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• Draw the structure chart for your school starting with the
principal of the school committee or governing body and
ending with the position of the pupil. Preparing the chart
should assist you in understanding the nature of your
school as an organisation.
• social units or human groupings deliberately established
for the accomplishment of specific objectives.
• An organization is thus the result of the grouping of
work and the allocation of duties, responsibilities and
authority to achieve specific goals.
The School as an Organization
• Educational institutions are organizations.
• Your school is an organization.
• In the management of education, it is important that the
school head understands that a school as an
organisation has a specific purpose.
Functions of the organization
• What the organization is supposed to do in order to
achieve the goals.
Responsibilities and Duties
• People in various positions in the organization have to
carry these out. These responsibilities and duties are
worked out from the functions.
• Responsibilities would include broad statements of the
• Duties are the day-to-day jobs arising from the
• These are specific activities within a duty.
• These describe the amount and the quality of products
from the organization.
• These are the amount and quality of products which an
organisation wishes to give out over a given time.
• title of the organisation: its name, logo or symbol or
emblem or badge or trade mark, motto, location and
• the mission statement and objectives of the organisation
• functions of the organisation
• expected results and products.
Administration and Management
• Some people use management to mean administration.
• However, management in an organization involves
planning, designing, initiating actions, monitoring activities
and demanding results on the basis of allocated
resources. It is policy making, policy control and
• Administration involves implementation of the policies,
procedures, rules and regulations as set up by the
• A school head plays the role of an administrator in the
implementation of policies on education within the
Educational Administration
• The arrangement of the human and material resources
and programme available for education and carefully
using them systematically for the achievement of
educational objectives.
Educational Administration
• Educational administrator is essentially the organiser, the
implementer of plans, policies and programmes meant for
achieving specific educational objectives.
• The educational administrator may contribute, one way or
the other, in planning, policy – making and programme
designing, yet his major role rests with the effective and
efficient implementation of such plans, policies and
programmes for the benefit of education.
Educational Administration
• Educational administration is concerned with organization
and implementation – it may be categorized under broad
areas of
1. Planning and Policy
2. Implementation
• What is the language policy in education as stipulated in
the constitution of the country?
• What are policy statements on promotion and provision
of education services as stated in the education laws?
• Name some policy statements on education by
government officials especially those on code of conduct
for pupils and for teachers; curriculum development,
implementation and evaluation.
Supervision and Inspection.
• supervision was a hand of assistance given to a
professional colleague in the process of instructional
• inspection activities focused on school administration and
finding faults as well as what was wrongly done by the
teachers in order to punish them.
Objective of Supervision of
• to improve the overall teaching process and to ensure
that effective educational services are rendered by the
teachers to the students.
Supervision of Instruction
• is carried out by those designated to do so.
• They are known by different names within and outside
the school system;
• supervisors, superintendents, principals, department heads,
deans, rectors, etc.
Supervision of Instruction
• Supervision of instruction is a professional, continuous
and cooperative exercise that covers all the aspects of
the life of a school. It covers all the sub-systems of the
school and influences them.
• The main purpose of influencing all the sub-systems in
the school is to ensure improvement in teaching-learning
situation and also to ensure quality teaching and learning
in the school.
Supervision of Instruction
• Supervision of instruction takes place in educational
institution which is a social system with a number of
interacting sub-systems
1. Teaching subsystem,
2. School management sub-system
3. Counseling and co-curriculum subsystems
Supervisions and leadership
• In addition to the managerial and administrative role, the
head teacher has a supervisory and a leadership role.
• Suppose you are appointed as head of a school where
results in Mathematics for Grade 7 have been poor for
the last five consecutive years. Suggest any three
supervisory and any three leadership steps you would
take towards the improvement of the Mathematics results
in the school.
Purpose of Supervision of
• to ensure that the right instruction is passed to the
students with the right method by the right people at
the right time. This will influence the attainment of the
major instructional and educational goals.
Reasons for carrying out
supervision of instruction in schools
• assess and establish the performance of the teachers in
the school,
• provide specific assistance to teachers with deficient
teaching methods,
• discover teachers with special teaching skills and qualities
in schools,
• ascertain and assess teachers classroom management
• provide level play ground for teachers growth and
Reasons for carrying out
supervision of instruction in schools
• provide teachers with professional magazines, journals or
references that would enlighten, motivate and encourage
them to be familiar with changes in the instructional
delivery methodologies,
• ensure the conformity of the dissenting teachers to the
appropriate instructional delivery methods through
directional leadership,
Reasons for carrying out
supervision of instruction in schools
• organize induction programme to new teachers on various
teaching methods available and make available other staff
development programme that should serve as incentives
to improve incompetent teachers, and
• Assess the overall climate of the instruction available in
the school and identify some of its most urgent needs.
Thank You.

Prepared by:
Romerson C. Orro
MA Educational Management student

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