Possible Questions and Possible Answers For Css Interview

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1. You want to set up a dual-boot scenario between Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. How would you do this?
Create two drives from the HDD by partitioning, 1st drive for Windows 7 and 2nd drive for Windows Server 2008
2. What do you call the computer software which you configure before installing the OS?
BIOS (Basic Input Output System)
3. How many RID (Relative Identification) Master in one domain?
4. What would you advise a client who wants to improve the computer’s built-in video card?
Buy an internal video card having higher memory capacity
5. What may be the problem and what should be done if the display does not match what you expect to view on the
Change the display settings look for higher resolution and color quality
6. What type of screw driver will you use for small screws usually found in Compaq and Apple computers?
Torx Screwdriver
7. How will you check and what instrument will you use to determine whether the power supply is providing enough
voltage output or
Voltmeter. Measure the output voltage of the power supply using appropriate setting on the voltmeter
8. What will you do if a customer wants to install an operating system in his PC but does not have an optical drive?
Create a bootable flash drive
9. What may be the problem if a computer does not recognize a bootable flash drive? What would you do to resolve
Maybe the BIOS is not properly configured to boot on the flash drive. Configure BIOS to boot on the flash drive
10. After testing the assembled product, you have noticed that the product is not working, what are possible causes?
Power cord is unplug
Cards were not properly seated in the slot particularly the RAM
Wrong Panel Arrangement
The product was damaged during handling or travelling
11. What will you do if after installing both the IDE hard drive and optical drive you have noticed that only one drive is
Check the Jumper Setting
12. If after assembling a brand new computer the monitor does not display any image or character, what may be the
possible causes?
Check power on switch, check the monitor cable
13. Enumerate possible causes when the computer does not produce any sound from the speaker.
Sound card no driver
Muted or the volume is down to zero
Power cord is unplug
Audio cord was not inserted in the audio socket
14. Where should you keep peripheral cards or computer memory cards?
Dry place away from heat and sunlight
15. What should you do after installing peripheral devices such as a sound card?
Install a driver to make it work properly
16. What should you configure in the BIOS when you are going to install an operating system using an optical
The Boot Sequence
17. Prior to assembling a computer, what should you wear to protect computer parts from ESD?
Wear an anti-static strap particularly in wrist area

18. What should you do if suddenly there is a lightning storm that occurs while assembling a computer?
Turn off the PC. Power surge may occur which damage the unit
19. What should you do if accidentally, water spilled on the computer which you are currently using?
Pull the power cord, put a clean cloth to absorb the liquid and let it dry for hours or days of waiting
20. What do you call a bootable disk that contains a full usable OS?
Live CD or Live USB
21. What term is used to define one or more IP subnets that are connected by the fast links?
22. When modifying the scheme, Microsoft recommends adding administrator to what group only for the duration of
the task?
Schema Admins
23. What kind of cable are you going to use if you want to network two computer units only?
Crossover Cable
24. Based on rules, what type of network would you suggest to your client who wants to network more than 100
LAN (Local Area Network)
25. What type of network would you recommend if your client has only few computer units?
SOHO Network (Small Office and Home Office)
26. What if the computer you have to network is more than 100 and you noticed that the network is slowing down,
what are you going
to do? Give at least one recommendation?
Use high speed Switch or Router
27. What would you do if the devices that you are going to network are far from each other?
Use a repeater device
29. After checking the cable with LAN tester and the tester indicates that the output of the two ends swapped, pin one
goes to pin three
from the other end, and pin two goes to pin six on the other end, what does it signify? Is it good or bad?
Incorrect sequence because of wrong color sequence on the UTP wire. It is bad
30. After replacing a good cable, still the computers cannot connect to each other, what are some possible causes of
having no
connection if the network is using static IP addresses?
Set the PC with same workgroup on your network and assigned an IP Address
31. After configuring the network interface card, how will you going to test the connectivity of your network?
Test network connectivity with PING
32. What type of cable are you going to use to connect two computers?
Cross-over cable
34. In order for computers to network, what are the things you are going to set or configure?
Install driver on the NIC
Turn on Network Discovery and File/Printer Sharing then Torn off password protected sharing
Type the PC name with same workgroup name
35. What should you do if you want to transfer file/files into another computer? How do you share a folder named
Change the properties of the folder by configuring sharing options and allowing the permissions to full control
36. Name the two (2) kinds of Linux boot loader.
LILO (Linux Loader) and GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader)
37. What is the term used for software which is not part of the OS?
Application software
38. Why there are different executable programs running in Task Manager when you start a RemoteApp from a full
They are the applications that are listed in the RemoteApp Programs

