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ton Be
Belt E ne
nerr gy Attune
A ttunem

image of the
the Pleiades from ttheDigit
ized Sky Survey Credit: NAS A/ESA
/AUR A/Caltech.
A/C altech.

 This attunement enhances our abilit

 This ility
y to access the photon belt energie ies
s. It is said that as we
approach the 2012 we are entering the photon belt and by 2012 we will be fully within the
photon belt.
Photon belt is supposed to be the consciousness of a very high frequency vibration found
surroundiing the
surround the Ple
an conste
on. It
I t is
is believed to be a se senti
ent being
ng,, becoming more
an d more accessi
e to human anki
kindnd as
as our plplan
et earth
earth gets
gets close
closerr an
andd close
closerr to it.
While there are many different point of views about the Photon belt, scientific and spiritual,
one thi
ng common being that it i t is
is made up of ligh ghtt parti
es cal
called photons
photons which are
vi brati
ng at a high
high freq
freque uency.
ncy. I t is
is the veh
e of tran
orma ati
on and
and transm
on ea
gerr to
work with us as the emanation of the Christ consciousness.
Forr r ece
Fo ceiivi
ng the
the attuneme
attunement nt,, connect to the Source, your spiritual guides , higher self and
the Photon be belt. Ask to re rece
ceiive the Photon Be Belt Atttun
A tttune
ement sent
sent to you from
from the
the source
through Minoo V arm rma a/tea
cherr perf rfe
Enjoy for as long as the flow lasts ( usually about 30minutes)
 Th ank all those assis istted .
Photon Belt M editaion

 J ust say to yourself Photon Belt Meditation 3 times and relax. Once the flow starts you can
communicate with the Photon belt and ask for guidance.

For a detailed Cleansing meditation you may do the following breaths :

1. Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the root chakra x
3 times.
2. Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the sacral chakra
x 3 times.
3. Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the solar plexus
chakra x 3 times.
4. Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the heart chakra
x 3 times.
5. Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the throat chakra
x 3 times.
6. Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the brow chakra
x 3 times.
7. Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the crown chakra
x 3 times.
8. 8. Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the physical
body x 3 times.
9. Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the emotional
body x 3 times.
10.Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the mental body
x 3 times.
11.Inhale the photon belt energy from your crown chakra and exhale into the spiritual body
x 3 times.
For healing self / others just form a bluish purple ball of Photon belt energies and place the
subject for healing within. Y ou may form this ball between the palms of your hand or
mentally as feels right for you.
For healing the mother earth you may breathe it from your crown and radiate through your
heart or ground it into the heart of mother earth from your foot chakras.

 Y ou may pass on this attunement to others in any manner of your choosing asking for the
attunement to be for life and for the energies to be used for the highest good of all.

November 16th 2010, manual by Minoo Varma

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