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Respectful Use of Digital Media

Online Rights and


Rights Responsibilities
Safety Concerns Online
To find out what To not spread fake
is fact and what news. ✓ When you are online you have to make sure that you are being as safe as
is not. you can.
To communicate
with others.
To protect your
privacy and to not ✓ For example, having your accounts private so no random people can
talk to people u do view what your up to and who your friends are.
not know.
✓ If you are following people you are not familiar with it could lead to a
worse situation.

✓ A lot of people online are not who they say they are for example
someone who says they are a 14 year old girl could well be a 40 year old
man who is just trying to find out information about you.

✓ Make sure before you use any social media you meet the age

Responsible Approaches To
Harmful Situations
If you are in a possibly harmful situation online,
there are many steps you can take to get yourself
out of it. For example, if someone you do not
know is texting you/ harassing you online, you
should screenshot the messages, but don’t reply.
Then you should block the sender and turn your
account private if it is not already. If things go too
far you should delete the app. Always tell a What is the internet?
parent, guardian, or teacher if you are concerned.

The internet is a global computer network providing a

variety of information and communication facilities . It is
also a way for people to connect with each other, find out
new information, and share passions and interests online.

Copyright and

Part of our rights and responsibilities

online is to give credit where credit is due,
and to be given credit when it is rightfully
ours. This means that if someone, for
example, wrote an article about something
Laws of Fair Use online, and I were to use direct
information from this in a school project, I
✓ You have to be respectful and take care
when using other people’s work. would be obligated to give this person
✓ Don’t use somebody else’s work and say credit for their work. If I didn’t, that would
it’s your own because that is illegal. be considered plagiarism which can
✓ Always check your sources and make become very serious in certain situations.
sure that you’re crediting the right

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