed from the buzz of cities, our townships
are the epitome of serenity, natural beauty and close community living. A
range of welfare and recreation facilities including schools, hospitals and
social clubs are provided at the townships to enhance the quality of life & the
well being of employees and their families. An entire gamut of benefits, from
child care leave to post retirement medical benefits are extended to employees
to meet any exigency that may arise in a person’s life.

Knowledge Management in NTPC

To meet our ultimate objective of becoming a learning organisation, an

integrated Knowledge Management System has been developed, which
facilitates tacit knowledge in the form of learning and experiences of
employees to be captured and recognising for future reference.

Training & Development

NTPC subscribes to the belief that efficiency, effectiveness and success of the
organisation, depends largely on the skills, abilities and commitment of the
employees who constitute the most important asset of the company. We have
developed our own comprehensive training infrastructure.

Education Up-gradation Schemes

'When you upgrade your employee’s skills, you upgrade your company', NTPC actively
motivates its academically inclined employees to pursue higher studies which are in
consonance with the needs of the recognizing . NTPC has tie-ups with leading institutions
like MDI, Gurgaon; IIT Delhi; BITS Pilani, etc on this end. NTPC sponsors batches of
employees who are inducted into their courses based on their performance rating in the
company and their performance in the entrance exam conducted by the respective institutes.
Unlike other study leave and sabbaticals, employees undergoing these courses do not forego
their salary or growth during the during the course.



Executive level


R&R, Remaining
AGM (E8) AGM (E8) SM (E6)
AGM (E8)



DGM (E7) SM (E6)

M1 M2 M3
(E6) (E6)

GM (HR) – Regional head of HR


rule is that to use 2% of profit in CSR )
R & R-

Land acquisition related topics for example sometimes during projects

sometimes villages are also acquired and livelihood of people is disturbed and
the objective of R&R is to develop those suffered people.


The objective of BE is to set organizational goals for the excellence of the



It deals with Tender related issues NIT i.e Notice Inviting Tenders ,buying activities ,
contracts , press , branding activities ,events etc PR activities .

LAW – This department deals with cases, legal cell , prohibition , disputes etc .


It is recently introduced at NTPC and no other organization is having this type of
department it is unique in nature.

Other Descriptions

At NTPC everything is centralized, there are 9 projects going in

different states, here all these projects are connected to a service hub.
There is another department known as ESTABLISHMENT it deals
with all employee related policy like gas connection, housing loans,
child education etc.
Promotion is dealt by Promotion Management department under
which there is a PMS officer who looks after promotion of the
HR development is done through two ways Traditional way for
example training and modern way through a set of activities like
quiz , presentation , Action Learning Programme .
The aim is to develop Leadership , Team Building ,recognition and
other skills among the employee .



1.Artisan Trainee
2.Diploma Trainee
3. Executive Trainee
The Artisan trainee and Diploma Trainee comes under
Workman cadre and Executive trainee comes under
executive cadre.
Here , we are going to discuss about the steps of training at
Job Analysis - Job Analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail
the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these
duties for a givenjob. Job Analysis is a process where judgements are made
about data collected on a job.

Competency Mapping - Competency Mapping is a process of identifying

keycompetencies for an organization and/or a job and incorporating
those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. job evaluation,
training, recruitment) of the organization.

Recruitment - The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate

(from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and
cost effective manner. The recruitment process includes analyzing the
requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting
applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee to the organization.

Selection - The Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidate
for the vacant position in the organization. In other words, selection means weeding
out unsuitable applicants and selecting those individuals with prerequisite
qualifications and capabilities to fill the jobs in the organization.

At NTPC or any other organization raw people are selected and through proper
training they are converted into skilled professional.


STEP 1 – Orientation programme

STEP 2 – Basic input of work is given through classes
STEP 3 – JOB ROTATION , after 6 months of job the employee is placed in
every department with the motive to give him/her knowledge about whole branch.

STEP 4 – ON THE JOB TRAINING where the selected person is continuosly

monitored under senior supervision . Two tests are conducted in one year at the time of mid term appraisal

After final term appraisal there is Final Placement

At the time of Performance planning phase one superior identifies the new
employees cons and train him that particular area , at this time the superior
decides that what kind of training should be given to one.

In this process ERP and SAP is also used (Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is business
process management softwarethat allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the
business and automate many back office functions related to technology, services and human resources. )

A training calendar is made and published (A training calendar.

Getting and maintaining atraining calendar is a tiny workplace adjustment, and
it can reap a lot of rewards. In fact, you can use atraining calendar to: Manage
the upskilling process of existing staff members. Plan the onboarding
andtraining needs of new staff.)

In case if somebody is unable to attend the training programme they could

request to reschedule the training at training center.

After three months after completion of training feedback is given, which is given
by the faculty , the boss and the employee. They have a feedback session and on
the basis of which the score is given and on the basis of scores the seniors check
out the positive and negative difference .



• Training needs analysis is generally done by discussions with superiors and

departmental heads. The participants are also involved in the analysis of their
own training needs.

• Training programs of company are highly effective & beneficial to the

employees in giving their best contribution to their personal growth &
development as well to meet the organisational objective.

• The trainer and the trainee have to work in co-operation in order to make a
training program successful.It help to build relationship between trainer and

• Employees are satisfied with the training program.

• Training help the employees to increase the motivation level and build

• Through training employee become more productive .


This study was a learning experience for me and I came to know the training
system in NTPC Ltd. was positive in response but still more training is
needed. So that the employees are motivated time by time and they should
know their strength & weakness so that they can work on it & improve their
knowledge & skills for the betterment of their organization. In the last but not
the least It was conclude that all the training programs of company are highly
effective & beneficial to the employees in giving their best contribution to
their personal growth & development as well to meet the organizational
objective. Employee were satisfied with the methods and procedure the
company is using .


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NTPC Corporate Centre HR Department

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