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Adler, Ronald B., and Russel F. Proctor. “Looking out Looking In.” 14th ed., CENCAGE Learning, 2014.

This is an excellent textbook that breaks down the basic principles and concepts of

communication. The textbook builds on its concepts leading to slightly more advanced concepts

in each chapter. This was my main resource while writing this paper.

Croteau, David, and Hoynes, William. “Media, Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences.” 5th ed.,

SAGE, 2013.

Media/Society was a required textbook for my Media Theory class. Although I have known of

Karl Marx’s theory of human agency, I had not learned about it in school. That I recall, this is the

first time I was assigned to read about agency in a textbook. It is a great concept that I enjoyed.

Danesh, H. B. “Human Needs Theory, Conflict, and Peace.” ​The Encyclopedia of Peace

Psychology​, 2011. ​Wiley Online Library​, doi:10.1002/9780470672532.wbepp127.

I only referenced this journal once in my introduction. I wish I would have found it sooner and

used it more. It has great content for explaining how our most basic needs can lead to conflict.

Filho, Edson, and Jean Rettig. “Intergroup Conflict Management Strategies From a Nobel Peace

Laureate: The Case of José Ramos-Horta.”​Psychology and Behavioral Sciences




This article was my best resource for explaining active listening. It is a report of Dr. José

Ramos-Horta, who was a 1996 Nobel Peace Laureate. It is combining the foundation of the Dr’s

speech and an interview with him. He uses active listening, mindful breaks, and awareness of

media trends to create personal and strategic networking contacts which is then connected to

managing conflict.
Hicks, Tim. “Steps for Setting Up an Effective Conflict Management System.” ​ -

Find Mediators - World's Leading Mediation Information Site,​ Everything Mediation,

Sept. 2000,

This is probably my weakest source as it is an article posted by a mediator. I decided to stand by


because I determined that a mediator is a professional in conflict communication and Hick’s did

provide quality information for conflict prevention.

"When patients dispute a bill: Policy helps to defuse situation." Health Care Collector, Apr. 2014, p. 6+.

Academic OneFile,

AONE&xid=1912ab56. Accessed 29 Apr. 2019

What I appreciated about this journal entry is that it directly pertains to training employees for

customer conflict. The workplace requires training for appropriately handling problems between

coworkers, subordinates, and managers, but it is also important to train employees on managing

common conflicts with clients. This served as a great resource for diffusing conflict, especially

when there is a high chance it will occur.

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