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Hung, Hylie Jane M.

LEGAWRI K32 March 12, 2015

Luzuriaga, Ivan T.
Rodis, Kenzo Miguel P.
Sanger, Sanjeev J.





-versus- IS#703010




That I, Door Lord, 40 years of age, and a resident of Quezon City, after
having sworn to in accordance of the law, do hereby and state:

1. That I was commissioned by the parents of the accused to do

certain tasks for them to be able to teach their children a valuable
lesson for a definite amount of compensation. And in this light, at
around 10am of Tuesday, March10, 2015, I went to Jake and
Finn’s house to take possession of some of their properties, which
are Finn’s gum hair worth twenty thousand pesos (P20, 000.00)
and Jake’s blankie worth fifty thousand pesos (P50, 000.00).
2. When I was about to leave their house, I saw Jake sniffing a white
powder-like substance while Finn was rolling grass-like plants on a
paper both on top of the dining table which was located near the
back-door, my supposed exit door. I then exited through the front
door instead to avoid their attention for this might spoil my
3. As I am on my way to Bubblegum’s house, I noticed Jake and Finn
running after me.
4. Due to the fear I felt when I saw them running after me, I sprinted
and went inside Bubblegum’s house. While inside, I called their
parents and updated them on what was currently happening. The
parents then pressured me to finish my tasks for the success of the
mission or else they will not provide me the compensation they
have promised. I therefore quickly collected a shirt of Bubblegum
worth forty thousand pesos (P40, 000).
5. After this, Bubblegum joined Jake and Finn in trying to catch me.
6. Because of the terrible fear I felt of the idea of them catching up to
me, I entered Marceline’s house to try to hide from them.
Unfortunately, Marceline joined them.
7. After running for hours, as per the instructions of their parents, I
entered a special door in which only a Door Lord can enter without
difficulty immediately for my safety.
8. Seconds after, I heard Finn, Jake, Bubblegum and Marceline
knocking loudly on the door and repeatedly shouting, “ Give back
our things, Door Lord!”
9. They tried to open the door but they failed to do so.
10. After a while, they stopped shouting and banging the door as I
smelled smoke of burning grass.
11. It was already 2:00 pm in the afternoon when they discovered how
to open door and they needed to perform a song as a band that the
door will like in order to open the door.
12. Marceline attempted to open the door through singing however
failed in the end when she was not able to complete the lyrics of
her song.
13. Due to Marceline’s failed attempt, Bubblegum tried to open the
door but failed again and made the group frustrated and agitated. I
heard them wander off but I still did not go outside because I
thought that maybe it was a bait for me to leave the enclosed room.
I then again smelled the smoke of burning grass.
14. When it was already dark, which was around 6:30 pm in the
evening, I again heard them performing a song as a band and they
finally opened the door.
15. Jake, Finn, Bubblegum and Marceline rushed inside and asked me
what was my purpose in getting their things in which I answered,
believing that what I did was in good faith, that what I did was to
teach them a lesson and my goal was to help them realize that the
real treasures in the world are your friends and not the worldly
things one possesses, a statement that their parents told me to say
to them.
16. For a moment, all of them paused and agreed with my statement.
17. Suddenly, they all looked at each other and laughed boisterously
and then came rushing and started beating me. I never had a
chance to defend myself because it was fight of four (4) against
one (1).
18. Due to the said incident, I suffered many injuries and the
following are:
(a) Swollen left eye and cracked left eye socket. Requires
confinement and treatment for 45 days.
(b) Cracked ribs, requires confinement for 30 days.
(c) Dislocated shoulder ball joint, requires treatment for 20
(d) Crushed Kneecaps, requires surgery and replacement, and
rest for 60 days.
(e) Left hand pinkie crushed beyond repair requires
19. I am executing this complaint-affidavit in order to file a case of
Serious Physical Injuries against Finn, Jake, Bubblegum and
20. To attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing, I, Door Lord,
complainat, attaches my signature below.

Door Lord
Door Lord

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, in the City of Manila, this 11th
day of March, 2015. I hereby certify that I have personally examined the
above-named affiant and that I am satisfied that the foregoing statements
were given by him voluntarily and of his own free will.

Hylie Jane M. Hung
Associate Prosecution Attorney II

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