Reflection Final Essay

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Meister 1

Alexandra Meister
Professor Watson
English 1001
April 22, 2019
Reflection of my work

This semester has been a journey for me, being my first step into the college life I didn’t

know what to expect. Starting at the beginning of the semester, I was worried that I wouldn’t

have the skills to be able to write a full proof college essay, but at this point I can say that I’m

fully confident in the work I can create. The first two essays, I believe, were over the same topic

selected from a food category give by the professor. I liked this as a starter assignment for the

semester because it gives you a feel for how the class will be and it helped me understand the

best type of sources and how to incorporate which is very important when it comes to writing

assignments. I found it very helpful being able to always access important documents but not

only that is there were numerous documents posted that just provided extra help or extra

understanding if you will.

When it came to the composition of most of my work before this semester, nothing was

every more than a few pages with the basic five paragraph style essay set up. It was definitely

hard for me writing that first 5-7-page essay, but it was good because it made me stretch my

thinking and have to come up with more ways to present this idea which made me think outside

the box more and research further. Another thing that was new for me this semester was the

rhetoric audience appeals which after learning about them and how to incorporate them properly

I found that they can be very important to my writing. Overall, I enjoyed this class because it

expanded my mind and shaped me for the next few years of hard work to come before I

graduate. I feel confident in moving forward because of the things you taught over the semester.

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