State The Essay Title:: Adolescent Depression

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Baryalai Amin 31443

ENG 215 Outline for Research Essay

Dr. Murray
Spring 2019

State the Essay Title: Adolescent depression

Part A. Essay Introduction

 Depression is a mental illness that negatively effects on how

we feel, think and act.
 Depression is more common in teenage years and it is a
serious health problem that impacts on a teen’s overall life.
 Adolescence is the period in which a young person develops
from a child into an adult.
 In this paper, I will discuss the symptoms and causes of
depression and how to overcome it.

Part B. Essay Body

Subtopic 1: Symptoms of Depression

a. Effects on daily life activities.
b. Effects on academic performance.
c. Thoughts of death and suicide.

Subtopic 2: Causes of Depression

a. Family life
b. Environmental causes of depression
c. School life

Subtopic 3: Overcoming Depression

a. Family support
b. Adopting healthy habits
c. Reaching out to a doctor for medical treatment

Part C. Essay Conclusion

 To conclude, we should not neglect depression and especially

in teenagers as it a very serious mental illness and has adverse
impacts on their life.
 Support from the family and adopting healthy habits should be
considered first and if it didn’t help then seeking a professional
help is highly advocated.

Part D. References (in APA style)

1. Dowd, S. (n.d.). How to Help Your Depressed Teenager. Retrieved from Child Mind
Institute, New York, Website:
2. Lukasik, D. (2009). Overcoming Depression. GPSolo, 26(7), 10-15. Retrieved from
3. Moreh, S., & O'lawrence, H. (2016). Common risk factors associated with adolescent and
young adult depression. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 39(2),
283-310. Retrieved from
4. Smith, M., Robinson, L., & Segal. J. (2019). Parent's Guide to Teen Depression.
Retrieved from Help Guide Organization, Santa Monica, Website:
5. Smith, M., Robinson, L., & Segal. J. (2019). Teenager's Guide to Teen Depression.
Retrieved from Help Guide Organization, Santa Monica, Website:

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