Tugas Bahasa Inggris Planning

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Nama kelompok :
Gabriel Deva rayvaldi
Kevin Irsyad Permana
Andikha Arya Mufti
Ngurah Bintang Adisva
M. Hadi Surya Hidayat
Nur Anggaditya
Deva,Roji&,Kevin. Spent the time together after school. Suddenly Deva remembered,today was
haikal birthday

Deva: hai, is n’t it today is 28th of September ?

Kevin: Yes, it is, what’s up brow
Roji : Yes, today is haikal’s birthday
Deva : we should. Celebrate with make surprise party.
Kevin : how about if we pull him go in to river
Roji : No, that’s too much
And then while they were thinking ,Angga and dikha came and joined with team
Angga : Hi Guys, what are you thinking. You guys look so seriously.
Dikha : Yes, you guys look like gonna have some test
Deva : we are thinking to make surprise birthday for haikal today is his birthday
Dikha: owh. Really
Roji : how about if we go together to see the movie
Dhika : that s a good idea
Kevin : Any orther idea?
Deva : how about if we go to dinner
Angga : wait I don’t see Bintang where is he?
Deva : Owh ya… can you call him Roji? So he can come also
Roji : ok.
Roji Call bintang
Bintang : hallo what’s up brow ?
Roji : hallo Bintang we are here discussing with friends, about haikal’s birthday.
Can you come over
Bintang : yes, yes I am coming
Bintang came over
Kevin : come on bintang what is your idea for haikal birthday ?
Bintang: lets make it easy and simple we go to see the movie together and then. After that
We are going to have dinner.
Deva : it Sounds good
Angga ,Dhika,Kevin,roji: we are agree with you .
Deva : who Will contact haikal first
Kevin: I will
Roji : ok. Explain to him we gonna go out together to watch the movie and having dinner
Dikha : how we gonna pay it?
Angga : we can do it together, we share the bill
Bintang :yes , agree
Then Kevin called haikal
Haikal : Hallo Kevin
Kevin : hi haikal we are going go to watch the movie this afternoon you should come
with us
Haikal : wow its great , I will come surely
Kevin : ok we meet at level 21. At 19.00
Haikal : ok see you soon
At. Level 21
Dikha,Angga,Kevin,Roji,Deva,Bintang already have 7 ticket for them to watch the movie
Bintang : remember, no body say happy birthday to haikal before we having dinner,
ALL: OK…….
Haikal come
Haikal : Hai guys..
ALL : Hai Haikal..
Angga : lets go in ..
After 1.5 hours, the movie finished
Bintang : Time to have dinner
At the food court
While roji angga bintang sat down and talked with haikal and at the orther side deva,Kevin,and
dikha prepared birthday’s cake completedly with the candle for haikal.
Deva Kevin, dkiha came to where haikal sat and sang birthday’s song
All sang happy birthday to haikal
Haikal very gratefull for song what
His friend was doing for him
He is was thankfull. Haikal made a wish and then blew the candle all. Clap their hand
Kevin,Deva,Roji,Bintang,Angga,Dikha: HAPPY BRITHDAY HAIKAL
Haikal : Thanks to you all guys
They hugh each other. The last they had dinner
ALL: time to eat
ALL : yes.. yipii

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