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1. Dinna : Are you doing homework now?

Anna : No, I did it this afternoon.

Dianna : Are you kidding me! The teacher has just given just this morning.
Anna : Well, thank you.

What is the suitable expression to fill the blank?

A. How quick you are!
B. So lazy you are!
C. Pretty good
D. I don’ t like it

The dialogue is for questions number 2 and 3.

Sales : Good morning, Sir. Here, we have a new product.
Mr Edi : What is that?
Sales : It’s the newest mobile phone of our brand.
Mr. Edi : I want to know more about your products. May I check it?
Sales : Of course.

2. What kind of expression is in the dialogue?

A. Expressing apology
B. Asking for permission
C. Expressing obligation
D. Expressing agreement

3. Where does the dialogue probably happen?

A. In a restaurant
B. In an office
C. In a shop
D. In a street

4. Wilie : What’s the matter with you?

Smith : I … finish the project today. The deadline is almost over. It’s tomorrow.
Wilie : Don’t worry! I’m sure you can finish it. You always do a great job.
Smith : Thank you, Wilie.
Wilie : That’s what friends are for.

The most appropriate word to complete the dialogue is?

A. can
B. may
C. must
D. should
The following text is for questions 5 - 5.

Dear Fernando,

May every day in Sydney full of happiness, reward and success.

To get scholarship abroad is not easy but you could achieve it.
We are proud of you, dear
Mom & Dad

5. Based on the text we can conclude that Fernando….

A. comes from Sydney

B. is a smart student
C. gets some rewards
D. stays with his parents a broad

6. “… could achieve it.” What does it refer to?

A. Scholarship
B. Abroad
C. Reward
D. Happiness

The following text is for questions 7 and 8.

Dear Alika

I’m sorry I can’t pick you up at school because I must take your sister to the
doctor. You can go home by bus with Valian. Father will pick you up at the
bus stop near Kartosuro market.


7. Why did Alika’s mom sent her a message?

A. To tell that father will pick up Alika
B. To tell that father will go to Kartusuro market
C. Valian can’t go home with Alika
D. Alika’s mom will pick her up

8. What will Alika do after receiving the message?

A. She will call her father
B. She will take a bus
C. She will go to the doctor
D. She will wait for Valian

The text is for question number 9.

Bram, I just got bad news. As you know Nita’s father is

hospitalized. He passed away last night. Please forward
this message to our friends.

9. “Please forward this message to our friends.” The underlined word is closest in meaning
to ….
A. ship
B. post
C. send
D. deliver

The following text is for questions 10 - 12.

HANA Pet Shop

Jl. Wawo 78 Surabaya

Do you need Siamese, Dalmatian, Louhan, Clow fish, or

Come to HANA Pet Shop and take them home
We have the best pets in town with reasonable prices
Open Daily 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
We also provide:
Bird food
Cat food
Dog food
Reptilian food
Fish food

10. The purpose of writing the text is ….

A. To persuade to provide fish
B. To inform about a pet shop
C. To promote Hana Pet Shop
D. To invite people to come to Hana Pet Shop

11. From the advertisement above, we know that the shop sells….
A. Aquarium and bird food
B. Cattle and its cage
C. Fish and its food
D. Fish and goat

12. “…..with reasonable prices.”

The synonym of the underlined words is….
A. understandable C. very expensive
B. fair, not to high D. very cheap

The following text is for questions 13 - 15.


To: All students

The school has launched a website and the address is

The website provides you with much information about our school (the history, the recent
activities, the plan) and of course your achievement.
Please check out the site and don’t forget to inform about it to your parents because the site
also has the parents page.
Henry Harianto

13. What does the website provide?

A. Student’s achievement C. Money
B. The history of the palace D. The plan of company

14. “The school has launched a website….”

The underlined word means to….something
A. Begin C. Make
B. Finish D. Terminate

15. What is the purpose of writing the announcement above?

A. To ask parents to make achievement
B. To inform the students about their achievement
C. To ask the students to visit the school’s website
D. To let the students know about the new website

The text is for question number 16 and 17.

To: All Department Managers
The meeting will be held to discuss the customer’s complaints.
This afternoon Jan, 4th 2010 at 01 p.m. in the meeting room.
Please bring the documents needed.
Thank you
Secretary Director
16. What will be discussed in the meeting?
A. The customer’s order.
B. The customer’s needed.
C. The customer’s documents.
D. The customer’s complaints.

