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Getting Ahead in School

 Analyze Yourself
o Drill Down The Best, Average, Worst Times of Your Student Life
o Know Your Motivations
o Pinpoint Your Fears, Worries, and Masks
o Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
 Getting Started: Set Your Goals
o Have Faith in God
o Bear in Mind the Right Motivations
 For God
 For my parents
 Good Education will be Beneficial
 Your Grades Reflect Your Personality
 Strive to be the Best Service to Others
o Set Your Heart, Mind, and Body to Get Ahead in School
 Set Your Heart – Believe that God will Help You All the Way
 Set Your Mind Towards Success
 Set Your Mind with Full Determination and Positive Thoughts
 You could make it if you believe it
 Set Your Body in Achieving Your Goal
 Your body will cease to feel the tiredness if your mind conditions your body
 Your body will depend on what your mind feeds it
o Determine Your Exact Goals
 Getting ahead in school is not playing darts blindly. You have to work on it. It starts with a clear and realistic
 Acquire the Right Attitude
o Have a Strong Will and Determination to Succeed
o Be Optimistic
o Thrive on Challenges
o Be Open and Willing to Learn
o Have the Right Amount of Confidence
o Be Responsible
o Be Honest
o Be Helpful
 Yes, you should help people but you should know the right ways of helping them.
 The Actual Work of Getting the High Grades
o Avoid Cramming
o Set a Timetable
o Manage Your Time Wisely
o Organize Yourself and Your Tasks
o Read
o Initiate Group Studies
 Before personal study time
o Focus
 Look for a table where your back is against the people.
o Study Hard
o Study Wisely
 Pray before and after
o Review Yourself Through Someone
o Do The Extra Mile
o Know the Techniques that Work for You
o Be Consistent
o Have Fun in Studying
 Practice Your Social Skills
o Recite in Class and Mingle with Schoolmates
o Get to Know Your Teachers
o Join the Right Organizations and Extra-Curricular Activities
o Balance Your Life
o Set Your Priorities

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