39. Do you still need to lock down the server when you use RemoteApp programs?
No it does not matter
40. Can you configure a server to permit users only to connect via RemoteApp and block users from connecting to
the desktop?
Yes, server can be configure to permit/prevent user from running it
41 . What contains the rules and definitions that are used for creating and modifying object classes and attributes
within the Active
Schema NC
42. What allows business to define, manage, access and secure network resources including files, printer, people
and applications?
Directory Service
43. What Windows Server 2008 feature is a special installation option that creates a minimal environment for running
only specific
service or roles?
Server Core
44. What is the minimum amount of storage space required for the Active Directory installation files?
200 MB
45. You set-up a network where each computer acts as a client and server and in which each user shares other’s
resources including
printers. What do you call this setup?
Group Policy
46. What special identity group contains all authenticated users and domain guest?
47. What account name refers to each user’s login name?
SAM account (Security Account Manager)
48. What do you call the group that you cannot manually modify or view its membership?
special identity groups
49. What can be used to add, delete, or modify objects in Active Directory, in addition to modifying the schema, if
LDIFDE (Lightweight Data Interchange Format, Data Exchange)
50. What may be the problem if the shared folder could not be accessed? What will you do to resolve the problem?
Configure the folder options particularly the Sharing and Security Tab and set the permission to full control by
52. What are you going to do to access a server located far from the client computer which you are troubleshooting?
Remote Desktop Connection
53. What may be the reason why you cannot access and connect to other computers remotely? How would you
resolve the problem?
Remote access to other computer is not enabled
54. After installing an anti-virus to your network, you cannot connect to other computers, what could be the possible
cause of it?
Antivirus firewall filters or blocks all network activity to ensure security on local network
55. After logging, you noticed that you cannot change the IP address of other users, what could be the possible
Ordinary users do not have permission to change IP address of other users only Administrator account can.
56. What policies are you going to suggest to secure your server?
Use more complex password security
57. What would you suggest in order to come up with a strong password?
Combination of Numbers, Symbols, Capital Letters, and Lower-Case Letters
58. As an Administrator and security precaution, what type of account will you use in performing ordinary tasks?
Domain Admins
59. What may be the causes why the computer displays a black screen and produces no beep when power is turned
on? What should
you do to correct the situation?
Check the RAM if seated properly or try any other RAM also check the processor heat sink
60. If RAM is not the cause, what may be another cause and what should you do to solve the problem?
Try using the built-in video card, clear the CMOS by removing the battery and shorting the pins
61 . How would you avoid overheating of devices such as CPU, or any other devices that produces more heat?
Add or replace the silicon paste regularly
62. The computer power supply fan is creating noise. If after inspection you found out that it is rotating slowly, what
would you do?
Dust could have been accumulated in the power supply fan. Clean it up
63. After transferring the computer unit, the monitor has no more display but the power indicator is on. What are the
steps that you
must do? Name two causes of the problem.
Check both ends of the video cable if it connected properly
Remove add on graphics card and boot with on-board card
64. How would you avoid power supply from overloading?
Do not use multiple hard drives, CD-ROM drives, and floppy drives and extra CPU fans
Do not fill up all the expansion slot and PCI slots
65. What are possible causes if the printer is not responding?
Maybe the printer cable is not properly plug on the printer port on the computer
No power. Cable damaged or unplugged
Was not set as default printer
66. What are the possible causes if the computer system does not boot?
Corrupt or missing file(s)
Motherboard Failure
Hard disk is old and beginning to fail
An infestation of the computer with malicious software
67. What do you call a pool of open source applications?
68. In the absence of an internal/external optical drive, what option can you use to install an OS?
You can install OS using bootable USB drive
69. What command line tool is used for monitoring Active Directory and provides functionality such as performing
connectivity and
replication tests?
70. What defines a chain of site links by which domain controller from different sites can communicate?
Site link bridge

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