MZIHA Code of Conduct

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[MZIHA WhatsApp Group]

Code of Conduct

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a) This document outlines the code of conduct for the MZIHA WhatsApp
Group. The contents of this document shall be developed by members of
the MZIHA WhatsApp Group as coordinated by the Executive Committee.
This is a living document that can be amended by members as deemed
b) This code of conduct is developed based on the four corner stones of
Mzimba kingdom: Unity, Loyalty, Discipline and Obedience.
c) This forum is for sons and daughters of Mzimba. The main purpose of the
MZIHA WhatsApp gathering is to brainstorm and take steps towards the
socioeconomic transformation of the Mzimba Kingdom.


The forum seeks to provide a platform where the following objectives can be
a) Discuss mechanisms of how members can promote and conserve the culture
of Mzimba.
b) Mobilise resources and participate in all cultural events and other
developmental activities as relates to the well being of MZIMBA and its


a) The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to help members know and
understand the minimum standards of conduct and behaviour expected of a
member of the MZIHA WhatsApp group.
b) This reflects the basic requirements of respect, integrity and courtesy needed
to ensure that we have a platform that is resourceful, pleasant and a safe
space for members to co-exist.
The Code applies to all members including ExCo members where ExCo stands
for Executive Committee members.
The Code of Conduct establishes two principles of conduct which all members
are expected to observe:
a) To take part in deliberations and activities on this group freely and at will.
b) To fulfil obligations as a member with courtesy, respect and integrity.
MZIHA WhatsApp group can operate effectively and provide quality ideas and
outcomes for the good of MZIMBA when there is a shared expectation between
the members and the ExCo. This is a two-way commitment that benefits both
members and ExCo when expectations are met.

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Set out below is a summary of the expectations that the members of the MZIHA
WhatsApp have for their ExCo and the expectations that the ExCo has for
a) Contribute views, ideas and resources where necessarily at will in cash or kind
for the advancement of MZIMBA.
b) Respect the rights of other members and Amakhosi.
c) Exercise courtesy in posting views, opinions and content on the forum. Avoid use
of foul language and views that may be considered insulting or degrading or
discriminatory to others regardless of difference in opinions, diversity in gender,
age or religious and political affiliations amongst other disaggregating factors.
The ExCo is committed to meeting the following expectations from members of the
MZIHA WhatsApp group:
a) A commitment to advance the spirit of unity
b) A commitment to facilitating meaningful conversations and activities that would
lead to the advancement of Mzimba;
c) A commitment to moderate an environment that offers equal opportunity for
participation from all paid up members regardless of gender, age, political or
religious affiliations and any other such disaggregating elements.
d) A commitment to facilitate impartial and open deliberations
e) A commitment to uphold freedom from harassment or discrimination on the
WhatsApp group.
f) Ensure appropriate disciplinary and dispute procedures and the opportunity for
redress against unfair or unreasonable treatment of members.

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a) A member is any person that identifies themselves as originating from Mzimba by
family lineage and opts to join or to be added to this WhatsApp group and pays
an annual membership fee set by the group.
b) Annual membership fee shall be agreed upon by members of the group at the
beginning of each year. The membership fee shall be valid for a year beginning
1st January to 31st December.
c) Names of paid up members shall be published on the group by the
Treasurer/and or Vice treasurer or any member of the Executive Committee.
d) Failure to honour membership fees 3 months into the year, by 1st April; shall
mean constructive resignation as a member of the group.
e) In a case of constructive resignation due to failure to honour membership fees; a
member shall be exited from the WhatsApp group by the ExCo.
f) Membership fees shall be remitted through channels devised by the Committee
and managed by a Treasurer and/or a Vice Treasurer duly appointed by the
executive committee.
g) Membership fees shall be used towards advancing the cause that this group
seeks to serve as identified in Section 8 above.
h) ExCo members are obliged to pay membership fees like any other member.


a. Leaders shall be nominated on the group on a day agreed upon by the
Executive Committee and members before December 15th of any given
b. The following positions shall be nominated for: ChairPerson, Vice
Chairperson, Representatives from all 10 T/As from Mzimba.
c. Any member of the group is free to nominate a leader of their choice by
publicly posting the name of the nominee and the position they are
nominated for.
d. Voting of leaders shall be done on the WhatsApp group by members by
writing names of people they vote for.
e. An Elections committee shall consist of 5 members of the current
Executive Committee shall be established by the Executive committee to
moderate the elections.
f. A chairperson of the Elections committee will be appointed amongst the
five ExCo memebrs.
g. Two ordinary members shall be co-opted into the Elections Committee
through an open nomination and selection vote by members of the group
2weeks to election day. The process of electing 2 ordinary members into
the Elections committee shall be moderated by the Elections Committee.

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h. The Elections committee shall ensure to give a written notice posted on
the MZIHA WhatsApp group at least 7 times on 7 consecutive days; 2
weeks before nominations and election day.

i. The Elections Committee shall ensure to set aside a day and adequate
time for nominations for each position.

The Elections committee shall ensure to set aside a day and adequate
time for voting to take place.
j. Elected members shall assume office on 1st January of the subsequent
k. Incumbent Executive committee members shall handover funds and
notes to in coming executive committee by the 31st December of the year
prior to ushering in new Executive


a) Any paid up member of the MZIHA WhatsApp group is eligible for nomination or
to contest in an election
b) Members can be nominated and elected to serve in the Executive Committee for
3 consecutive years.
c) Any member that serves in the committee for 3 consecutive years cannot be
nominated or elected to serve in the Executive committee in the subsequent year
until 12months has elapsed from third year of service.


