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Learning Strategies

These are the different learning strategies I have found works best
for me in each of these three subjects.
Population Health
Learning Strategy: Pomodoro
u This learning strategy breaks down
working periods into intervals
separated by short breaks.
u This works really well for me as I
practice this learning strategy both
in class and during personal study
time. I can gain more quality study
with a longer period of being
focused with break as a reward.
u What didn’t work so well is that I
can get easily distracted if my
phone is near by
u Therefore in the future during
Pomodoro I will have my phone off
and instead use a timer on my
laptop in the background to track
time intervals.
Learning Strategy: Repetition
u I use repetition of math questions and
examples given in our exercise book
and tutorial worksheets.
u This works well for me as I can start to
apply the math's concepts we cover
into practice questions that
progressively get more difficult.
u What didn’t work so well is when I
could not understand how to calculate
the correct answer so I would just give
up and try another question.
u Next time I would ask the lecturer or
another student to explain to me the
steps to getting the correct answer
before looking at the answers and
moving on.
Learning Strategy:
Summarising Notes
u This includes condensing and
summarising notes and main points at
the end of the topic
u This I have found really helps me start to
make connections between topics and
gain a better understanding through re-
writing and paraphrasing content
u What didn’t work well is if I had
forgotten something in the topic it was
hard for me to add it in as I try condense
the topic notes into one page
u Next time I would instead make posters
or mind maps so I can easily correct and
add to my summary notes.

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