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Tentative Estimate for planting of Milia Dubia (Malabar Neem) per Acre

Sl. Area in Acre Density 450 plants Spacing 2m

No. Components of Cost x 2m
1st year 2nd year 3rd year
Unit Cost Unit Cost Unit Cost
/MD (Rs.) /MD (Rs.) /MD (Rs.)
1. Layout & Demarcation 2 900
2. Uprooting, Cleaning of bushes, preparation of 10 4500 5 2250
3. Digging of pits (0.6m x 0.6m) 20 9000 20 900
4. Internal transportation of planting material, 4 1800 1 450
organic manure and applicat6ion of
Chloropyriphos in each pit.
5. Filling of pits with mixed soil and basal dose 10 4500 1 450
of bio fertilizer & planting along with staking.
6. Digging of catch pits and crescent bonding 6 2700 2 900
7. De-weeding in a radius of 1 metre, hoeing 5 2250
and application of fertilizer.
8. Application of PP chemicals and hormone 4 1800
9. Training, pruning, removal of lateral shoots 1 450 2 900 2 900
and deblossming etc.
10. Swabbing with chloropyriphos and painting 2 900 3 1350 3 1350
with Bordeaux paste 5:5:50.
11. Watch & Ward, watering and required care of 20 9000 20 9000
plants throughout the year
12. Fire Control measure 1 450
38250 15750 2250
1. Planting material @Rs.60/- per graft including 60 27,000 25 1500 10 600
transportation & unloading charges.
2. Cost of manure including transportation 4 4000 2 2000 4 4000
charges @ Rs.1000/- per M.T. MT MT MT
3. Fertilizers
a) N @Rs. 10.90 per Kg. 66 130 130
b) P2O5 @Rs. 21.90 per Kg. 16 600 32 1200 32 1200
c) K20@Rs. 7.70 per Kg. 16 32 32
4. Cost of PP chemicals & hormones. 450 450
5. Bordeaux Paste. 450 450
6. Trench with green fencing 6000

C) Miscellaneous / Contingency (L.S.) 150 150 150

Total A+B+C 73,300 21500 8200

N.B.: i) There may be inter-component flexibility with the approved financial outlay
ii) In case of heavy jungle growth cleaning by JCB will be considered after recommendation
of technical committee.

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