Members are expected to carry out their duties in an efficient and competent manner.
Members are expected to:
a) Comment views, ideas and opinions that are aimed at advancing the
development of Mzimba
b) Respect other members’ views and avoid using foul language such as swear
words or language that can be deemed degrading, insulting or demeaning of
others within the context within which it is said.
c) Report to ExCo in writing if they feel aggrieved of another members’ comment
they may have found degrading, demeaning or insulting citing the said post(s).
The ExCo, through its disciplinary committee shall convene and deliberate on the
facts presented from the two sides and deliver judgement as per disciplinary
d) Desist from posting graphic content in the form of text, pictures, audio, videos,
animations that depict brutal acts of violence.
e) Desist from posting pornographic content in the form of text, pictures, audio,
videos, animations that depict illicit sexual acts or sexual organs.

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f) Desist from using the platform to advance political, religious or other agenda
outside the cause of this WhatsApp group as defined in Section A above.
g) Desist from commenting on matters that have been declared closed for
discussion by members through moderation of ExCo in engaging members to
pass a resolution for an issue to be closed. A resolution shall be passed by a call
that is made by the majority at the material time.
h) Not to demean our Amakhosi on this forum.


Failure to observe these standards of conduct by a member may result in disciplinary
action, which could include excommunication from the group.
a) Examples of behaviour that would be considered unacceptable include:
b) Using foul language
c) Posting graphic content
d) Posting pornographic content
e) Posting text, audio, video, images and any other content that is considered
demeaning or degrading or insulting or discriminatory to others within the context
that it is posted.
f) Posting false information
g) Diverting conversations by posting unrelevant content to the subject matter on
the floor.
h) Demeaning our Amakhosi


a) Disciplinary action is about problem solving and ensuring that we have order and
fairness on the group. In general, disciplinary procedures include informal or
formal disciplinary action along the following lines:
b) The ExCo shall elect a disciplinary committee consisting of 3 members. Members
shall include the Chairperson and two other serving members.
c) The Disciplinary committee shall address all conduct raised on the floor that
contravenes with the code of conduct of this group.
d) Members can petition the disciplinary committee on the main forum or aside as
relates to grievances that require disciplinary action .
e) In case of a disciplinary case involving a member of the disciplinary committee;
the said member shall recuse themselves from the committee. The Exco shall
appoint another committee member to sit on the disciplinary panel that reviews a
case of a member of the disciplinary committee.

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a) Discussion of the problem moderated by the Chairperson or ExCo member on
the forum or aside as deemed fit by the ExCo and parties involved.
b) This shall apply in cases where a matter of difference in opinion has arisen
between two or more individuals or groups that requires moderation at point of
escalation. Members involved or otherwise, may call on ExCo to moderate.
a) written warning;
b) temporal removal from the group for 1 week or 2 weeks or 1month depending on
severity of offence.
c) Expulsion from the group.
d) Insulting, degrading and demeaning of others shall attract a minimal punishment
of 1 week suspension to expulsion in worst cases.
e) Posting of graphic, pornographic, political, religious and other unrelevant content
shall attract a minimal offense of a written warning to a maximal offense of
expulsion in worst cases.
f) Members of the disciplinary committee shall determine the severity of the case
and pass judgement as deemed fit for the offence.
g) Other options may be considered, depending on the circumstances of the case.


a) Whether disciplinary action is informal or formal, the disciplinary committee will
make sure that the disciplinary procedures are fair.
b) A member shall be told of the specific behaviour or action that is causing
concern, and given a reasonable opportunity to provide an explanation.
c) A member must be told, where appropriate, of the action that is required to
amend or improve their behaviour, and be given a reasonable opportunity to do
so. The disciplinary committee can make a determination of what is reasonable
d) The disciplinary committee must undertake an appropriate investigation before
any substantive disciplinary action is taken.
e) If the offence is sufficiently serious, a member is to be placed on 1 week
suspension from the group pending investigation.
f) It is a requirement that the process and result of any disciplinary action are put in
writing and placed on the group.
g) If a member is not satisfied with the disciplinary action taken, they may appeal
the decision of the disciplinary committee to the larger ExCo through any ExCo
member in writing. Once the entire ExCo makes a determination on an appeal
the case is deemed closed.

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a. All contributions towards activities shall be coordinated by the
Treasurer/Vice Treasuer or member of ExCo.

b. Upon deliberation by members; a developmental activity can be planned

to be deployed in Mzimba or for the people of Mzimba across various
development sectors such as health, education, water, sanitation etc.

c. Members can agree to mobilise funds for such a developmental cause.

Modalities of contributions would have to be agreed upon by members.

d. The ExCo would provide leadership in coordinating such activities in

liaison with other relevant stakeholders as deemed necessary by the
group members.


a) All contributions towards social welfare shall be coordinated by the
Treasurer/Vice Treasuer or member of ExCo.
b) In cases where it has been brought to the attention of the group that a
member has lost an immediate or nucleus family member; the group shall
contribute xxxx towards a sum of condolence to the bereaved member.
c) Definition of an immediate or nucleus family member refers to the
following: father, mother, brother, sister, spouse or child of a member.
d) In cases where it has been brought to the attention of the group that a
member is unwell; the group shall contribute a sum of xxxx to support the
sick member. A group of volunteers from the group will be encouraged to
go and visit the sick member where possible else remit the contribution to
the member via other remote channels.

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