17. Who will attend the meeting?

A. Customers.
B. All managers.
C. Secretary director and all managers.
D. Director, secretary and all managers.

This text is for question number 18 – 21.

Crisp Roast Duck

1 long island duck
2 cups boiling-hot water
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1. Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200⁰ C.
2. Rinse duck inside and out.
3. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.
4. Pour boiling-hot water over duck (to tighten skin). Cool duck.
5. Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper.
6. Roast duck, breast side up, until skin is brown and crisp, then remove from the oven.
7. Crisp Roast Duck is ready to be served.

18. What is the purpose of writing the text?

A. To ask the readers to roast a duck
B. To tell the readers how to make Crisp roast duck
C. To sell Crisp Roast Duck to the readers
D. To buy the ingredients of Crisp roast duck

19. What is the text about?

A. The instructions to prepare crisp roast duck.
B. Things needed to make some food.
C. The steps to make a delicious food.
D. How to make crisp roast duck.

20. What do we need to prick the skin of the duck?

A. Salt
B. Black pepper
C. A sharp fork
D. Boiling-hot water

21. What will probably happen if we don’t pour boiling-hot water over the duck?
A. The skin will wrinkle
B. The skin will be cool
C. The skin will tighten
D. The skin will be harden

The following text is for questions 22 - 25.

The legend of Lake Batur

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant like creature named Kbo
Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well as
creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough food
for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new
harvest was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his hunger, he
destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn to rage. So, they
came together to plan steps to oppose thus powerful giant by using his stupidity.
They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and
temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole. One day he
had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the village began to throw
the limestone they had collected before into the hole boiling. Kbo Iwo was buried alive. Then
the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it overflowed and formed Lake Batur.
The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo is known as Mount Batur.
22. What does the text tell us about?
A. The story of Balinese
B. The history of Balinese epic
C. The legend of Kbo Iwo
D. The legend of Lake Batur

23. How did Balinese feel when all the houses destroyed by the giant?
A. patient C. afraid
B. angry D. worry

24. What had caused Kbo Iwo’s anger?

A. He wasn’t satisfied with the meal
B. There was only little food in the barn
C. The villagers burried him alive

25. The villagers threw limestones to him. “It made the Balinese turn to rage.” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word means....
A. Wise c. Angry
B. Patient d. Satisfied

The following text is for questions 33 - 36.

Rini’s house is on Jl. Cimalaya no. 33. Her house has many rooms. They are a living
room, a library, a dining room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a kitchen.
The house is often described as a palace because of its architecture and carvings and
painting which adorn its interior and gardens. It is a unique showplace of the Balinese and
Javanese arts and crafts.
Besides, it has a private swimming pool, sport and recreational facilities and a
magnificent hall, for up to 300 persons, equipped with the latest audio visual equipment.

26. The text above is telling us about….

A. A palace
B. Rini’s house
C. Interior and gardens
D. Architecture and carving

27. What is equipped with the latest audio visual equipment?

A. Recreational facilities
B. Swimming pool
C. Magnificent hall
D. Sport facilities

28. The facility of the house is stated in the … paragraph.

A. first C. third
B. second D. all paragraph

29. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To entertain the readers
B. To present information about Rini’s house
C. To describe Rini’s house
D. To promote Rini’s house

This text is for question number 41 – 43.

Last weekend the girl scouts and the boy scouts of my school had their first fun
camping outside the school.
They left for Cikoneng at 05.00 a.m. After a long and thrilling drive they arrived at
the village and found a good camping site.
“Let’s set up our tents there,” said the leader while pointing at a garden. Then, they
started to work. In a short time the tents were ready and they put a small flag on the top of
each tent. After that, some girl scouts made a fire while some others cooked their lunch. The
boys were busy working. The lunch was ready at 03.00 and they immediately started to eat.
After that, they took a little rest

30. When did the scouts begin their fun camping programs?
A. At night.
B. In the evening.
C. In the morning.
D. In the afternoon.

31. “…. and some others cooked their lunch.” (paragraph 3)

What does the underlined phrase refer to?
A. The teachers.
B. The girl scouts.
C. The boy scouts.
D. The leader of scouts.

32. What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. The scouts set up their tents.
B. The scouts came to the camping site.
C. The scouts prepared everything for camping.
D. The scouts started their activities in camping site.

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