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Statistical Modelling and Machine Learning:

Introduction to model selection: Regularization and
Ridge regressions and penalized regression e.g. LASSO
Q1. Explain the general idea of model selection techniques in Machine learning / List and explain the
features of model selection.


The features of model selection are:

techmax 4-1 and 4-2 for features

1.accuracy time


4.nature of parameters

Q2. Explain the concept of regularization.

Ridge and Lasso regression comes under regularized regression.

19. Write down the difference between Lasso and Ridge regression.

Q3. What do you mean by - LASSO regression, Ridge Regression?

Q3. Explain Penalised Regression.


Bias/variance tradeoff e.g. parsimony

3. What is bias? What is variance? Write a note on bias / variance trade

Q4.What are AIC, BIC?
Cross validation
Q5. Write a note on cross validation.

Data transformations
Dimension reduction
Q7. Write a note on dimension reduction.
Feature extraction
Q8. Explain feature extraction.

Smoothing and aggregating

Q29 to Q33 refer pdf FINAL AnswerBank Data Science of Unit 3

Supervised Learning
9.What is supervised learning and unsupervised learning? Explain any one
technique.(logistic regression read it in further ans)
10. Explain the general model of regression and its types. Give the idea wrt R.(not found)
Linear models
Regression trees
11. What are regression tree? Give an idea wrt R.
Ans:read techmax 6-4 to 6-12 for understanding
Time-series Analysis

Classification: classification trees

classification refer techmax 6-15 and 6-16
understanding sums:6-18 to 6-22
Classification vs Regression

20. Write down the difference between classification and regression.


Classification predictive modeling problems are different from regression predictive

modeling problems.

• Classification is the task of predicting a discrete class label.

• Regression is the task of predicting a continuous quantity.
There is some overlap between the algorithms for classification and regression; for example:

• A classification algorithm may predict a continuous value, but the continuous value is in the
form of a probability for a class label.
• A regression algorithm may predict a discrete value, but the discrete value in the form of an
integer quantity.
Some algorithms can be used for both classification and regression with small modifications,
such as decision trees and artificial neural networks. Some algorithms cannot, or cannot
easily be used for both problem types, such as linear regression for regression predictive
modeling and logistic regression for classification predictive modeling.

Importantly, the way that we evaluate classification and regression predictions varies and
does not overlap, for example:

• Classification predictions can be evaluated using accuracy, whereas regression predictions

• Regression predictions can be evaluated using root mean squared error, whereas
classification predictions cannot.
Logistic regression
Q12. Writ a note on logistic regression.
22. Write down the difference between logistic and linear regression.
Separating hyperplanes
13. Explain SVM
14. Explain k-nn technique.
Unsupervised Learning:
Principal Components Analysis (PCA), k-means clustering, Hierarchical clustering,
Ensemble methods
15. Write a note on PCA. (refer techmax for smaller ans else pdf)
Ans: Refer Q34 and Q35 of pdf FINAL AnswerBank Data Science of Unit 3
16. Explain k-means clustering.
Ans: Refer Q36 of pdf FINAL AnswerBank Data Science of Unit 3

21. Apply k means algorithm to the following data

Ans: refer techmax 7-7 to 7-12 for the above sum

17. Explain hierarchical clustering
Ans: Refer Q37 of pdf FINAL AnswerBank Data Science of Unit 3

18. Explain ensemble methods. (refer techmax for smaller ans else pdf)
Ans: Refer Q38 of pdf FINAL AnswerBank Data Science of Unit 3

Refer techmax for all the above topic sums of syllabus if time permits.

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